The -300 BB Club

I saw this on another site and thought it would be interesting to see. Kind of the opposite of Ding ding ding. I am not there yet for the month -275 BB right now, but I'm sure I'll get there today. ON the upside, my SNG play is keeping me above water and I'll probably break even when my monthly bonus clears.....


  • is there a link where you can look at those stats?
  • If you click on it the graph will appear larger. It is official tho after flopping a middle set and getting stacked by the top set I'm over the -300 BB loss for the month of Feb. Here is the chart adding today. I think I"m gonna get a t shirt made up. But who limps 6 ways with QQ...... LOL
  • gl joe. i hope you make it.
  • I'm there greg.... gone from +86BB to -247.... that ummmmmmmm 333 last time I checked..... I guess the shirt should be red since that's the colour of the bleeding......
  • what happened on that one day where you took the Oct. 87 crash and you went from positive BB to major negative BB? I read somewhere that sometimes its good to limp with high pairs as the hand usually will only stand up if you hit trips and the other players will not suspect that you limped with a high pair (which is what sounds like happened to you). I did the same think the other day with KK and limped with several players. The flop came AK7. The other player went broke with AK. You take a chance that another player will hit two pairs (etc) with garbage when you limp, but if you hit, they go broke.
  • that sucks Joe...I hope it turns around for you
  • a couple of the big dips are set vs set in which I had the lower one. Last night I got my set of 8's in against a set of q's (he limped the q's). The other was what I "knew" was a flush draw against my nut straight. I got him all in on the turn to have the diamond hit. I know I will turn it around as I've been through this before. I can't even say I"ve been a real victim of bad beats since it's more a case of I've been out flopped almost every time.

    Welcome to the roller coaster ride called poker. :)
  • this is no limit, right? 300bb ain't no big thing,joe. you can make that back (or double it...) in one night.
  • Hahaha... -300 in a month?

    Pfffffffffft... let's just say I hate Valentine's day... From yesterday to today
  • What program makes those graphs?
  • moose wrote: »
    What program makes those graphs?
    I agree! Errr, i mean, never mind.

  • Pokertracker.. under... Game Notes I think... click the "get all" button, and then the little "g" button.. then go for a coffee, in another town... come back Tuesday

  • All I can say Mark is welcome to the club..... what size do you want that t shirt in :).

    Moose, I use poker grapher I have an older version (which works fine) but the lastest version is located here. It doesn't take forever and has some nice little features such as rakeback calculator etc.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Hahaha... -300 in a month?

    Pfffffffffft... let's just say I hate Valentine's day... From yesterday to today

    what was your cliff hanger?
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Hahaha... -300 in a month?

    Pfffffffffft... let's just say I hate Valentine's day... From yesterday to today

    Yeah, but Mark... 300 BB at 1 cent 2 cent is still only $6 ;-)
  • Yea.. but at .25/.50 it's $150 - 200 bucks
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