How do you play this?

NL Holdem .25/.50 blinds.

Playing in a home game this game this situation came up. How would you play it? You are holding ATs and raise $2 before the flop. You get two callers, one of which is a maniac.

Flop 10 4 8 rainbow.

Player to your left bets $1. You raise to $4. Maniac goes all in. ($24 and all your stack.)

Player to your left folds.

Action is on you. Call or Fold?

I want to know what you guys would do?


  • joe9 wrote: »
    one of which is a maniac
    Define "maniac". Do you mean he's loose and sees lots of flops, or do you mean he goes all-in every hand with nothing? In general, I'd probably fold here. In NL, you should be trying to get the chips in because you know where you are at or because you've got a monster after the flop (set or better). I don't think calling all-in with no read is the ideal play.
  • Easy fold. Even a maniac will get a monster hand once in awhile. Hold back and wait for another oppurtunity when you can hammer him down.
  • Agree and Agree.

    Top pair, top kicker is no good here, don't fall in love with TPTK because at the end of the day it is still just one pair.

    Always ask yourself this question before you put all your chips in the middle, "Who is most likely to lose all of his chips on this hand?"

    Name all the possible hands you are losing to here.

    Name all the possible hands that would realistically make this play and which ones can you beat?

  • That is an easy fold.

    If the player is a manic he could be hold anything from 10-8, to 4-8, to pocket 4's, 8's, 10's, of even a high pocket to the board. Why risk all your money on top pair?
  • A valid statement, I guess...however even the newest player should realize that A10s is NOT a hand to call an all in bet with against such a player. In this case, calculator shouldn't be required at all.
  • owen wrote: »
    If you are a beginner, better use a Calculator. I currently like Pokerpro2006 Calculator - it gives recommendations, does tracking and general analysis. Neat product. Take a look at it Poker Pro Labs

    Ban this cat please!

    Beanie is right, define maniac? Generally I fold this, like cadillac says TPTK is just a pair...but if the 'maniac' is someone who has been using the all-in move frequently AND it has been working to push people off the pot then my calling requirements go down and I may call here.
  • If you have the backdoor flush outs, call. Else call.

    but seriously:

    Name all the possible hands you are losing to here.

    Name all the possible hands that would realistically make this play and which ones can you beat?

    You've got a problem. You are assigning an incorrect player type to your reasoning. Hero has qualified Villian as a maniac. So the word 'reasonable' can be thrown out the window. I'd expect things like middle pair, underpair or TPWK as holdings.

    Also, your checklist is extremely pessimistic. It seems like you run through a checklist looking for any reason to bail out of a hand.

    What you have to do is:

    Name all the possible hands you are losing too but assign and Name all the possible hands you are winning against but you have to assign them probabilities based on your knowledge and prior history of the villian.

    Now probably your buddies don't like you going into the tank with a calculator and a pencil for an hour, so make an educated guess. Is he an mr-opposite? Is he clueless and thinks 22 is good? Does he like playing back against Hero? Does he play every hand? It's easy to just say that you are beat and fold but also remember that it's harder to be delt solid hands hero is behind than crummy hands hero is ahead.
    In NL, you should be trying to get the chips in because you know where you are at or because you've got a monster after the flop (set or better).

    Mental Note, fold against beanie when he moves all-in on the flop. I know I love pushing all-in when I'm guaranteed to win. I'd love to know how you manage to never do it when behind and still win in the long run.
  • Ugh. This is the second thread I've read today where a spammer posts a "legitimate" question only to answer himself under a second ID promoting a stupid calculator.

    the Times New Roman font is a dead giveaway guys...why bother responding in the first place?
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    Mental Note, fold against beanie when he moves all-in on the flop. I know I love pushing all-in when I'm guaranteed to win. I'd love to know how you manage to never do it when behind and still win in the long run.

    Interesting that you left out the end of my thought when quoting/criticizing me:
    I don't think calling all-in with no read is the ideal play.

    I never said I don't make mistakes. However, misreading somebody is far different from having no read. Or are you advocating calling all-in with no clue where you're at?
  • ..because it's impossible to tell fake questions from real ones anymore.
  • If you are a beginner, better use a Calculator. I currently like Pokerpro2006 Calculator - it gives recommendations, does tracking and general analysis. Neat product. Take a look at it Poker Pro Labs
  • Noah...

    Go peddel your spam elsewhere...

    God, this is getting annoying
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    God, this is getting annoying
    That's why there's a cool little "Report Post" button in the top right corner of each post. I see monopoly cards in Noah's future ;)
  • cadillac wrote: »
    Always ask yourself this question before you put all your chips in the middle, "Who is most likely to lose all of his chips on this hand?"
    somebody has an 'angel' looking over their shoulder

    most helpful quote from that book
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    You've got a problem. You are assigning an incorrect player type to your reasoning. Hero has qualified Villian as a maniac. So the word 'reasonable' can be thrown out the window. I'd expect things like middle pair, underpair or TPWK as holdings.

    Also, your checklist is extremely pessimistic. It seems like you run through a checklist looking for any reason to bail out of a hand.

    Asking yourself questions with regard to villians holdings is not....I repeat NOT a problem. You should do this every hand that you play whether you have live cards or not.

    Just because the player is categorized as a maniac does not mean he is 'unreasonable'. Is Gus Hansen 'unreasonable'? There are shades of Gray in every playing style. You would be a much better player if you didn't see everything in black and white.

    How are the questions that I posed to the OP pessimistic? What hands I am I ahead of and what hands am I behind are simple questions and devoid of any positive or negative connotation. Maybe you need to, "Look within Yourself Clarice Starling...," for the source of the pessimism here.

    Nor do I run through a checklist looking to bail on a hand. I just prefer to THINK before I put my chips in the middle.
  • I stand by my analysis of your post cadillac.
  • BBC Z wrote: »
    I stand by my analysis of your post cadillac.

    LOL. I would expect nothing less from you. Or should I say more?
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