Downtown T.O Ring game or Tourney

I am new to the forum and to poker. I am hooked and I don;t know anyone that also plays in the downtown Toronto area. Any regular games going on that I could join? or any advice where I can find one would be greatly appreciated. Please e-mail me:


  • Kalozdi,

    My buddies and I are going to try and start a regular friday night game after labor day. We're aiming for Sept. 10th. as the first game. Nothing is confirmed yet, but I'll let you know. Or even better, seeing as I have a horrible memory, email me the week of the 10th, and I can let you know if it's on. I'm at, . The game will be table stakes NL, with an initial buy-in of $20 or $40, to be decided the night of. We should have around 10 guys for the night.

  • Hey there is a regular game that I host near Spadina and Bloor feel free to join.
    Usually $10 buy in sometimes $20 - email / msn
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