The Police - Any fans??

Looks like the boys are coming to Toronto July 22nd.. will have to dig out the old Police picnic t-shirt from 25 years ago (yup, still got it). They rocked the Grammys last night. Here are the tour details. Webcast also today from California. Been waiting for this reunion for a long time!


  • I like NWA ;)

  • The tickets for the TO show go on sale Saturday....they won't last long because of the money burning in the pockets of 40 somethings.
    g2 wrote: »
    I like NWA ;)


    It's funny cause the police spent so much time with NWA......


    (just a gangsta havin fun)
  • I think the joke was, 'fuck the police'.
  • anyone receive a presale ticket code that you don't want? tickets go on sale tomorrow for those with a code.
  • Wasn't a fan then and not a fan now. They are just like the rest of the money grubbing acts. $200+ for a decent seat OMG.
  • They weren't good in their 'prime' they suck worse now, wouldn't listen to them for free. I heard a bit while my wife was watching and I was putting the kids to bed...sounded a bit like that cat I ran over last week.
  • Police not why do I sense this is coming from Rap group fans from the 90's? Police set the stage for the World tour idea folks. When one group from the 90's could show the talent of one member from the Police I would be impressed, the range and variety that they showed on the Synchronicity tour was amazing.
  • Love The Police!! NOT 40 something, and planning on attending. Can't wait!


  • I liked 'don't stand so close to me', and 'king of pain'...

    Not concert-worthy IMO for two songs... maybe if they were opening for someone like Dylan [speaking of a range of music!!]
  • got my tickets for Toronto/Montreal yesterday; now I just have to hope they stay together long enough to make it this far (remember what happened with Stewart and The Doors). Good luck for those buying tickets on Saturday.
  • ATM_GP wrote: »
    Police not why do I sense this is coming from Rap group fans from the 90's? Police set the stage for the World tour idea folks. When one group from the 90's could show the talent of one member from the Police I would be impressed, the range and variety that they showed on the Synchronicity tour was amazing.

    You don't know me but trust me I am the furthest thing from
    Rap group fans from the 90's
    . I'm 39, I remember the Police, I don't like them. I think Sting is a talentless hack, the only good thing he did was his part in the movie Dune. the only thing worse then the Police is, well Rap...and Country I guess but that's another debate.

    If you're talking pure musical talent I am a huge fan of people like Stevie Vai, Joe Satriani, Yngwie Malmsteen, Van Halen, Aerosmith, The Beatles, The Stones, all of which I believe have more talent then anyone in the Police.

    If you're talking effects on music, I much prefer bands like Kiss, Metallica, AC/DC, Rush, Bowie (Ziggy Stardust only), etc. bands who shaped the hard rock Metal scene.

    My current likes are bands like Audioslave, Pantera, Korn, Tool, my tastes are quiet different and the Police don't fit in to what I perceive to be good music!

    Opinons are just that, opinions and not all will agree but don't kid yourself that there have not been more talented musicians....success does not mean talent, a band like Kiss is a perfect example..individually I think they are each talentless fools, put them together as a band and they rocked the world. The Police had great success but, IMHO, well they just plain suck.
  • oh sweet jesus.

    "sucked then and sucked now", "no room for them along side Audioslave, and Korn".


    Call Tom Morello, and ask him what he thinks of the Police and their importance in shaping Music. Call anyone who gives a fuck about the drums and ask them what Stewart Copeland has done for that instrument(along with Buddy Rich, Keith Moon, Neil Peart, and John Bonham, he's regarded among the best all time). I'll acknowledge that Sting hasn't done much to get excited about in a long time, but the Police are among the most innovative and important bands of the last 30 years.

  • dinobot wrote: »
    oh sweet jesus.

    the Police are among the most innovative and important bands of the last 30 years.


    exactly! Finally a post that makes sense!
  • "sucked then and sucked now", "no room for them along side Audioslave, and Korn".
    pokerJAH wrote: »
    exactly! Finally a post that makes sense!

    I agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Big E wrote: »
    If you're talking pure musical talent I am a huge fan of people like Stevie Vai, Joe Satriani, Yngwie Malmsteen, Van Halen, Aerosmith, The Beatles, The Stones, all of which I believe have more talent then anyone in the Police.

    If you're talking effects on music, I much prefer bands like Kiss, Metallica, AC/DC, Rush, Bowie (Ziggy Stardust only), etc. bands who shaped the hard rock Metal scene.

    Interesting choices of bands to put together....I mean no one can disbute that the Stones and Beatles made huge musical contributions in bringing in the ability to for the masses to except music as for then just country and folk songs....but WOW talk about taking artisitic liberty in including Kiss, Van Halen, Aerosmith, Metallica, Rush into the same level as those two. Agreed it is your opinion and its an interesting one.

    I do listen to all of the above, until you got into the newer groups, I'm only 35 but still stuck in last century music :) (excluding U2 and Greenday which I still havent' quite figured out why I like the later but I enjoy the music).

    Now I would be interested in hearing some background as to how Bowie helped shaped the Hard Rock metal scene...even with Ziggy Stardust.

    Also be interested in your thoughts of groups like the Sex Pistols who were way out to left field, but still helped shape their music genre.

  • I don't think you can deny the fact that the Kiss revolution really sparked the glam-type rock of the 80's and 90's for good or bad is debatable. I think Metallica was instrumental in bringing main stream recognition to the Heavy Metal scene as well. Bands like Van Halen, Aerosmith, Rush, AC/DC, etc may not have been ground breaking I agree nor have they really done anything new a band like Led Zeppelin and Sabbath were probably more instrumental in shaping rock or hard/rock but if nothing else these bands have proved they have talent through their success over decades rather then years. As for Bowie, again perhaps not ground breaking but I think Ziggy Stardust was just an amazing album that was worth mentioning. Even someone like Alice Cooper I think was influential to the music scene in that he turned rock concerts into much more then just the band standing on stage playing, he brought theatrics into the show...I just don't see how the Police influenced the music scene in anyway other way then that they were popular for a few years? I will not deny their talent as musicians I just don't think much of them...and really it's just an opinion, my opinion, which is pretty much useless anyways.

  • I'm partial to GWAR... I think this thread has overstayed its welcome.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    Looks like the boys are coming to Toronto July 22nd.. will have to dig out the old Police picnic t-shirt from 25 years ago (yup, still got it). They rocked the Grammys last night. Here are the tour details. Webcast also today from California. Been waiting for this reunion for a long time!

    I will definintely be there. I am a huge fan.
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