Cashing out large amounts to neteller

Has anyone ever done this before? Is it safe to get 15K in one shot to neteller?

I have to figure it is, but i've always worked with hundereds and low thousands (like 2K max) in my neteller account and have never had my neteller acct over 4K before.

Has anyone ever asked for that sorta amount or even much larger ones without any problems?


  • I wish i know .....:)
  • I was once asked to give all my cc info and banking info to this guy in Nigeria who would then transfer me 60K into my neteller account. It never happened, I'd be careful. BTW don't trust those Nigerian guys cuz he charged my CC for the transfer and like I said it never happened.
  • You can fully trust Neteller not to roll you. I am sure they have better things to do with hteir company than roll some guy for 15k.

    I would suggest you get a Neteller debit card. That way you can transfer the 15k from your Neteller account to your Neteller debit account and withdrawl 1k per day.
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