This Ever Happen 2 U?

At a 6 max cash game on stars today:

I sat at one table for about an hour and a half. There was one laggy player opposite of me and and 3 other rocks they were all the table when I arrived and still there when I left.

The sixth seat was transient (4 players in 90 minutes). Each one dropped their entire buy-in and then exited.

The last guy who sat in the 6th seat was pretty loose passive. Limped most pots, floated almost every c-bet after the flop or would make really small c-bets on the flop when he was on the draw. He would however make large bets on the river quite often (5-6 times in 25 minutes.) He pushed me off of several pots where I think I probably had the best hand. I felt that I would get an opportunity sooner or later to stack him.

So any way this guy is really chatty in a friendly way. Not cocky at all just real chatty. I was "complimentary" of his style of play because I wanted him to continue with it until I got a chance to play back at him. The others at the table were all European players and had very little to say.

So finally I got my chance and took about 60% of the chatty guys stack. He made a big river bet into me when I had the goods and I made him pay. Shortly after I told him that I had to get ready to leave for work and was leaving as soon as the blinds got back to me, that I enjoyed playing with him and that I thought he was a nice guy.

UTG for my last hand I find :7c :7d and limp. chatty calls in the CO with about $6.00 left and BB checks .

Flop is:

:ks :qs :5h

BB Checks, I Check, Chatty makes his usual small raise which means nothing, BB folds, I call.



I check and Chatty bets, I call again and the river is :2c

I push and Chatty goes in the tank. He types, "Well I gotta go to work too..." and he calls off his last $4 bucks.

He turns over :as :6s for a busted nut flush draw.

He says "Thanks was fun playing with you," and logs off.

Now he could have bet with that hand but to call for all of his chip is ridiculous.

I think he liked that I was friendly with him and he donked off his stack to me for that reason only.

Has this ever happened to you? Is my read correct?


PS...No, before you ask I won't tell you his screen name.


  • Some people do just play for fun. I've often assumed it was just a front to make their bad play seem more palatable, but I've run into several people lately who seem to quite enjoy just playing, win or lose.
  • I had a guy do it in a live game once in Niagara falls. He would also try to build pots that I was playing since he fidured I was only in there with strong hands.

    He had been playing for I think close to fifteen hours, and I don't think he could see straight. Had been up and down and all over the place stack wise. Last hand of his session, I have KK, he goes four bets with me on Every street. I flopped a set, heads up on the river, he dumps his entire stack in, like 15 bets. This is 2-4 limit mind you, and it generated all this attention.

    Finally, I turn over my three Kings, and he shows A9 which was good for middle pair. I was actually sort of happy to see him go, since I believed very strongly that other players weren't liking what was happening.

    I had been chatting with him for several hours prior, and it was obvious, he was just there to have a good time. He fully expected to lose his money, and I think it became important to him that he actually do it. He liked me, and wanted to lose it to me I guess. I was happy to let him.
  • I had something a bit similar happen at Niagara.

    Guy to my left was a fairly solid player and we talked it up laughing and joking for several hours. A maniac joined the table late in the evening and quickly built a huge stack with wild, aggressive play and good luck.

    We both go into a raised pot with the maniac and we get a flop came KQQ and buddy on my left literally kicked me under the table before it was my turn to act. LOL. I check folded KJ and he took the maniac to the river with his flopped full house!

    There was some discussion on here a while back about a book by Angel Largay. I bought the book and enjoyed it especially a section about personality types and what they get from playing poker. For example, some are there for comraderie, some to gamble it up and have some fun, some are there to show everyone how great and knowledgeable they are and finally, some are actually there to win money!

    It is funny to actually see this in action.

  • Ever drop two toonies on the ground and not bother to pick it up?

    It's the same concept.
  • Well....ah no I haven't but I'm quite sure you are about to pontificate about how you wipe your ass with $100 bills.... WTF?
  • cadillac wrote: »
    Well....ah no I haven't but I'm quite sure you are about to pontificate about how you wipe your ass with $100 bills.... WTF?

    wow...abit harsh that, considering.
  • LOL... Thanks Ace Guess I just didn't see what his "drive by" posting added to the thread.
  • He meant he lost a lot of money and what was $4 more? Don't get your back up.
  • lol. Relax dude. No christmas spirit?
  • Me. Relax?

    Look at me pickin my banjo. I am the definition of chill.
  • I've once had a guy call a bet with a Jack high because he quote "I knew you were bluffing" My queen high took the pot.
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