Donk Reasoning - Yes this is a bad beat story :

So I decide to play 30 mins of poker before bed...

When I get the following hand

PokerStars Game #8317221755: Hold'em No Limit ($0.25/$0.50) - 2007/02/06 - 22:45:20 (ET)
Table 'Kale' 6-max Seat #6 is the button
Seat 1: verdi 31 ($31.65 in chips)
Seat 2: pschuurm ($62.55 in chips)
Seat 3: kizza_om ($78.35 in chips)
Seat 4: MetroTNORTH ($106.20 in chips)
Seat 5: pulless ($51.60 in chips)
Seat 6: beeds boys ($30 in chips)
verdi 31: posts small blind $0.25
pschuurm: posts big blind $0.50
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to MetroTNORTH [6d 6c]
kizza_om: folds
MetroTNORTH: raises $1.50 to $2
pulless: calls $2
beeds boys: folds
verdi 31: calls $1.75
pschuurm: folds
*** FLOP *** [Qs 6s Kh]
verdi 31: checks
MetroTNORTH: bets $3
pulless: raises $8.50 to $11.50
verdi 31: folds
MetroTNORTH: raises $8.50 to $20
pulless: raises $29.60 to $49.60 and is all-in
MetroTNORTH: calls $29.60
*** TURN *** [Qs 6s Kh] [7c]
*** RIVER *** [Qs 6s Kh 7c] [Ks]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
MetroTNORTH: shows [6d 6c] (a full house, Sixes full of Kings)
pulless: shows [Kd Qc] (a full house, Kings full of Queens)
pulless collected $102.70 from pot
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $105.70 | Rake $3
Board [Qs 6s Kh 7c Ks]
Seat 1: verdi 31 (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: pschuurm (big blind) folded before Flop
Seat 3: kizza_om folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: MetroTNORTH showed [6d 6c] and lost with a full house, Sixes full of Kings
Seat 5: pulless showed [Kd Qc] and won ($102.70) with a full house, Kings full of Queens
Seat 6: beeds boys (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

In the chat box after - he types in "Sorry - I thought you had AK."

Fair enough, then I think and respond.

"If you thought I had AK why did you call pre-flop."

His response - "I hoped to flop two pair on you...."

Well, just another day at the office :)


  • TNORTH wrote: »
    In the chat box after - he types in "Sorry - I thought you had AK."

    Fair enough, then I think and respond.

    "If you thought I had AK why did you call pre-flop."

    His response - "I hoped to flop two pair on you...."

    Well, just another day at the office :)

    Gotta luv these players most of the time.
    He cold called with a hand that he thought was dominated HOPING to catch 2pr. :)
  • WEll, hang on now...

    If he thought that the hero would pay him off to the extent that he did on AK, implied odds are through the roof. I've had a player whom I can only assume respects my game put my on a dominating hand, and called hoping to hit as well with the logic of "Well, if I do hit, I can really milk him!"

    Allow me to use Zithal's analogy... in a 70/30 situation (i.e. dominated hand), it's the equivalent of rolling either a one or a six one a single dice. Yes, he's behind, and he's calling $2 into a pot of $2.75 right now (about 1.4:1 on his $) where he needs about 3:1 on his money. Given the crazyness inherent in these low limit games, any caller will make the pot $4.75 (- his $2, for 2.4:1 - getting closer).

    He really wouldn't need to win much on a flop in that scenario, he has position on you also - any continuation bet pretty much makes his implied odds close (NOTE: I didn't do the math, I'm tired also, and probably mostly speaking outta my butt - am I way off here?).

    Now, the one flaw here is he's hoping that you hit when he hits bigger, and I"m sure the math makes this a stupid call and my arugment moot. However, he may have thought AK on the flop? Unless he specified he had you on AK pre-flop...

  • rofl that's funny. I love players like that, they feel terrible when they put a bad beat on someone.

    What's the deal with the min raise :( that's so ugly
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    WEll, hang on now...

    If he thought that the hero would pay him off to the extent that he did on AK, implied odds are through the roof. I've had a player whom I can only assume respects my game put my on a dominating hand, and called hoping to hit as well with the logic of "Well, if I do hit, I can really milk him!"

    Allow me to use Zithal's analogy... in a 70/30 situation (i.e. dominated hand), it's the equivalent of rolling either a one or a six one a single dice. Yes, he's behind, and he's calling $2 into a pot of $2.75 right now (about 1.4:1 on his $) where he needs about 3:1 on his money. Given the crazyness inherent in these low limit games, any caller will make the pot $4.75 (- his $2, for 2.4:1 - getting closer).

