Flush flops out of position + my poorly played hand

Here is my pitiful hand (I am embarrased to post this) from the other night.
My bigger question is how much should you bet with a very good flop when board comes two to a flush and you have no draw at all to that flush.

Read and weep along:

Full Tilt $5 + $0.50 Sit & Go Table 3 - 600/1200 - No Limit Hold'em - 1:20:59 ET - 2007/01/10
Seat 1: richguy323 (15,830)
Seat 2: jjs345 (8,740)
Seat 5: st0neC0ldNutz (13,585)
Seat 6: thegreatone6949 (29,345)
st0neC0ldNutz posts the small blind of 600
thegreatone6949 posts the big blind of 1,200
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to st0neC0ldNutz [Kd Qd]
richguy323 calls 1,200
jjs345 folds
st0neC0ldNutz calls 600
thegreatone6949 checks
*** FLOP *** [3s Ks Qc]
st0neC0ldNutz checks
thegreatone6949 checks
richguy323 bets 1,200
st0neC0ldNutz raises to 3,900
thegreatone6949 folds
richguy323 calls 2,700
*** TURN *** [3s Ks Qc] [4s]
st0neC0ldNutz bets 4,700
richguy323 calls 4,700
*** RIVER *** [3s Ks Qc 4s] [8s]
st0neC0ldNutz bets 1,200
richguy323 raises to 6,030, and is all in
st0neC0ldNutz: top 2 KQ no club
thegreatone6949: flush
st0neC0ldNutz has 15 seconds left to act
st0neC0ldNutz folds
Uncalled bet of 4,830 returned to richguy323
richguy323 mucks
richguy323 wins the pot (23,200)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 23,200 | Rake 0
Board: [3s Ks Qc 4s 8s]
Seat 1: richguy323 collected (23,200), mucked
Seat 2: jjs345 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: st0neC0ldNutz (small blind) folded on the River
Seat 6: thegreatone6949 (big blind) folded on the Flop

Please (for real) point out all mistakes I made and help me to save my money next time this comes up. Does anyone limp in the SB with this hand? the blinds were high and my opponents were agressive I was positive the limper would bet when checked to, and I was going to check raise (which happened and I did raise him...but should I have CR all in? I dont want to see all cards to the river so I didnt want to CR (check raise) all in.

I am glad I folded the river cause I made a comeback to take 2nd place....



  • I woulda have re-raised more on the flop CR...

    In fact, I wouldn't have Check raised here.. I bet out.


    P.S. FWIW I think he turned the flush and was reeling you in
  • Just calling preflop is fine. KQ suited is a decent hand but not really that huge and playing it out of position after you raised big preflop can be frustrating. Even worse if the BB shoves preflop.

    Post flop I wouldn't get tricky waiting for the check raise, I would come out betting 4800 or so. If you do go for the check raise just shove it all in and make him really have to pay for his draw.

    The turn sucks, and if you want to try a blocking bet (like you sort of tried on the river I think) this is not a bad time to do it for the min or 2x the min. Yes you are giving a guy with a draw to a 4 flush decent odds but realistically that should not be a hand the person has if he called a large flop bet (though at the $5 level anything is possible).

    If you get raised all in on the turn you can fold (unless the player has been bluffing/wild a lot) since you still have a decent stack. Once the 4th of the suit hits on the river your position really hurts and it is time to give up. Your min bet is pretty bad since he will even call that with hands that beat yours that he might have folded to a larger bet a mid card of that suit for instance). Either close your eyes and shove or just check/fold (or do a crying call if he min bets river for instance).

    Guess summary is on flop make them pay hard for a draw, on turn try to get to river as cheap as possible and hope you get a 4 outer to fill up, by river it's pretty much time to surrender since you still have a lot of chips.

    Note, if you had position on him you could play the hand in a much more comfortable manner.
  • I think the check-raise on the flop was fine, but I would have just pushed at that point.

    The way it was played, I think the river bet wasn't a good idea. If I can do math you had 3700 left at that point. You obviously don't want to put any more of your money in the pot with 4 to the flush on board, so min-betting the river is just a waste of the chips you had left. From my experience, there is no bet you can make on this river that is going to win you the pot. Even if you had pushed (and closed your eyes of course) a weak flush would still have to call you, and a strong flush is obviously going to call.

  • Thanks for the comments. I really appreciate it.

    Ok so, limping the KQ in the SB was not so bad a play because it is NOT that great a hand AND I am out of position. Checking the flop with a dangerous board was pretty much stupid, however my goal was a CR which I did, but I should have CR him for all my chips, and if he wants to flush chase then good luck buddy...

    River bet was again a waste of $ since judging by the way he was playing it, he had a flush and I should have check folded./

    These are the nasty hands that kick my ass when i am deep and I am really trying to work hard to keep my stack healthy instead of spewing when its not appropriate (I guess its never appropriate though is it!)

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