NL Cherry Popped!!! I'm no longer a NL virgin!!!

Did I bring this upon myself?

Hand 1882921192, Started at 2007-02-16 03:12:33
Table Funafuti: $0,25-$0,25 No Limit HE (Real)

Seat 0: niuniu88okk ($3,35 in chips)
Seat 1: TheGreatPole ($130,65 in chips)
Seat 2: aDaM- x ($31,65 in chips)
Seat 3: Donk.E ($21,45 in chips)
Seat 4: skullfrog ($23,70 in chips)
Seat 5: edpoker43 ($24,55 in chips)
Seat 6: huiyingds ($4 in chips)
Seat 7: playittig ($25,55 in chips) (on the button)
Seat 8: Gueli ($35,50 in chips)
Seat 9: superrodin ($15,50 in chips)
*** Blind Bet Round *** :
Dealt to Donk.E: Qs
Dealt to Donk.E: Qd
Gueli : Post Blind ($0,15)
superrodin : Post Blind ($0,25)
huiyingds : Post Blind ($0,25)
*** Pre-Flop *** :
niuniu88okk : Fold
TheGreatPole : Call ($0,25)
aDaM- x : Call ($0,25)
Donk.E : Bet ($1)
skullfrog : Fold
edpoker43 : Fold
huiyingds : Fold
playittig : Fold
Gueli : Fold
superrodin : Fold
TheGreatPole : Call ($0,75) This guy has been a complete donkey calling station but must have had a horseshoe surgically implanted in his ass as he has sucked out on most occasions, I look forward to his call, I know he'll have complete garbage!
aDaM- x : Call ($0,75)
*** Flop *** : 2d 7c 10d
TheGreatPole : Bet ($2) bets half the pot, defensive bet I think, I don;t think he has anything
aDaM- x : Fold
Donk.E : Raise ($6) was this too small of a re-raise, I don't mind his action and want his chips but was it too small if he's on a flush draw, I feel I'm ahead right now
TheGreatPole : Call ($4) donkey sucker!
*** Turn *** : [ 2d 7c 10d ] 3h
TheGreatPole : Check
Donk.E : Bet ($14,45) A 3 shouldn't matter to anyone, was this a mistake, basically my all-in is a pot sized bet
Donk.E : All In ($14,45)
TheGreatPole : Call ($14,45) of course he calls, I have never seen him do anything but call?
*** River *** : [ 2d 7c 10d 3h ] 8c
*** SUMMARY ***
Pot: $44,05 | Rake: $0,50
Board: [ 2d 7c 10d 3h 8c ]
niuniu88okk lost $0
TheGreatPole bet $21,45, collected $44,05, net $22,60 Shows [ 3d 3c ] (three threes) Ok, I think this is pretty stinky, calling $0.75 pre-flop with 3's is debatable, I'd fold them right or wrong but on that flop with a pre-flop raiser re-raising you're gonna call another $4 with a pair of 3's?
aDaM- x lost $1
Donk.E lost $21,45 Shows [ Qd Qs ] (a pair of Queens)
skullfrog lost $0
edpoker43 lost $0
huiyingds lost $0,25
playittig lost $0
Gueli lost $0,15
superrodin lost $0,25

I question my play on the flop and turn, did I raise too little on the flop and should I have pushed the turn. Luckily I made most of this back :)


  • Just quick glances... tough hand.. but my thoughts

    - I would definately call .75 preflop with 33, hit and you're gold.
    - His bet on the flop was decent, it's not a friendly board for anyone really.
    - You raised $6, meaning a $4 call for him into a pot that is now $12... yes.. he was behind and mathematically your raise is a good one, but I like to raise the pot *on top* of their bet, meaning that I'd have gone to $8, though I doubt this would have made a difference.

  • I think the pre-flop bet is a little too small. With three limpers and the blinds, there's already $1.15 in the pot before you make your bet. You're bet to $1 is better thought of as a call of $0.25 and a raise of $0.75, which means the next person to call only needs to call $0.75 into a pot of $1.40. When you look at it from the results view, the 33 guy called $0.75 to win $20+.

    If that first person calls, pretty much everyone else has to. I think you got lucky that you only got one caller. I'd raise it up to $1.50-$1.75 here.

    After seeing the flop, I think his flop bet is a test to see if you have a large Ace. I like his $2 bet and your raise makes him call $4 to win $12. I think I'd probably bet out a pot-sized raised and $8 to go in this position.

    His flop call is a mistake, but this is what makes low limit NL so profitable and why you should rarely bluff; most people believe that you're making a move on them. He called, likely thinking that you were making a move with AK-J and he hit a miracle card. Had no paint came he likely would have called to the river.

    I'm trying to think of another way to possibly play the river, but with $16 in it and $15 left with an over pair to the board, I can't see a meaningful non-all-in bet that doesn't commit you to the pot.
  • Ok call preflop, yucky call when you reraise... He's hoping for a miracle which comes only 10% of the time
  • 10% provided you see BOTH of the next two cards.

  • Thanks, I knew my turn raise was a few bucks light and really I wanted to raise $6 more not total, I think when you click the 'raise' button with $6 in the window it should raise $6 over the current bet (for a total of $Eight) rather then $6 total but live and learn, now I know.

    I agree with both of you Mark and Rob....I'm raising pre-flop a little more now...still pretty damn happy with the NL, my profit graph is climbing a lot quicker then limit!!!

    Funny too, losing $3-4 bucks on a limit hand to some donkey can really set me off....getting stacked here really didn't bother me. I under bet, he made a bad call and got lucky, I made it back over the next half hour with a lesson learned :)

    I think as long as you learn something in a loss it's easier to take?

    I was second guessing myself on the turn push but really what else can I do, I don't want to give a free card, I have an overpair to the board to a calling station, my all-in is a pot sized bet, IMO he's calling with any piece of the board or any draw even...or so he has in the past? Unfortunately he hit, shit happens.
  • omg! your so good
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