Windsor Casino trip report (Dec 26)

While visiting my parents, my brother and I have a boys night out, so we usually end up at Casino Windsor for Hold'em. This was my 4th trip out to the casino and I decided to play 1/2 NL for the first time there, after my success at Fallsview, and my brother stuck to 3/6 Limit as he's still getting comfortable with live play.

Luckily, I got called for a table that was forming, which is nice because we all started with $100, hence no bullying monster stacks.

The dealer that started the table looked very nervous and I think it was her first day dealing as there were a lot of error made that day. The table helped with a few of her mess ups, but they were really basic things (exposing a card mid-deal, reading the wrong hand as winner and mis-counting what a player owed when calling)

It was pretty slow for the first couple rotations until she started to get comfortable, then things got a little better. For me, the easiest way to sum up my day was ABC poker got paid off.

First two hands were 93o and the only face card I saw in two rotations was a Jack with a 2, so I didn't play much.

Third rotation I get JJ UTG and raise to $12 (the early "standard" raise). One caller, the flop comes Q high, I bet $20 and get the fold. He looked annoyed at me and I could tell he thought I was just buiying the pot.

The very next hand I wake up with KK in the big blind. Early player makes it's $12 and I get two more callers before action gets to me.

Now four hands earlier was our first all-in of the game when Player A makes it $12, Player B raises All-In for ~$100 and Player A calls. A shows 77 and B shows AJo. I was a little annoyed when the "good" player at the table started berating the players for making a horrible play, so I made sure to come to their aid and defend their bold moves.

Anyway, I've got $97 behind if I just call. I have to make it another $50 to make it a pot sized re-raise, so I just push. The same guy from the last hand calls with AK and no help comes his way and I more than double up.

Guy beside me is surprised that anyone called, since I've hardly played and must only be playing huge hands (yep, that's what he said to me) and I mentally thank him for letting me know that I can push him off pots.

New guy comes to the table and quickly quintuples his stack as his first two hands make boats on the river and he gets paid off nicely each time.

In an interesting hand, I'm in the BB with A7c and UTG makes it $12. Three callers to me and I call $10 to see a flop of K33 with two clubs.

SB bets out $20, and I worriedly call (with the original raiser behind me), but he only calls. The turn is a non-club and the SB bets $40 but says something odd as he bets, "I better get all you chasers out"

My spidey sense is going off and I contemplate raising him as I found myself thinking, "that was a really odd thing to say". But with the original raiser still to act (though his flop call was definately a sign of weakness) I decide to fold and the OR folds too.

He then says, "Oh wait, I was the one chasing" and turns over J4c. I need to listen to my instincts more, adn sadly count all his chips that would have been mine had a club came on the turn.

Anyway, I gleefully fold for an hour and eventually get KQc in the BB. UTG raiser, three callers, I call. Flops comes Ad9c2c. SB checks and I bet $15 and it's folded around to the SB who calls.

The turn brings the Ac, and the SB leads out $15. He definately has an Ace and I definately have the nut-flush, but the stupid Ace paired the board, so I'm worried about the boat.

The SB was a cute older fella from Georgia, who had been over play hands, and calling flopped bottom pair down to the river (often hitting two pair - His 62o on a flop of AQ2, tilted someone as they betstrong and he called down only to hit a six on the end)

Anyway, at this point it's most likely he has a naked Ace. I make it $50 to go, and he re-raises me another $50 and my heart sinks. He representing the boat, but I'm feeling pretty certain he'd also over value his top three of a kind this way too.

I call, the river is nothing special and he bets $60. I call, and he shows A6 for just the three of a kind. I know the result was good, but I'm not 100% on my turn call.

Looking back on, he was betting when he was strong, so I think he would have bet out had he flopped two pair. Still, I don't think I played the hand well, even though I ended up winning it.

