Bad Beat or Unlucky?

Bad Beat or Unlucky?

Now this looks like a bad beat hand but it is not, what I found funny was the talk afterwards.

Full Tilt Poker Game #1742475448: 130 FTP Sat to FTOPS Event #2 (12858751), Table 1 - 300/600 - Limit Hold'em

Seat 1: LilliPutti (4,365)
Seat 5: BigChrisEl (2,103)
Seat 8: Cavni (5,532)
LilliPutti posts the small blind of 150
BigChrisEl posts the big blind of 300
The button is in seat #8
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to BigChrisEl [Ad Ac]
Cavni folds
LilliPutti calls 150
BigChrisEl raises to 600
LilliPutti calls 300
*** FLOP *** [2h 9d Qh]
LilliPutti bets 300
BigChrisEl raises to 600
LilliPutti raises to 900
BigChrisEl raises to 1,200
LilliPutti calls 300
*** TURN *** [2h 9d Qh] [Ah]
LilliPutti bets 600
BigChrisEl calls 303, and is all in
LilliPutti shows [9s Qd]
BigChrisEl shows [Ad Ac]

Uncalled bet of 297 returned to LilliPutti
*** RIVER *** [2h 9d Qh Ah] [8h]
LilliPutti shows two pair, Queens and Nines
BigChrisEl shows three of a kind, Aces
BigChrisEl wins the pot (4,206) with three of a kind, Aces
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 4,206 | Rake 0
Board: [2h 9d Qh Ah 8h]
Seat 1: LilliPutti (small blind) showed [9s Qd] and lost with two pair, Queens and Nines
Seat 5: BigChrisEl (big blind) showed [Ad Ac] and won (4,206) with three of a kind, Aces
Seat 8: Cavni (button) didn't bet (folded)
LilliPutti: lucky

He then went on saying he was bad beated....what do you think?


  • 57% of the money went in when he was a 3:1 favourite to win. Kind of bad beat ish.

  • hit ur 2 outer on the turn...I say badbeat!
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    hit ur 2 outer on the turn...I say badbeat!

    Actually the board pairing the 2 or going runner runner for any pair was good for me too.
  • It's limit poker - I hardly ever consider anything in Limit a bad beat if there's been a lot of raising pre-flop. The pot gets built up, so you have odds for most situations.

    In this case, you are the short stack and have an overpair - I'd probably jam this too.

    He was lucky to catch 2 pr, you were lucky to catch trips.

    I don't see a bad beat here (and I'd say the same if you didn't catch your trips).
  • Ya I agree with elliott, "bad beats" in limit poker are ... something else really.

    Ya I guess you sucked out on him when all the money was in the midle, but it's not like you were gonna fold there. Plus he caught a mircal flop.
  • Ya I agree with elliott, "bad beats" in limit poker are ... something else really.

    Ya I guess you sucked out on him when all the money was in the midle, but it's not like you were gonna fold there. Plus he caught a mircal flop.

    That's what I was thinking. If it was no limit all my money was going in pre-flop. On the flop I didn't put him on two pair, but A-Q or K-Q which means I thought I was ahead.
  • I dont think that was that bad of a beat. first off its limit poker so ur going to call the raises with rockets and second like you said you not only had the ace but runner runner for higher two pair or for the deuce to have higher two pair.

    that stuff just happens but it always seems to happen more in limit???
  • Its limit and u cant limp with Q9 into a hand
  • Its limit and u cant limp with Q9 into a hand

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