Who will be the next Democrat leader?

So a strong-willed vibrant attractive Hilary Clinton?

Or young, sleek, stylish Barack Obama?

And do either of these leaders give the Democrats a chance?


  • My vote is for Hilary. Effectively giving her a 3rd term making the decisions in the Whitehouse :)

    I do think the Democrats have a legitimate shot this time.
  • Obama - Very smart guy who would make a great president. And once they go black, they'll never go back!

    On the other hand I think it will hard for either of them to win the presidency. Are americans going to actually vote in a woman or a minority?
  • Not going to happen but think about this combo.

  • I think Obama would probably be the best choice, however, I don't think either candidate would win the White House. Perhaps my views on America are slanted but I don't think that the majority of people would vote for either an African-American or a woman for their President. I think they are dead wrong but rural America won't go that way.

    I also think that the Americans who are unhappy with Bush yet voted Republican wouldn't change their vote to Democrat with these candidates. Especially if Guilianni runs. Consider it a lock for the Republicans again in the next election. It may be close but I see yet another Republican taking the White House for one term.
  • Especially if Guilianni runs. Consider it a lock for the Republicans again in the next election. It may be close but I see yet another Republican taking the White House for one term.

    I completely agree it'll be close, but Rudy Guilianni will be the next POTUS.

    America is still too much of a bigoted country to vote in a African American or a woman. Too bad, they've both done a great job as Senators, and it would be nice to get the Republicans out of the White House.

    meh, I wouldn't want to win the election and then have to clean up the mess in Iraq anyway. As Homer Simpson says "Can't someone else do it?"

    I'm sure we'll have a new PM (maybe more?) before the Americans vote in November 2008 anyhow.:)
  • If the mess in Iraq is to be cleaned up then they need Colin Powel in there. He's not a democrat but he is probably the best African-American in my opinion.

    Clinton has a chance provided Slick Willy stays outta trouble during her run..... LOL.

    Will any of this change the on line poker scene, I highly doubt it.
  • Both candidates would fail miserably in my opinion. Hillary is a slimey politician, and I think I heard Obama is an atheist, so he'll never make it in the end. I'm not sure whether that is true, but it is what I heard somewhere. Guilianni will clean both their clocks if he runs. Regardless of how horribly the Republicans have done, I'm not sure the democrats can get in with their current stable of candidates.
  • You forgot to add John McCain.. Anyway, I dont think the US is ready for either candidate based on sex/race and I have a feeling that their names are just being presented as a smokescreen to some other generic white politician that'll get the nod.
  • [QUOTE=SuperNed;10797 and I think I heard Obama is an atheist, so he'll never make it in the end. [/QUOTE]


    It's over for Adolf Bush and the republicans...thankfully.
  • Whitehorse wrote: »

    It's over for Adolf Bush and the republicans...thankfully.

    Do you really have the nerve to compare what is going on in Iraq with what Adolf Hitler did to the Jews in WWII? If you want I can give you a history lesson, otherwise keep your ignorant and that is what they are ignorant comments likes this off the board.

  • I have to agree with Brent. As much as I detest Bush and his government, comparing him to Hitler is insane. Hitler wanted Genocide, Bush wants to win in Iraq and not lose face. Huge difference.
  • I think that what Whitehorse said was both insensitive an insulting - lets not make this the topic of my thread.

    Back to politics :)

    Barack Obama's youth is more important than his colour for a number of reasons in the Democratic leadership debate.

    1. Bill Clinton really resonated with Black voters in the US. Hilary still maintains a lot of the support carried over during their administration.

    2. Obama is seen by many Black voters as a mixed person who did not suffer the same hardships that many of the poor Blacks in the US face today. Barack came from a good family and was Harvard educated, for this reason he does not resonate with Black voters as one may think.

    3. It is actually his youthful perspective on America that sets him a part.
    As he said in a recent speech "there is no Republican America or Democrat America; there is no Black America; Chinese America; Latino America or White America. There is only a United States of America"

    This is a refreshing comment. He is open minded enough to see that a person cannot be defined by their associations, whether it be race, religion or party affiliation. (Many of our Forumers group all Republican Americans into one group - and this is done with ignorance).

    Obama is a great candidate - but I dont think this is his time. Hilary is too strong and too popular for him to beat.