    He really wouldn't need to win much on a flop in that scenario, he has position on you also - any continuation bet pretty much makes his implied odds close (NOTE: I didn't do the math, I'm tired also, and probably mostly speaking outta my butt - am I way off here?).

    Now, the one flaw here is he's hoping that you hit when he hits bigger, and I"m sure the math makes this a stupid call and my arugment moot. However, he may have thought AK on the flop? Unless he specified he had you on AK pre-flop...


    I am just not a fan of calling with KQ to a EP or MP raise - mainly because the opponent could have AK, AA, KK,QQ all hands I am dominated in. Even if you do out flop you are still in danger of being beaten on the Turn or River by a higher two pair and your two pair plays into the opponents str8 possibilities.

    KQ is just a hand I generally ditch from 4x bb raises in EP or MP - unless it is one of the maniac players or I have good reason to think the player would dump a large quantity of chips to me with only TPTK.

    If you go by simply using the math as dictated - than why wouldnt I always call a raise with hands like J-8, Q-9, K-10? If you are only calling with KQ that will represent only a small leak - but if you are always calling behind 70/30 - that represents a huge leak.
  • Just to clarify...

    I"m not saying this is a GOOD move.. but it is one that isn't all that uncommon, nor is it the WORST move I've ever seen.... I'll try to find a hand history for a QQ hand I played the other night where it had me staggered....

  • I know it isnt that uncommon - and that is why I find these games particularly profitable - you find a lot of people playing hands they wouldnt/shoudnt in a full table.

    If I come in with AK and he comes in with KQ I will get a bet/call on flop, turn and river. In fact, I would say against 30% of the players you would get called down with any TP regardless of the kicker.
  • That is just an awful beat. I know there are players that go in thinking that if they hit the flop they can milk you for everything but to go into a hand when u think ur DOMINATED is just silly

    i could never make that call myself. calling when u think ur dominated. unfortuantley there are always players like this and you just have to keep playing solid poker.

    and i found it hilarious when he said sorry haha i love when people say that.
    except when they say it to me after i just got burnt.
  • Jays_06 wrote: »
    That is just an awful beat. I know there are players that go in thinking that if they hit the flop they can milk you for everything but to go into a hand when u think ur DOMINATED is just silly

    i could never make that call myself. calling when u think ur dominated. unfortuantley ??? there are always players like this and you just have to keep playing solid poker.

    and i found it hilarious when he said sorry haha i love when people say that.
    except when they say it to me after i just got burnt.

    This entire post made me laugh.
  • PFffffffffffffft...

    A dominated hand won!? Pshaw! Check this s#it out...

    FullTiltPoker Game #1801077305: Table Cavaliers - $0.25/$0.50 - No Limit Hold'em - 5:56:31 ET - 2007/02/15
    Seat 1: PretenderTUW ($56.60)
    Seat 2: Moist Socket ($43.75)
    Seat 3: mindyboston ($34.60)
    Seat 4: HakanTurkey ($58.75), is sitting out
    Seat 5: B MIK ($91.85)
    Seat 6: PokerDandy ($49.95)
    Seat 7: catch016 ($47.50)
    Seat 8: petridsh ($43.10)
    Seat 9: DrTyore ($44.50)
    petridsh posts the small blind of $0.25
    DrTyore posts the big blind of $0.50
    The button is in seat #7
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to DrTyore [7d 7c]
    PretenderTUW folds
    Moist Socket folds
    mindyboston folds
    B MIK calls $0.50
    PokerDandy raises to $2
    catch016 folds
    petridsh folds
    DrTyore calls $1.50
    B MIK folds
    *** FLOP *** [7s Td As]
    DrTyore checks
    PokerDandy bets $4
    DrTyore raises to $15
    PokerDandy raises to $40.50
    DrTyore raises to $42.50, and is all in
    PokerDandy calls $2
    DrTyore shows [7d 7c]
    PokerDandy shows [Kh Ad]
    *** TURN *** [7s Td As] [Qs]
    *** RIVER *** [7s Td As Qs] [Jc]
    DrTyore shows three of a kind, Sevens
    PokerDandy shows a straight, Ace high
    PokerDandy wins the pot ($86.75) with a straight, Ace high
    DrTyore is sitting out
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot $89.75 | Rake $3
    Board: [7s Td As Qs Jc]
    Seat 1: PretenderTUW didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 2: Moist Socket didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 3: mindyboston didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 4: HakanTurkey is sitting out
    Seat 5: B MIK folded before the Flop
    Seat 6: PokerDandy showed [Kh Ad] and won ($86.75) with a straight, Ace high
    Seat 7: catch016 (button) didn't bet (folded)
    Seat 8: petridsh (small blind) folded before the Flop
    Seat 9: DrTyore (big blind) showed [7d 7c] and lost with three of a kind, Sevens
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