Anyway, that put me to just shy of $400 and I lost a few more when I got KK UTG, I raised to $12 and got three callers. The flop came A75, and I know I'm beat, but I make a small bet of $10, hopping that everyone calls for the free look at the turn, but instead I get two callers and the finally player going all-in. I wave goodbye to my cowboys and the next player calls, and the last player to act moves all-in to which the first players calls.

The original all-in player has AJ, the delayed all-in player had 77 for the set and the, "I must call off all my chips player" shows A9. 77's hold and two players bust. I'm very glad I wasn't re-raised pre-flop and only lose a few bucks on the hand.

Another player comes and picks up monsters in his first three hands, cripples the then chip leader, and gets his stack quickly to $700. He then puts his stack to work and starts making pre-flop raises to $26. This causes other to play way aggressive and there's a lot of pre-flop, all-in action for the next rotation or two.

At that point it was about time to go anyway, so I cash out my profit of $260, wonder over to my brother who's up $220... (In 3/6 Limit in 2.5 hours.... must have been an interesting table), and we go celebrate our win with crappy beers at the rippers.

It was pretty full (even though it was a holiday) and they had two 3/6 games going, two 2/5 NL and the other 8 tables were 1/2 NL. The dealers I had were a little weak, but other than that, the action was nice.


  • Nice report, Rob!

    1/2 NL seems to be good for you,eh?

  • Nice report Rob, really enjoyed it. It's so much easier to fold KK now then it was a few years back....

  • really nice report.
    I to decided to go to Windsor over the holidays to take part in a cheaper 50+10 tourny that the casino offers. I told my mother whom decided to join me as well as my buddy and his brother.
    I called ahead to get an idea when was the best time to arrive was and was told around 8:30 to 9:00 AM should be good. I figured ok, well get there around 8:30 as the tourny starts at 10:00.
    As we arrive close to 8:40 I see the dreaded line up. Darn I think to myself as there was a line up that was longer than usual.
    It turns out that we were 64,65,66,and 67 respectfully, with another 20 behind us. Holidays
    My hopes were that they would extend there tournament policy of only 60 players max. but to no avail.
    I had exactly 100 on me so I decided to play 1/2 NL
    my one buddy is seated with me at my table and my mom and his brother sits at another table. I'm thinking to myself man what am I doing here.
    None the less I'm dealt Ah 7h on the button and raise 10dol.
    folds around and get one caller
    flop is 3c Ad 10c.
    Man "Here we go again" I think as I ponder at this point "am I out kicked?"
    I was first to act so I just bet 5dol, and young guy calls.
    turn was 8c
    I m so weak and continue to think why did I even sit down, and bet 5dol.
    Keep in mind I don't give any impression to my oppenents, I'm just thinking this in my mind. My point is I wasn't giving any signs. I always play the same way.
    He calls
    River is a 10s
    he goes all in for 19dol, and sadly I know better but call
    he shows 10h Qs.
    It makes one rotation when in early position i'm dealt 6d 6c so I raise 10dol and I get one caller.
    flop is 2s 6h 7s.
    I raise 10d and get re raised 30dol. WTF I think to myself does he have a flush draw? st8 draw?
    I called which puts me all in and he proudly annonces 7's.
    I ll be damned. His trip sevens win as the turn and river with my few outs don't amount.
    I played two stinking hands and get up from my seat with the most bitter feeling of Casino Windsor and one of my first real table casino experiences.
    I can take beats, actually I have no problem for the most part with my play, just man, that shit happens.
    I will probably stick to my home games and online.
    BTW the others didnt fair much better.
    Happy New Year
  • Anyway, that put me to just shy of $400 and I lost a few more when I got KK UTG, I raised to $12 and got three callers. The flop came A75, and I know I'm beat, but I make a small bet of $10, hopping that everyone calls for the free look at the turn, but instead I get two callers and the finally player going all-in. I wave goodbye to my cowboys and the next player calls, and the last player to act moves all-in to which the first players calls.

