Hands for Analysis - #2

Continued from:
I was in a local 1/1nl game here in the 'Peg and wanted to share a few intersting hands to get your reactions (the first two I was involved in, the last one I was an observer).

Note: this was a very loose table, lots of pre-flop raising and re-raising with less-than-stellar hands. I had been playing quite loose for the first hour to try and establish a LAGGY image before switching into TAG mode.

Hand #2:

My mode/table image: LAG
My Chip Count: $165
There is a raise from EP to $6, 2 callers, I'm on the button with :3c:3d and I call, SB folds, BB calls.

Pot $25

Flop: :2d:3s:6h

EP raiser bets $10, 1 caller, I make it $35 total, BB folds, EP raiser folds, caller makes it $70 to go - ???? call then min-reraise? I'm thinking 22/66/45, the 45 being the most likely. I can beat 22, have outs to beat 45 and am in BIG trouble against 66. He has me covered.

What do you do?


  • He COULD have 66...but he could also have 1010 or JJ or KK or AK.

    You flopped a set on a low board with a threat of a straight. You have to push it here and hope for the best. If villian is holding 45s, you're not going to get him off the hand, but he is going to try to get you off yours.
  • Move all-in when he makes it 70. He's not folding. You aren't folding. Get it in.
  • All-in (and you should beat him getting your chips into the pot ;) ).
  • Why is 45 the most likely hand. Yes it is the BEST hand but I don't think the most likely.

    Push it all in.
  • i would put him on a higher PP

    push allin
  • Easy All-in. It is unlikely that 45 called a pre-flop raise. If he did then you were destined to lose your stack here. Same deal with 66 (as far as destiny goes.)

    You are almost always ahead here. You were hoping to flop a set when you called pre-flop. Why are you worried now? I could see you being afraid on a monotone flop or something that looks like this

    :ac :as :3s

    Push'em in and get paid. :)
  • cadillac wrote: »
    Easy All-in. It is unlikely that 45 called a pre-flop raise.

    I agree that it's an easy all-in, but I disagree that it's unlikely that 45 called a pre-flop raise. If $6 was the standard raise and this table was playing loose, I'd try to get in with 45 suited (smallest connector I'd go as it can hit straights on both sides) to hit huge and stack another player.

    When look at the hand thought, the flat call, followed bya re-raise once it was down to two player seems really suspect. (Almost like we wanted to keep everyone around, but once it was heads-up and lost the third player, his just trying to get as much in the pot as he can.) You'd almost think an over pair would attempt to protect his hand with a raise after the first bet..

    Still there are some hands you're ahead of, and unless you're against 66 have enough re-draws to make a push profitable.
  • I know I'm not adding anything new here...all in...villian probably has a big PP...I'm guessing QQ or KK and he's not putting you on 3's. I don't think 45 is an viable hand for this guy to have
  • Thanks for all your responses, much appreciated!
    I agree that it's an easy all-in, but I disagree that it's unlikely that 45 called a pre-flop raise. If $6 was the standard raise and this table was playing loose, I'd try to get in with 45 suited
    When look at the hand thought, the flat call, followed bya re-raise once it was down to two player seems really suspect. (Almost like we wanted to keep everyone around, but once it was heads-up and lost the third player, his just trying to get as much in the pot as he can.) You'd almost think an over pair would attempt to protect his hand with a raise after the first bet..
    This was exactly my thinking when he made the move, seemed very suspect. If he had a big PP he would have raised the initial $10 bet, not called then re-raise IMO.

    That said, I did call the raise with 33 to catch a set and stack a big PP or "Top Top" :), so I'm not going anywhere. I pushed and villain flips over:

    :4s:5s :'(

    To his dismay the turn brings a beautiful :6c and he's drawing dead :blob"

    Ohh glorious outs!
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