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Tourney hand for discussion
Four remain in a sit-n-go. Three paid. Blinds 500-1000. You
are under the gun with 2,000 chips (SB 3,000, BB 3,800, and button 1,200). You are dealt the A-8o. What do you do?
are under the gun with 2,000 chips (SB 3,000, BB 3,800, and button 1,200). You are dealt the A-8o. What do you do?
I would push all-in here.
A8 is an very good hand 4-handed. Also, your all-in raise probably has a good deal of fold equity. Both the button and SB (and possibly even the BB) are probably going to fold better hands pre-flop here than they might in many other situations.
The button will likely see a great opportunity to sit this one out and hope you get busted, and the SB will be reluctant to call for 1,500 more when he could probably wait out *both* Our Hero and the button short stack. Even the BB might think twice himself about calling with complete trash, leaving himself with an above average stack of 2,800 rather than a considerably slimmer 1,800.
I doubt you'll be getting anyone to fold a hand which you are losing too, and if one of your opponents does have a hand which is beating you (seems pretty unlikely to me being 4-handed), that's simply a tough break. On the other hand, there are a lot of medium-strength hands (QTo, 22, K3s) which would give you some trouble, and you wouldn't mind your opponents folding.
Not only is your hand good, but this is your last opportunity to put some pressure on players with a raise yourself. During the next hand, you're the BB. With half of your stack paid on the blind, a raise coming from you will not do anything special, and you'll more likely be facing someone else's raise, which would leave you with a strange decision: Call for the rest, or fold despite the excellent pot odds in an attempt to wait out the 1,200 short stack who must blind off before you.
I had a feeling that the original post wasn't just what it was.
In Rot13 so as not to spoil the fun:
Sbe zl zvavzhz unaqf, V jbhyq zbir nyy-va jvgu nal Npr, nal Cnve, Xvat Rvtug, Dhrra Gra, Wnpx Gra (nyy bs gur cerivbhf, fhvgrq be abg). Fhvgrq: Xvat Fvk (znlor nal Xvat), Dhrra Avar, Wnpx Avar, Gra Rvtug, naq Frira Fvk.
Nf V zragvbarq rneyvre, V'z tbvat gb or pbhagvat ba gur snpg gung gurer vf n fbzrjung uvture punapr guna hfhny gung gur ohggba naq FO jvyy or sbyqvat gb n envfr; ohg V nyfb jnag n unaq gung pna fgnaq hc zbqrengryl jryy (rira vs cbffvoyl oruvaq) ntnvafg n enaqbz unaq sebz gur OO. Cyhf V guvax n tbbq crepragntr bs gur unaqf V'ir yvfgrq unir n qrprag punapr bs npghnyyl orvat gur orfg cer-sybc unaq jura vg'f sbhe-unaqrq.
To decode:
BX, V unir fvzvyne gubhtugf ba unaqf yvxr gung, ng gung cbvag va gur tnzr. Abg na rknpg fpvrapr be nalguvat. V qba'g xrrc yvfgf. V hfhnyyl tb jvgu vafgvapgf naq n ebhtu bqqf pnyp va zl urnq unaq ol unaq. Zvk va n srj pnwbarf naq lbh unir vg. yby