    The original all-in player has AJ, the delayed all-in player had 77 for the set and the, "I must call off all my chips player" shows A9. 77's hold and two players bust. I'm very glad I wasn't re-raised pre-flop and only lose a few bucks on the hand.

    huh? you dont want to get your chips in as a fav?
  • meltedmark wrote: »
    I'm thinking to myself man what am I doing here.
    Not the best way to start off.

    meltedmark wrote: »
    None the less I'm dealt Ah 7h on the button and raise 10dol.
    folds around and get one caller
    flop is 3c Ad 10c.
    Man "Here we go again" I think as I ponder at this point "am I out kicked?"
    What exactly were you hoping for on the flop? A perfect 3 hearts?
    meltedmark wrote: »
    I was first to act so I just bet 5dol, and young guy calls.
    turn was 8c
    You probably let out a very frustrated sigh too, you already had the guy throw in $10 preflop, aint nobody going to fold to a measly $5 continuation bet. I think this should have been either a check, if you want to play it weakly, or at least $25 which is where I would be leaning.
    meltedmark wrote: »
    I m so weak and continue to think why did I even sit down, and bet 5dol.
    Keep in mind I don't give any impression to my oppenents, I'm just thinking this in my mind. My point is I wasn't giving any signs. I always play the same way.
    He calls
    Your betting is giving off the only tell he needs! Preflop you bet 10, flop you drop down to 5, and turn is only 5, you are not betting at all to represent ANY kind of hand at all. He probably thinks his pr Ts is the best hand at this point and is only slowplaying you.
    meltedmark wrote: »
    River is a 10s
    he goes all in for 19dol, and sadly I know better but call
    he shows 10h Qs.
    This is a mistake I too am completely guilty of, KNOWING you are beat, but calling anyway. This should have been an easy fold at this point, but some other forces control our actions.
    meltedmark wrote: »
    It makes one rotation when in early position i'm dealt 6d 6c so I raise 10dol and I get one caller.
    flop is 2s 6h 7s.
    Standard raise with small PP, you accomplished exactly what you could have hoped for.
    meltedmark wrote: »
    I raise 10d and get re raised 30dol. WTF I think to myself does he have a flush draw? st8 draw?
    I called which puts me all in and he proudly annonces 7's.
    That is almost a perfect flop for 66, all low cards with the only problem being the flush draw. You again, didn't bet enough. You hit a set, you should have been the one pushing if you are really that short stacked. You had a tough break that he flopped an over set, but shit happens.
    meltedmark wrote: »
    I ll be damned. His trip sevens win as the turn and river with my few outs don't amount.
    I played two stinking hands and get up from my seat with the most bitter feeling of Casino Windsor and one of my first real table casino experiences.
    If that was your first casino experience, and you only brought 1 buy in, maybe you should have played at a lower limit game. My assumption is you gave off huge tells about your lack of experience, as well as your limited BR. Playing scared is the worst way to play, they are only chips, not real money.
    meltedmark wrote: »
    I can take beats, actually I have no problem for the most part with my play, just man, that shit happens.
    His set beating your set wasn't a bad beat.

