how to play AA preflop in LLNLHE?

Seeking opinions/insights on how forum members here would play pocket AA preflop in the big blind position after 1 initial raise to 3x BB and 4 other callers before you.
What would be the best strategy to extract maximum returns and also to isolate as much as possible.
This is a low-limit ($25) online NLHE ring game and table has been pretty loose so far
Is a raise to say $8 when table pot so far to you is $5.35 a reasonable raise to isolate or do one just push all in?



  • to get the maximum value out of your hand pre-flop overbet the pot. if it's already $5.00 make it $12.00 dollars that's almost half your stack. Makes people think your pot commited regardless of the flop. Any pocket pair is definatly going to call you, or any suited connector or a big Ace to see if they can suck out on you. Ultimatly, whatever comes on the flop you are going to end up pushing regardless. Even if you have 1 caller.

    That's my opinion.
  • with a pot getting that big, there's no way you can get away from this post-flop (i'm assuming none of the stacks are particularly deep). you don't really want to play against more than 1 or 2 others so a raise is in order. you haven't said much about the initial raiser - position, table image, stack size.

    one thing that works sometimes at minimal risk is to push. some players think you are making a move and will call you with the most amazingly bad hands, making you a huge favourite. this is what i would do in a tourney with a moderate stack. you are talking cash so it is not quite the same thing.

    other times, just put in a slightly more than pot-sized bet - maybe 7 or 8 bucks. this will be a substantial chunk of your stack and unfortunately the more attentive players will understand they are not getting implied odds to call but some idiots may blindly call anyway. (if it is more than about 40% of your stack, just push. otherwise you don't have enough for any meaningful bet post-flop)

    live for the bad beat, man.
  • lol...sounds better when you say it eh?....I guess I just worded my post differently... :)
  • Flip them face up, yell "I got aces" and the push all-in.

    That's basically what you are doing if you vary the way you play your hand just because you have them.

    Raise whatever the normal raise amount is. If you get the chance get it all-in preflop. If not, play them like you play any hand.

    Why does everyone want to get into some tizzy because they hold aces?
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