Opinions wanted

I have been having a bad run of cards and suck outs lately and I'm starting to question my play. Table seems pretty passive and villian here had only sat down during this orbit. What do you do here?

Seat 1 : JRH1 has $36.24
Seat 2 : Acidjoe63 has $35.59
Seat 3 : RPSGT has $13
Seat 4 : Laydown666 has $94.61
Seat 5 : nicomi has $101.97
Seat 6 : Sebpoker has $112.87
Seat 7 : captcods has $84.48
Seat 9 : onionh has $30.82
nicomi is the dealer. Sebpoker posted small blind. captcods posted big blind.
Acidjoe63 has Qs Qc
onionh called $0.50 JRH1 called $0.50 Acidjoe63 called $0.50 and raised $2.50
RPSGT folded. Laydown666 folded. nicomi folded. Sebpoker folded. captcods folded.
onionh called $2.50 JRH1 folded.
Board cards [4s 3c Ah]
onionh bet $4 <
Why does he make a donkbet here?



  • At this stage of the game you have committed $3 with no read on the player. I generally consider players to be straightforward until proven otherwise. He is UTG there and tempting cards people limp/call with UTG, are weak A, small pp and bad face cards like KJ. I would assume he has an A and is trying to find out if he is good. Alternatively he has a pp and hoping you raised w/o an A but it would take an aggressive player to try that. You don't know b/c you have no read yet. It will cost you at least a raise of $8 to find out if you are behind. Committing another $12 at this stage doesn't seem worth it. Until you have a read, let someone else pay him off.
  • Looks like about 2/3 the total pot. Why is that a donk bet? (because he's betting into the raiser?)

    I'd think he either has an Ace or (or is representing one). I'd reraise to find out or fold, depending on what I thought of the opponent.
  • With no read on the player, I'd let it go.
    Maybe a weak play, but until I know otherwise I'd give credit for a straight forward play.
  • I would guess that he came in with A-10 through A-Q.

    This is the same bet I would make with this hand. It only costs me $3 to give me a good idea of where I am.
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    Looks like about 2/3 the total pot. Why is that a donk bet? (because he's betting into the raiser?)

    I'd think he either has an Ace or (or is representing one). I'd reraise to find out or fold, depending on what I thought of the opponent.

    I consider a "donkbet" is when someone who does NOT have the betting lead makes an unexpected bet.

    He limped then called my raise then bet out, I consider this a donkbet.

    I've been thinking about what everyone posted as well as my own thought process and will post what I did shortly. Thanks
  • AcidJoe wrote: »

    He limped then called my raise then bet out, I consider this a donkbet.

    Why wouldn't you bet out? It would take a c/r from him to find out if he is behind. From his perspective, this is a cheaper way to accomplish the same thing.
  • Here was my thought process. If he flopped a monster he would have check then raised when I bet. His bet was to see where he was at. I figured he had a suited A with a medium kicker, probably suited.
    I had to A) fold B) re raise. Calling was not an option here.

    After thinking for a bit I decided to reraise. If I had been running good a re raise would have been the first thing I decided to do. The first thing here I thought of was fold. It's amazing how your thought process changes. I decided to min raise to make it look like I wanted him to come along for an expensive ride the rest of the way. I thought folding was weak, but wanted others opinions. Maybe it wasn't as weak as I thought.

    Here's the rest of the hand.

    Board cards [4s 3c Ah]
    onionh bet $4
    Acidjoe63 called $4 and raised $4
    onionh called $4
    Board cards [4s 3c Ah Jd]
    onionh checked.
    Acidjoe63 bet $10
    onionh folded.
  • What do you do if he calls the $10?
  • moose wrote: »
    What do you do if he calls the $10?

    check behind on the river, unless you hit your set.

    i like your line here joe, i had a similar hand the other day... i'll see if i can find it in my HH... basically i had TT and guy in the BB called and the flop came A78 or something, he bet 3/4 of the pot into me, and i minraised and he check folded the turn.
  • moose wrote: »
    What do you do if he calls the $10?

    If he calls the 10 or raises me I give up the hand completely. Kick my ass for knowing he had the A and move on. If I play it to showdown he'll flip over Ax suited or similar crap, I make a note that he will play any A to showdown on an A high board and save myself money in future.
  • Which would have been half your stack right?

    I think this was more the play of a person who is on a bad streak and was unwilling to give up on QQ and got lucky.
    I decided to min raise to make it look like I wanted him to come along for an expensive ride the rest of the way.

    Again without a read I think you give your opponent too much credit with this play. Mostly I view min raises as the donk play. I think you accomplish the same thing on the flop with a larger raise. ($8 raise, vs a $4 raise and a $10 turn bet, still hoping he will fold - and committing half your stack).
  • Minraises are not cool man.

  • Everyone mark this day in your calendar. I am so happy. Greg agrees with me.

    Next however, he will be forced to make another post where he does disagree with something I said and everything will be right in the universe again. ;)
  • moose wrote: »
    Which would have been half your stack right?

    I think this was more the play of a person who is on a bad streak and was unwilling to give up on QQ and got lucky.

    You are probably 100% correct there which is why I posted this. I probably should have just credited him with the A and moved on for a little loss.

    And Greg WTF? You agreeing with moose LOL.....
  • It is a pretty standard play on his part. He bets $4 with anything there and a weak player may fold any pp without an ace in it. I think its a smart re-raise on your part...nh
  • moose wrote: »
    Everyone mark this day in your calendar. I am so happy. Greg agrees with me.

    Next however, he will be forced to make another post where he does disagree with something I said and everything will be right in the universe again. ;)
    LOL, I didn't know I disagree with you that often. And I know we agree on the chopping KWTC issue.

    I can't remember exactly what else I was going to say in that post, but I remember I had quoted part of your last post and said "Agreed. .... ". Sounds like you would have fallen out of your chair if I left that in ;)

  • lmao

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