    meltedmark wrote: »
    Happy New Year
    And a Happy New Year to you to sir! Better luck next year.
  • Thanks for an unbias opinion,
    I appreciate your insights and will keep them in mind.
    Later that same week, I played at a home game and came in second and third to place in some money.
    I know I lack ring game experience and had no bank roll , I should have just gone home that day but, it was an experence none the less.
    When I'm ready, it still won't be Windsor.
  • Does anyone know the actual buy ins for the daily tourneys? Are they $50 each day or what. How many chips do you start with/blind level etc. Any help would be appreciated.
  • Its cool to see a post about Casino Windsor on here, I like it for the most part, 3/6 I wouldn't touch w/a 10 foot pole, and if I do I'm so loose there, 100 Max is always good for action, the best game is the 2/5 200 Max I think, anyway, but I've got a good beat story still fresh in my head that I think the room will enjoy, I went and played 100 Max, my first buyin I lost by playing stupid, anywho I went downstairs (for the uninformed, its where the table games are) and dropped $200, (hence to this day I'll never go back) so I took my last hundy and went back up and made a run for even, I started nicely, at a high action table, there were 3 asians at my table (I called it the asian invasion) all of which had 300+ in front of them, I started by doubling up with KK I was UTG I made it $10 (note: in a nutshell, the blinds "technically are 2/5, cuz n e one who makes a $4$-10 raise PF gets laughed at and the whole table ends up calling) this table was a lot of action in terms of raising, so I anticipated a reraise, and the asian closest to me makes it $30, this was a solid table, but his attitude when reraising was pretty carefree, so I ended up pushing into AJ and doubled up, so then I won some pots here and there until I get aces, here it comes, UTG I make it $15, the same asian that doubled me up goes all in for $100 and something, the tight asian after him calls, 3 to 1 I'm in heaven right now, I go all in over the top for 300+ I convinced him to fold to isolate. he folded 99, the flop came Q,J,Q worst feeling in the world and yup after losing that pot, I was tilting, and I busted the hand after w/99 into AA and JJ very weird the more I think about it, but hey I'll be back
  • Bobsi, this story is still hurting me, please stop. Don't go back.....
  • Somewhere along the way, our education system left out teaching the youth about paragraphs. It makes such a confusing story a little easier to understand, if not comprehend.
  • meltedmark wrote: »
    When I'm ready, it still won't be Windsor.

    I have to ask why? it wasn't the Casino, It was your play that made it a less than ideal experience, what does that have to do with Casino Windsor?
  • anybody here ever play at Windsor monthly $500 tourney? if so, how was it?
  • Bobsi38127 wrote: »
    Its cool to see a post about Casino Windsor on here, I like it for the most part, 3/6 I wouldn't touch w/a 10 foot pole, and if I do I'm so loose there, 100 Max is always good for action, the best game is the 2/5 200 Max I think, anyway, but I've got a good beat story still fresh in my head that I think the room will enjoy, I went and played 100 Max, my first buyin I lost by playing stupid, anywho I went downstairs (for the uninformed, its where the table games are) and dropped $200, (hence to this day I'll never go back) so I took my last hundy and went back up and made a run for even, I started nicely, at a high action table, there were 3 asians at my table (I called it the asian invasion) all of which had 300+ in front of them, I started by doubling up with KK I was UTG I made it $10 (note: in a nutshell, the blinds "technically are 2/5, cuz n e one who makes a $4$-10 raise PF gets laughed at and the whole table ends up calling) this table was a lot of action in terms of raising, so I anticipated a reraise, and the asian closest to me makes it $30, this was a solid table, but his attitude when reraising was pretty carefree, so I ended up pushing into AJ and doubled up, so then I won some pots here and there until I get aces, here it comes, UTG I make it $15, the same asian that doubled me up goes all in for $100 and something, the tight asian after him calls, 3 to 1 I'm in heaven right now, I go all in over the top for 300+ I convinced him to fold to isolate. he folded 99, the flop came Q,J,Q worst feeling in the world and yup after losing that pot, I was tilting, and I busted the hand after w/99 into AA and JJ very weird the more I think about it, but hey I'll be back

    I can't resist this one.....

  • I played in the $100 tourneys b4, it was a solid structure and u got a decent amount of chips to work with, and in the $500 u get double that, I know from ppl around the tables talkin about it. (one day I'll play in it) Hey gimme a break I was still a virgin when I posted that, I never fathomed the backlash of a bad paragraph, lol. I've learned to respect ppl's wishes and structurize my posts better, even grammar if is my godawful (I did that delibrately), at least I'm a good speller, lol.
  • I'm just kidding with ya. I've been looking for an excuse to post that comic for the last two months and "Hollywoods" has been pretty absent of late. :)
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