5K Guarenteed on Fulltilt....took it down:)


I don't normally post any of my victories but I figured since it was a Christmas present to me I would share.

1. Won an 8 dollar satellite into this mornings 5K Guarenteed tourney on Fulltilt (Just started there yesterday too). It was a 3 table game..top 5 make it or get a 26 dollar token.

1. Won the 300 person 5K tourney and took down 1800.00. Heads up I was 4-1 going in. The headsup game lasted 1 hand. Steamrolled the tourney from start to finish.

I was actually pissed off because yesterday I won my way into the 300K guarenteed, was around 30th overall for most of the game until I made one mistake and it cost me making the money. I ended up 252 out of 1385...money was 216. After a restless night I knew I had to redeem myself.

Not bad for my second day on Fulltilt. My screen name has changed to TED_CANADA from Blackmagicz in case anyone cares on Fulltilt only.

Just thought I would post a nice win as I don't do it often because I don't think it is right, but the forum is full of good poker thought and play so I would like to give it credit where credit is due.

Hats off to Pokerforum.ca for my string of tourney victories since August :)


  • Well done! $1800 is a great Christmas Present!

    If you don't mind my asking, what was the mistake you made?

  • Nice to see Santa had you on his Good List!

    Well done.
  • nice victory
    i am on fulltilt too
    username chuckieland
    i am mostly in sit & go MTT games
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Well done! $1800 is a great Christmas Present!

    If you don't mind my asking, what was the mistake you made?


    Well when I play online tournies I have developed a system for MTTs that I am trying to transfer to a live game (first success was at the Venetian in November when I won the big Saturday tourney)

    In the tourney my M was around 30 and I called an all in raise after I bet on the flop. This cost me half my stack which is on the top of my list of things not to do mid way through a tourney (in this case I flopped top pair with 3 spades on board, I bet, he raises all in, I put him on flush draw...turns out he has two pair and I am drawing dead)

    Anyways, that small adjustment the next day (more like taping my note sheet to my monitor to force me to follow my own rules) fixed my result.
  • Way to go Ted. Good to see you are still pulling in victories. Now I want to see you get a bracelet this year.

  • Thanks Shane....I still need to get out to more live tournies :) I like those much better, but my work schedule sucks and by the time I get back from downtown, all the tournies have pretty much started or I won't make it out.

    And as for the bracelet....lol...that will come in steps...still need to win a big tourney online, and Port Perry's game....then WSOP in June at Cesar's :)
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