PVR vs VCR - What Gives?

I don't see what the big difference is between a PVR and a VCR. Someone please enlighten me. For $20 + extra a month, is it really worth it? Granted the picture quality is better (High Def), but if I'm taping shows to watch them once, I don't really care that much if it is in high def. Is a PVR not just a glorified VCR for those unable to figure out how to work there VCR in the first place. What gives??


  • PVR is the greatest invention of the 21st century!

    You can record up to two programs at once and hold up to 60 hours worth of programming. You can set it to record several days in advance. You can pause and rewind live TV. You don't have to mess around with tapes that clutter up your living room. I used to set my PVR to record all my shows for the entire week on Sunday nights and just leave it. You can also set it to record all of one time slot or all of one show. Anyway, I'm leaving now to go buy a PVR as I left my old one at my old house! PVR Rules!

    Zithal Im sure can tell you more!

  • I love me my PVR.

    It's head & shoulders above a VCR. In addition to what stp said, PVRs are really easy to use (much easier than a VCR). Even the most technically challenged person I know (my dear old dad) has the PVR down-pat.
  • No more rewinding or fast forwarding to get to the show you want.
  • come on, there must be some VCR fans left? fast forwarding and rewinding is a drag, granted, but I have never found having to tape live tv to be an issue. Programming a week in advance is not an issue with a vcr and it can program multiple shows. With a VCR, I can share the shows with other people... can your PVR do this? probably if you tape a show off your PVR onto a VCR tape. Simplicity is probably the biggest advantage if you have problems with the VCR. Anymore advantages... I'm almost convinced to run out and buy one.
  • What's a VCR?

  • Thanks all,

    I really needed a good laugh today. :)
  • PVR changed my life!

    The ditigal memory recording is so sweet, no more finding a blank tape to record with, setting it up, switch tapes for diffent shows, and then finding those shows on said tape.

    With PVR, it's right there on the memory, just select and watch. Want to skip some commericals? Use the 'skip ahead' button to jump 30 seconds ahead! So if you keeping hitting it, bye-bye commericals!

    The mulitple options for fast forward. My Bell unit will FF at 4x, 15x, 60x, and 300x speeds! It makes blowing through boring segment a show (or Football halftime) so quick.

    I almost never watch a show in "'real time" anymore. Just record and watch later, editing out the ads and stuff. It's so nice to watch an NFL game in an hour instead of three!


    EDIT: I forgot that the picture and sound quality is much better with PVR, rather than VCR.
  • As a happy alternative....

    My sister's new home theatre package just came with a DVD Recorder... it has a hard drive in it that can record something like 200 hours of T.V, and then transfer that onto a DVD-R... buy it once, set it up, learn the software, save $20 / month

  • It won't record HD though.
  • was going to buy that Panasonic DVD recorder ...EH55S with a hard drive going for $499 this week but most reviewers had problems with picking TV Guide info (TVGOS) and soon realised that this unit does not have a HD tuner despite the premium price.
    therefore elected to waited for their next model..
    Have to agree much easier recording onto a HD DVD recorder. and burning/editing your own DVD
  • Hmm...

    ACtually, I've rarely played with this DVD recorder... and to completely hijack the thread, I'm wondering something

    We have Rogers HD digital... now, the not recording high def thing, should this not work for the HD saves if you record from the HD channels?

  • My least favourite thing about watching TV is the commercials...

    I get worked up over a lot of things ..No, really I do... ;)

    but the idea that a company pays to advertise to us and we pay to see those advertisements- while the middlemen get rich off both ends, has always annoyed me.

    Love my PVR for just the ability to skip the commercials in what little TV I do watch.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    but the idea that a company pays to advertise to us and we pay to see those advertisements- while the middlemen get rich off both ends, has always annoyed me.

    Well, I guess that we're paying for access to the channels, and the channels are getting paid by advertisers to produce t.v. shows. I don't think that the networks get any kickback from Rogers (or whatever).

    I find the 1/2 hour of ads at the movies much more egregious. I mean, fuck those guys. I don't even go to the movies if I can possibly avoid it. between the 15 year-olds flirting and acting like tools, the 10$ popcorn, and the ads before the movie, it's just a royal pain in the ass.
  • yep, I have a LG DVD recorder with the hard drive. Best thing I ever bought. I was a VCR guy and didn't understand the hype. Once you get one of these or a PVR you will understand. The menus of what's on the hard drive, moving through commercials with such speed and smoothness, just the picture itself being the same quality as the origninal. I rarely watch anything real time anymore. I just hard drive it and watch it an hour later in 3/5 the time. Commercials are getting unreal these days. I think this technology will kill the television advertising revenue in a big way to be honest.
  • moose wrote: »
    It won't record HD though.

    Since I don't have HD that doesn't matter. I still have 2 VCR's hooked up here mostly for the chest of movies I have. We rarely watch tv and maybe once or twice we tape something in a month to watch later. I'll not watch a show all year then buy it on DVD to watch at my convience with no missed episodes, commercials etc.

    PVR meh......
  • SuperNed wrote: »
    I think this technology will kill the television advertising revenue in a big way to be honest.

    I think that the revenue model for advertising is simply changing. You can't watch a show that isn't littered with advertising. From somebody claiming that they're driving a new "Ford with the Super Turbo" to having to run to the store to buy "Coke", the shows themselves are advertisements now.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    My least favourite thing about watching TV is the commercials...

    Are you kidding me? Commercials are what make TV watching fun! Some of the greatest imaginations in the world are dedicated to provide the viewer with ways to inform and enlighten the public in 30secs or less. And some commercials are just a hoot to watch.
  • stay tuned for my post on bringing back the 8 track tape player; I think the PVR has its advantages so once the price comes down to earth, I will be taking the plunge. Thanks for all your comments.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    stay tuned for my post on bringing back the 8 track tape player; I think the PVR has its advantages so once the price comes down to earth, I will be taking the plunge. Thanks for all your comments.

    I find the PVR a huge time saver. No more commercials, I can watch 3 shows in the span of two hour. No more watching shows cause nothing it on, record something on Thursday and watch it on Sunday afternoon.

    Plus the pause and rewind live TV is great (when I do watch live TV), missing something or have to answer the phone and all you do is pause and rewind a few seconds.

    Also with the PVR you can watch one show and record another, (no worries when Heroes and High Stakes Poker are on at the same time.) or you can record two shows at the same time and watch one you already have recorded.

    It is a total time saver.
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