    Having said this, keep your eyes open, Barack is young enough to be building a great future -for not only himself - but for America.
  • Sorry, I didn't mean to offend.

    Just a drunken,flippant shot at Bush...Because in the process of trying to sell war to the public Bush and co. have and do like to deamonize their enemy by making such comparissions themselves.

    Also, Hitler analogies by leaders and the media are becoming more common. Hussien=Hitler, Jong=Hitler, Bush=Hitler etc. I do fully understand how this can outrage some, And people have every right to be outraged that labelling a political rival as such seems to be becoming commonplace.

    Again, I would like to apologize for the comment and interupting the thread. Hopefully this closes the matter.
  • Closed. Back to the original discussion.

    Thanks, glad we could deal with this in a civil manner.
  • I just noticed Nader in the poll.

    Do you think he'll join the Democratic party? He's been an independent for so long.

  • Nader dislikes the Democrats as much as the Republicans. He won't ever stop being independant it is part of his platform.

    I think what BBC_Z said was most likely the correct scenario. Another candidate will come from nowhere and take the nomination, maybe taking Obama as VP on the ticket.

    I agree with Tom, look for Obama in the future, unless he has a disaster for a campaign he will become something in the future.
  • Nader was meant to be a farse - too bad though.

    A few points of clarification:

    The other candidate to which BBC-Z referred is John McCain. But he is a Republican - so he certainly wont be taking the Democrat nomination.

    John McCain also wont be coming from nowhere - this guy is a Republican Titan. He just tends to have poor money management skills when it comes to campaigning.

    I would place a significant amount of money that someone will not come out of the blue to take out Hilary Clinton. Obama has his work cut out for him and his intentions have speculated for awhile.

    I would say Clinton 08 and again in '12. Obama will probably have an 8 year wait following this for a Republican term. So maybe Obama in 2024.
  • Now that I have calmed down about the ignorant Bush/Hitler comment, I will give you my thoughts on 2008. Having gone to school in the states for several years, I don't think Americans will elect a black man or a woman as president this time around. It will be another 20-30 years before a woman is elected and maybe 12-20 years for a black man to become President.

    There are 2 exceptions to this thought. If Oprah Winfrey ran for president she would win, it wouldn’t even be close. As far as Americans think the have come; they are not ready for a black man to be even a VP, unless his name is Colin Powell whom seems to transcend race.

    I think when all is said and done this is John Edwards nomination to lose. He almost beat Kerry last time around and was the obvious choice for VP. During the campaign some were beginning to wonder if he should have been given the nomination.

    New Hampshire will tell the future and provide Democrat ticket. If he comes out ahead, he will win the nomination, as long as he doesn't pull a Howard Dean leading up to the primary. You have to remember, John Kerry was the most surprised Democrat coming out of New Hampshire and road it all the way to the nomination.

    I do think it will be an Edwards/Hilary Democrat ticket.

    As far as the republicans, I guess I can wait for that thread to start up.
  • Great comments Brent, very insightful.

    I agree that both Clinton and Obama have some huge hurdles to overcome.

    Regardless of the outcome of this election, it shall be remember in history as being a significant shift in American politics.

    Brent correctly mentioned the inherent disadvantages that Hilary has because of gender and that Obama has because of Race.

    Having said this, these two individuals have opened the doors to the future and have moved their respective gender and race into a whole new playing field.

    It is refreshing to see what a strong woman and a gifted orator can do.

    Whether or not they have opened the doors for themselves, the will certainly inspire other young women or young visible minorities to take an interest in politics, their exceptional talents should not go unrecognized.

    I have always had an appreciation and fascination with Hilary Clinton. I am relatively new to Barack Obama - but watching this guy speak is incredible.

    I encourage everyone to go to Youtube.com and download some of Obama's speeches - this guy is good. I would love to see him and Bush in a debate - it wouldnt matter the colour of skin or politics of the person - there is no way Bush could beat this "smooth" talker.

    A great speech has been the ticket to may political successes.

    Obama's powerful speeches are already being compared to the Gettysburg Address.

    (And Obama plays Texas Holdem weekly)
  • TNORTH wrote: »
    (And Obama plays Texas Holdem weekly)

    Not online I hope!
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