Sit and Go

What is a sit and go?

By the way, how long does a usual on line NL tourny at $5 + 1 last.



  • A sit n go is typically a single table tournament where you "sit" and then when you are eliminated you "go". I have seen a sinlge table SNG last up to about 2 hours but they are usually around 1 1/2- 2 hours. Two-table tourny's have also been considered SNG's but people are usually talking about single table when referring to SNG's.

  • A sit and go (SNG) tournament is one that is always open for registration and begins ("goes") as soon as all the seats are filled. Many SNG's are one table, but there are some 2- and 3-table SNG's.

    A 1-table SNG lasts anywhere from 1 hour to 1.5 hours, depending on the blind structure, how fast players are playing (both literally, and in the poker sense), and other things like that.

    Avoid $5 + $1 SNG tournaments. (Or any online tourney with a 20% house drop for that matter.) There are good online sites that offer $5 + $0.50 SNG's.

  • Speed depends on where you're playing as well. The sitngos at Party seem to be under and hour, while at Stars they regularly go over. 2- 3- table sitngos rarely seem worth it, time to reward is pretty low.
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