Supreme Poker

Since I can't post in the section for supreme, I'm going to post it here. I am finding more and more problems with the european players especially in the middle of the night. I"ve reported cases of non english speaking in the chat, collusion and all I get from support is we'll watch the table. Checking down a set from the flop against friends happens all the time. All in's against friends then typing 10 10 (which is actually what they had) after their friend did call with K J s. Nothing seems to happen. I"ve had a good run there but this kind of BS has to stop or else I'll end up taking my money elsewhere.

Sorry but I have to vent, after spending more time in private chat with Steven and Nicole and getting nowhere. They did warn about the non english chat but when it continued nothing got done.


  • Is this for tournys or ring games?

    I've noticed alot of chat at some PLO tables, but I didn't see anything fishy going on, EXCEPT THE LEVEL OF PLAY! hahaha!

    Why not post their names, so we don't run into them?

  • I see alot more of the non english chat happening at Supreme than anywhere else and question the possibility of collusion more than any other site I play on. It's uncomfortable to play there sometimes, and I usually either just find another table or if I'm convinced I'm surrounded by some those that are conspiring, I will leave the site and go elsewhere.

    It's the only site I play on that doesn't enforce an English Only chat rule.
  • Well considering I speak German, and its very similar to Dutch, and alot of the players are German/Danish/Swedes, I can say with 100% confidence that there is a fair bit of collusion going on, out in the open.

    This happens alot at cash games on Supreme. I cannot say anything about tourneys as I rarely end up playing them. I've had two guys call my raise and tell eachother their hands (and me) just to try and take me down. I would have to say they did this becaues they were calling me down with crap hands (7/8off) and (K10 suited) on my QQ raise.

    I even sat a table, shorthanded, where everyone spoke to eachother on hands, it was crazy.

    It usually does not negatively impact me as I can peace together some/all of the conversations usually, but to someone who couldn't, or in certain tense situations with alot of $ on the line, it's really just plain cheating.

    I would assume all of the english speaking only players, that are serious, will leave in time if nothing is done, but I have no way to back this up, it's only my assumption.

    Jay (Cases)
  • Any chance you could post some translations for common phrases said at a poker table?

    It would be sweet to know what they are saying, even read their cards!

  • johnnie, that is an excellent question. i've spent a long time studying the hand histories from over 42000 hands played at supreme in the past 6 months. based on this research, i've come to the following conclusions, which i believe are most likely correct:

    * when they say 'AA', they are holding pocket aces
    * i am a prick
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    * when they say 'AA', they are holding pocket aces
    * i am a prick

    lol......Yes, you are. Merry Christmas!
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    johnnie, that is an excellent question. i've spent a long time studying the hand histories from over 42000 hands played at supreme in the past 6 months. based on this research, i've come to the following conclusions, which i believe are most likely correct:

    * when they say 'AA', they are holding pocket aces
    * i am a prick


    You are perceptive that is for sure. Even thought I do not speak any languages other than english and pig latin I have also noticed that you are a prick. Perhaps your prickiness is internationally translatable.

  • when 2 dudes are speaking non english (i think it was swedish but don't quote me) and one guy checks down top set? NO bet on the flop ..... go fuck me. We had 5 warnings after I spoke with support but nothing was done about the non english chat. WTF? I know it was 3 am our time but ..... I took down 3rd and 3 of the colluders went out. It was a SNG. One guy said to his friend after his all in was folded to him he had 99...... but buddy called with his KQ...... after the king hit that one was all over..... as an aside the guy who went was very rude to everyone...... After I mentioned chat should be in english only I was told by 4 of them to fuck off. Take your own by that..

    I will play there during prime time (their hours) but off hours if nothing is done I wont' play at all.
  • Do Not ever count on me playing here again. My chat is banned for speaking foreign languages. I speak only english. I report collusion and this is the way I'm treated. I have e mailed support but his is utter garbage. please sloth or supreme do something. I will leave and never play their again. I ask every forum member to boy cott supreme until they get their shit together.

    Please, sloth crap has to stop.

    Here is the copy of the e mail sent to support

    Hello dudes. I report collusion and non english chat in a poker room, and I get banned? WTF? if this is the way I'm going to be treated then I will leave. I reported at about 4 am this morning EST non english chat and offensive language and I get a ban? I would like a full explaination. If you do not want me to play here tell me I will leave.

    Thank you


    Nick on Supreme Acidjoe
  • Hold on...I don't understand...YOU report illegal activity...and YOU GET BANNED???

  • No one get their undies all bunched up. Sloth will take care of this if any wrong doing has taken place.

  • AcidJoe, Good of you to post this. I deposited into
    Supreme to play the weekly Sunday forum trny's. So I tried a 10+1 to get used to the software and I had almost exactly the same experience as yourself.

    A couple of Germans(I
    Think) talking the whole time and soft playing each other,bubble time the collusion was blatant. I decided screw it, only forum trny's here. I decided not to post about it here, being a realative new poster and not trying to stir the pot with the possibilties of the admin and bussines stuff.

    Guys, AcidJoe is right, It's blatant here.

    AcidJoe, please check pm.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Hold on...I don't understand...YOU report illegal activity...and YOU GET BANNED???


    He only had his chat banned, probally for dropping a couple of F-bombs.

    What I don't understand is why colliude in the chat box? Don't they have MSN in Europe? This is a common problem on Stars and other sites, but we seem to get through it.

    I still think the ring games (especially PLO) are really soft at Supreme, and I'll continue to play there.

  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    He only had his chat banned, probally for dropping a couple of F-bombs.

    What I don't understand is why colliude in the chat box? Don't they have MSN in Europe? This is a common problem on Stars and other sites, but we seem to get through it.

    I still think the ring games (especially PLO) are really soft at Supreme, and I'll continue to play there.


    I agree with Johnny, the ring games are really soft and very profitable. Can't leave all that $$ on the table. Guess I need to start brushing up on my German again (or using google language translation) :)
  • This was finally resolved after about 6 e mails or so back and forth with their security department where they admitted it was a mistake (finally) and my chat was restored.

    To Johnny the only f bombs that were dropped were dropped at support after they told me that anyone who reports collusion will also be investigated and dealt with if they have done anything wrong. This is what led to my chat being banned after I was told I had previously done what I was reporting.

    It seemed only after I requested a chat transcript that couldn't be provided, was it then deemed they were in error. It amazes me that a poker site would take action then claim it was a case of mistaken identify. I would love to post the e mails, however the e mails came with a disclaimer stating if I forwarded them, or publicly posted them it may cause me to be banned from the network.

    So for now I'm not playing there despite the softness unless it's a forum tourney.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Hold on...I don't understand...YOU report illegal activity...and YOU GET BANNED???


    Dude...don't get worked up. Customer service is handled by the network, not me. It appears as though his chat was banned, I am working with Joe on this and will also look into what can be done.
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