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Trip Report: August 16 Rama $100+20

Well, I got there around 1030 today very excited to play, and was put on Table 5 in Seat 3.

Level 1: 25/25 Limit
called KJh in MP, called and got Kxx on the flop, and bet it out, turn was a J, I keep betting, and river is a Q, I win about 300 ish in chips
-call 33 from LP fold on missed flop
nothing else memorable from this level

25/50 Limit
-get AK EP and raise to 200, get a couple callers and I fold to a miss flop, decide I wasn;t going to chase
-got QQ on button, YES, flop was all undercards, so I bet out, turn was undercard, bet out (4 called my turn bet), river was useless and I decided to check. Stack around 1700 ish
-got KQo in LMP, call, button raises, I call. Flop was Qxx, check call, turn is x, check call, river is flush possibility, check check. He has aces.
-I get QQ again and raise, flop is KJx, and I fold to a bet (got about 1200 ish chips)

NOTE: Action is very loose, a player had already rebrought for about 4-6 times. Some other player (around mid 20s) says he is illiterate and just player poker, he is WILD and reckless, will call any 2 suited. Rebuys a tonne as well.

50/100 NL
-only good hand I picked up was 22 in MP and called to see missed flop, other than that I folded anytning

Also, during the first hand of NL action, from comes 6d7d8d, SB checks, BB check, EP goes all in (3000), SB raises all in more (about 500 more), and BB calls. I have no idea what EP has as he mucked immediately, SB has straight flush 4h5h, and BB has KhTh for a one outter (9h) Turn and River is useless, big pot

BREAK TIME, I have about 975 in chips. I buy the addon and come back to a stack of 1900 (they raced the 25 chips and I didn't get one :( )

Annoucement: Winner will get 12K

100/200 NL
-nothing memorable except for raises left and right, im getting eaten alived. Now have 1300 ish chips

200/400 NL
-I get KQo in the BB, only SB has called, I got all in 1300 (900 to call) and he folds
-11 hands later, MP calls, SB folds, I look down to A3, and decide to push it (i think he has Kx at best). He thinks, then calls and shows K8 or something and flop comes A3x, I got the hand and now up to 3000 ish

300/600 NL
-I get 77 in LEP and raise to 1200, BB calls, flop comes QTx, BB checks, I raise all in (1800 more). He folds, and I now have around 4000 ish.

BREAK, feel calm

500/1000 NL
-folded to SB he makes a call, I then look and see 24o, so no raise from me. Flop comes 24x, we both check check. Turn is a rag, he checks, i bet 1000, I want to trap him for my other 2K so I can double up. He calls, river is a flush possibility, he checks, I check. He has J high, I got the 2 pair and am 2K richer than before. I am around 5500 ish I think.
NOTE: The SB player was involced in a big hand earlier. EP raised to 2500, the SB in my hand called the 2500, and then the BB looked @ his cards and raised to 7100. EP looks and fold, then SB (well not actually SB, just the SB plyer in my previous hand) thinks thinks then calls. He will have about 6K left. All in player flips 72o, caller shows AQo. Caller feels happy and raiser feels dejected, I point out it is about 30/70 at best. Flop comes 2xx, and AQo does not improve, and 72o wins the pot. Caller is now dejected and raiser is happy.

1000/2000 NL (I got 5000 in chips)
Note, a guy who I was talking to to my left went from 200 in chips (all in) to 1800 in chips (more about him later).
-after folding a bunch of hands, QJo in EP, A5c in MP, it is finally my turn to post blinds. I post 2K (got 3K remaining). Only SB calls (just moved to my table, and is a woman). I look @ my hole cards (always look when it is up to me) and decide to move all in with 7c8c hoping for a fold. She calls and shows q7d (I am DOMINATED). Flop comes Qc7s6h (ouch, I need a runenr runner). Turn is a 4c, I now can get a 5 or a clubd and win. I got 12 outs. I am lie chanting runner runner runne rurunner, but it was a 4d and I lose. Came out around 30ish as we had 44 at the start of the 1000/2000 I believe and a lot were busted out. It was fun tourney, but BLINDS moved VERY VERY quickly, need hands and I got none!

Also the guy to my left had 1500 in chips after I bused out, and 2000 BB was coming to him. He double up off of the BB and SB and had 10000 in chips! He busted out around 13th i think. I saw the big stack with like 12 to go, and he had about 80K+ and was pounding the table on 2K/4K blinds. Kept raising and he had the chips to do it.

Didn't see you Esool, but maybe you saw me. I was the Asian dude with the Yao Ming Jersey and Rockets Full Back. I may try to October tourney, I want to at least do it once more, arg.


  • good read i was gonna head up to play today until i remembered the tourney was on at the last second. good read though, very interestingm, but how does everyone on this site seem to remember every hand they ever get dealt! lol. im gonna go play on thursday and sign up for the september tournament. :)
  • I just remembered most of the memorable hands (ie not off the BB or SB, unless I get a big pot). Also, because Rounds were very short, we could get maybe 7-8 hands per round in, so it wasn;t like I was getting very good cards.
  • I was seat 6 table 6. Not sure if I saw you. I was the tall skinny white guy always getting more beer. :D

    I was at the tourney in June and saw how fast the blinds can kill you so I changed my game plan a little for this one.
    I didn't want to grind it out for 4-5 hours just to bust out close to the money. My plan was to play aggresive and either win this thing or get back in my car and back to work. Well I accomplished one of my goals...
    I was knocked out with JJ at 2:30... :tongue:
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