Cheap card if you want to run 2 monitors

Refurb All in Wonder 9200 AGP Whitebox, $32 with Free Shipping @

If you’re in the market for budget graphics card, has a refurbished All in Wonder 9200 AGP Whitebox for $32.30 with free shipping when using coupon code ATIKP5. This card’s specifications include:
  • 128MB of DDR memory
  • 4X and 8X AGP support
  • VGA, RCA and S-video connectors
  • Dual integrated display controllers
  • Charisma Engine II, SmartShader, SmoothVision and Hyper Z II technologies
  • Resolution up to 2048x1536 @ 85 Hz
There’s also still a deal on the refurb Radeon X800 CrossFire Edition 256MB PCI-E Video Card WhiteBox for $84.55 after the same coupon as well.
Both items are currently out of stock, but you can place backorders.


  • Am I reading it right, looks like only 1 output though?
  • Weird. I edited the post but the edit is gone.

    $32 card - one output, good for someone adding a second card
    $85 card - two outputs, good for someone who wants to replace a card
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