You know you're running bad when...

... you can accurately predict how you're going to get screwed, just before it happens.

$300 SNG Full Tilt (not that it matters, I've been taking the beats all over the place). I promise you this is not an excuse to post a bad beat story... it isn't even a bad beat really... Just kinda funny.

Dealer: Hand #1874948267
Dealer: LuckboxFromHell posts the small blind of 50
Dealer: bdubs3737 posts the big blind of 100
Dealer: You have been dealt [4d 4c]
Dealer: BIG_D_MONEY raises to 300
Dealer: Formuleone folds
Dealer: cracking aces raises to 955, and is all in
Dealer: CEOSLNL folds
Dealer: LuckboxFromHell folds
Dealer: bdubs3737 folds
Dealer: BIG_D_MONEY calls 655
Dealer: cracking aces shows [4d 4c]
cracking aces: coin flip?
Dealer: BIG_D_MONEY shows [Kd Ac]
cracking aces: yep
Dealer: The flop is [5s 5h Qc]
Dealer: The turn is [3s]
cracking aces: Q
Dealer: The river is [Qs]
Dealer: cracking aces shows two pair, Queens and Fives
Dealer: BIG_D_MONEY shows two pair, Queens and Fives
Dealer: BIG_D_MONEY wins the pot (2,060) with two pair,
Queens and Fives
cracking aces: knew it
Dealer: cracking aces stands up
Dealer: Hand #1874952023
Dealer: bdubs3737 posts the small blind of 50
Dealer: BIG_D_MONEY posts the big blind of 100
cracking aces (Observer): typed it b4 it happened
cracking aces (Observer): this place is too predictable

Suffice to say I am looking forward to going to Vegas tomorrow. A change of scenery will be nice.


  • Hope things turn around for ya Devin...have a good trip!
  • :ac :ac hey Devo

    Saw you on pokerstars in the 2 big touyney you played on Sunday. I liked some things i saw from you, but were you getting crap cards alot because i did not see you play alot of hands in either one. I wanted to say hi but observer chat is blocked unless you have the buy in in your account. I was hoping you got farther in both of them, i was cheering for you. I also wanted to send you and Johnny emails but i cant through here, was hoping to keep in touch.

    your favourite pnl player

  • Ya that's the friggin worst. I didnt type it, but once I had QQ all in vs 45suited and 97o in an $ SNG, covered by the 45. Flop is K96. I say aloud 8, 7 for the straight. Sure enough turn 8 river one of the remaing 3 7s. Another time I sucked out with A10 vs AK on a AKQ flop to turn the jack. Immediately i have this terrible feeling a 10 will hit the river... Bam Split pot.
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