AA Hand.

Now I haven't posted a hand in quite a while so I thought I would post a fun one. Feel free to drop your insite.

First of all I now live in Calgary and there is action o-plenty. You are never short on finding a game in this city.

The Game: $4 - $8 Limit with Kill.

The table is mostly your normal low limit table; loose calling stations. There a couple of players that actually raise and seem to have some clue about Hold'em outside of what they have learned on TV. Note though I have only been at the table for a couple of rounds.

My image (yes, there actually people at the table who have noticed): Tight aggressive.

The Hand - Kill on (Meaning the limits are now $8 - $16):
The kill is on the button. There are a couple of folds and two raises to me. The raises are a bit odd in kill pot here because this table and most I have played at tighten up when a kill is on. So I am giving respect to the raises.

Action is to me and I peek down to two black aces. Wonderful, I raise only to be reraised by the player in the next position (the action is now capped for those of you counting). All fold to the button who was on the kill and he calls the three cold. Both the original bettor and raiser call as well. For those counting that is five to a capped kill pot and I have the best hand.

First all, as I already said I feel like I have to give respect to the people in the pot because of the kill but by no means can I put any one player on even a range of hands. Secondly, an interesting thing happens in live play...people interact! This was a Saturday so things were crazy busy and therefore the rules were not strictly enforced by all dealers. Due to this players were often showing non-playing players (player that folded) there hands while action was still going. I personally do not care and actually like it. Thirdly, the button shows his hand to his nieghbours, all of who are not in the action.

The flop comes and the button immediately shoots a quarter second glance over to said neighbours. I am certain his hand hit.

The flop is: 6 10 2 rainbow.

Two checks to me. I now make what I feel is a horrible mistake and check with intention of check raising the button. Again I am certain he hit and I want to check raise to find out where I am. I hate my play here and think I should have bet our on the flop. What do you think?

I will leave the hand here for now. I promise this isn't just another bad beat hand and I will take this through the stages as I want input on what I feel are some interesting parts.


  • First can you clarify if this is a 4 or 5 bet cap preflop? You said there was two raises to you, then you 4 bet, then someone 5 bets, but then you said button called 3 cold, so this seems to indicate a standard 4 bet cap.

    I'm going to assume there was a single raise to you, as opposed to 2.

    So 4 SB * 5 = 20SB preflop.

    Again I am certain he hit and I want to check raise to find out where I am. I hate my play here and think I should have bet our on the flop. What do you think?

    You have tremendous equity in this pot on such a ragged flop (unless you run into a set). So basically you're deciding whether to check raise for value, or whether to lead out, and get raised to try to protect your hand. Given the size of the pot, people "generally" shouldn't be folding hands like gutshots or 2 pair draws for 2 bets here. I think that in general, since it's unlikely you're going to be able to protect your hand at all here, you should push to maximize your value. I think I prefer leading, ensuring I get the opportunity to 3 bet the likely raiser here (trapping people in between for at least 3 if not 4 bets here). Additionally, for 2 bets, some players "might" incorrectly fold something like bottom pair, or a gutshot. If you check-raise, they won't be apt to make this mistake.
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