Just gauging the interest in if people are willing to do a second one of these? Seems like last years went pretty well and I would enjoy making money as I get in shape to get the ball and chain attached?



  • I would love to be in this.
  • I know I found some of what I lost last time, I'm in!

    Milton Slim
  • I'd participate... Big day in June and want to drop 30lbs.
  • ok but i want credit for the 36lbs i've lost since the end of august... i think i'd be ecstatic to lose about 20 more
  • But not a head start!!
    Do what Mark did : Eat 3 large all meat PEPI's before weigh in



    He's in the lead!!! LOL

    Milton (Wanna BE) Slim
  • So anyone want to spearhead this thing?
  • It seemed no one wanted to spear head this thing so I will.

    Start date March 3 (Royal Cup day). Finish date June 3 (3 months).

    All payments will be made via pokerstars or paradise. Cost $10 to be transfered to Acidjoe (Bradford) on stars. I'll have to check my paradise account but I believe it's Acidjoe as well.

    Weights to be posted on or before March 3 but we can have a weigh in at the RC if that's prefered. If those still interested let me know.
  • I'm in Joe!
  • I'm in!!!

    Milton Chunky
  • I am eating a 4 egg omelet with bacon and cheese and 4 pieces of white bread right now thinking, 'there is no way I will win this'.

    But I am STILL in.
  • So right now we have


    folded ????
    Mike ????
  • Mike, Corey reply now before you eat another donut!!!
    Any other plumpers out there?

    Milton Chunky
  • what is this??? can someone explain to me??
  • Starting and ending at the dates, you go on an "honour system" of weight loss... the biggest % of body lost wins the pot.... last year the buy-in was $50 or $20.... your choice.

    $400 pot to the cool guy last time... damn I spent that quickly though

  • Count me in. I need to lose weight.
  • I would be in... but I need to lose fat and gain muscle... so really I need to gain weight. Who's in for BIGGEST GAINER?!?!?!

  • g2 wrote: »
    I would be in... but I need to lose fat and gain muscle... so really I need to gain weight. Who's in for BIGGEST GAINER?!?!?!


    Damn do I ever know that feeling.

    I'm in for the $10 though, I figure any form of motivation might be enough to convince me to get off my ass and use the spare bedroom I have dedicated to being a weight room.

    I'll pay whoever is collecting at the Royal.
    Anybody planning to bring a scale to that or do I need to find one somewhere else?
  • I could be in but I need to gain chips....... oops, wrong section, should be in the Strat section!
  • Pinhead wrote: »
    Damn do I ever know that feeling.

    I'm in for the $10 though, I figure any form of motivation might be enough to convince me to get off my ass and use the spare bedroom I have dedicated to being a weight room.

    I'll pay whoever is collecting at the Royal.
    Anybody planning to bring a scale to that or do I need to find one somewhere else?

    I would be in for that too...but wouldn't lowering % of body fat be a better measurement?
  • westside8 wrote: »
    I would be in for that too...but wouldn't lowering % of body fat be a better measurement?
    That's what I was thinking, but how easy is it to get that measured?

  • I'm willing to take everyone's dough, I'm in.


    PS. I don't have an account so if someone can send me a address to put my money in holding before I get it back it would be great on june 3rd it would be great

    Just to ensure 10 bucks right or are we going 20?
  • I can bring a scale.

    Pinhead I'd rather collect via stars then pay out via stars as it makes everything easier. I thought the last one was 10 but Mark said it was 20. I don't really care I'll go with whatever as I need to drop about 40 lbs.
  • Last one was your choice - $20 or $50

  • Hey if i can't make it to can I get in on this?
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    Hey if i can't make it to can I get in on this?

  • I thought the easiest way is to

    A) transfer any money via stars or paradise
    B) assume we can trust everyone to measure their own weight and send it to me and I'll post the starting weights.
    C) urgggggg, I can I can give you a mailing address or preferably an e mail money transfer to get in on it.

    I certainly prefer A for the money thing as it will make paying out and everything a lot easier on my part.

    Any questions PM me.

    I say $20 and we are good.

  • I like the $20 entry. I'll be sending the payment and weigh-in tomorrow.
  • I spent $200 at Sobey's yesterday on absolute junk food and stuff.
    When is the official date?
  • OK I'm in. Will pay $20 at RC3 and weigh in that morning (at home). Haha weigh in... there's a self confidence boost ;)

  • The official Start date will be Saturday. I must receive your starting weight by midnight either by PM or a weigh in at the Royal cup. You then have 7 days to contact me to get me the money via transfer through stars, paradise etc or some other arrangements.

    I will post all starting weights on Sunday.
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