Played Wrong, or Just a Bad Beat?

I think I played this hand totally incorrect, and I don't think it was a bad beat like the table said it was. But let me know what you guys think.

Game: 5/10
Players in the hand: 4
Stack sizes: Me $75
Small Blind: $150.00
Big Blind: $300.00
UTG: $75

I'm on the button looking down at AQ (unsuited)

UTG limps in, I was short stacked not trying to get married to my AQ so I just limp in too, small blind completes and big blind checks.

4 of us see a flop of A A 9 (no flush draw, nor straight on board)

SB checks, BB checks, UTG checks out, and I check

3 of us left in the hand turn card is a J (now there is a potential club draw on the board)

SB bets $10, BB calls $10, I raise to $20.
SB calls the addition $10, BB calls the additional $10

river card is a 7 (good card, so I thought, because there is no flush on the board)

SB checks, BB bets $10, I call $10, SB check raises to $20, BB calls, and I call.

BB shows A6
I show AQ
SB shows 8T

That's why I don't think this was a bad beat. Both BB and I checked our Aces, but the problem I see is this, when I raised to $20 on the turn, BB should have made it $30, where I would go $40 and maybe the open ended straight draw would muck. But that would only make it more obvious for him to call.

Any thoughts?


  • This is a limit game...

    On the button, I would have raised.. you have a premium hand!

    On that flop, slowplaying to allow someone to catch up is a tricky business... what is someone going to catch up to?

    If they have an A - you're letting them draw to a boat for free.

    If they have a pocket pair - see above

    If they have say, I dunno.. 8-10 for example, and catch another straight card, it'll be hard to push them off a draw.

    Bet pre-flop, bet on the flop - it'd look like a continuation bet, and the other Ace was coming along for the ride.... end results would have been you won a decent straightforward pot, instead of losing one.

  • Your right Mark, I should have just raised preflop and bet the flop. I was playing the trap. Which cost me the pot
  • I was playing the trap.

    As echoed already, this is a limit game. Why are you trapping? You have to get money into the pot when you have edges (repeatedly). Without the ability to make big bets on the end you shouldn't be thinking about things like trapping and implied odds, you should be thinking about extracting value from your hand, which in general is done by betting.
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