Is Party Poker the only site that lets you re-size the windows?

I like to play more than 1 table at a time, and all the other ones I've tried do not let me re-size the windows so I can't do that. Does anyone know? thanks


  • Can't speak for other, but PokerStars allows re-sizing.
  • Paradise doesn't re-size, but you can kinda move the window around. This prevents a missclick when a table pops up.

    But yeah, there aren't too many sites that have the same versatility as PP or PS. The "Tile Tables" feature at Stars is a Godsend.

  • Also, the monitor makes a huge difference. I just upgraded to a 19" from a 15".

    Before, sites like Supreme, Full Tilt and Titan would totally take over the screen, and I'd have to hit "Start" every time I wanted to change windows.

    The new monitor cured that problem!

  • The ipoker sites do it as well, but it's pretty crap like their software in general, just looks like another feature they've half done.

    There are also mini-view versions on UB and Prima skins which are not mini tables but a completely different representation of the hand.

    Bodog has some picture in picture typw thing where you have one large table and a couple of small ones so that you dont get an overlap
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