Some People Amaze Me

Sometimes I wonder where the money winning players make comes from in online poker. Sure, I see bad players now and then but I always assumed that with practice players will learn and improve as most humans do in anything they partake in.

Once in a while that belief gets a serious challenge.

Today I fiddled around in a $10 Stars sit and go for fun and the play was mind boggingly awful. It was even bad for a play money table. When one player limped UTG with 10 4 suited and called a big bet on a A77 rainbow flop and hit runner runner hearts to beat another player's 78 I had to look him up.

The results amazed me.

Go to and look up the player tablerock57 on Pokerstars.

He has played in nearly 4,000 sit and gos, all $10 or below (which given when sharkscope started for Stars would mean about 7-10 a day) and has lost nearly $6,000 in a consistent straight line down, and this is at a level that would hardly be called shark infested. He spoke at the table so was not a very bad bot.

In our sit and go he tripled up after 3 hands but finished 6th (I ended up winning it).

Seriously though, how can a player be that bad and not improve after THOUSANDS of sit and gos. The poker player in me was thrilled to see it, but I have to admit my faith in humanity sort of took a hit as well :P.


  • I don't know about sharkscope...does it ONLY track sngs? I know it surely hasn't kept records of a few of my wins/finishes.

    I know a few players will play bigger games/tournaments and then open a small buyin SNG just to keep from getting bored in the bigger event..I myself do this often too.

    I think too many people hold SS on way too high of a pedestal when they should really only be using it as a reference and relying more on their own instincts/reads/info about the player at the time.

    A few of the best players I know on stars have terrible, terrible SS results. I PITY anyone who is playing against my buddy, decides to look him up on SS and then uses the results to determine he's a weak player because they will certainly lose their stack to him in a heartbeat.

    I'm not saying you do, this is just my general opinion of SS. I for one don't pay any attention to it.
  • LOL, I don't trust shark scope either and it shows me as a slightly minus player (which on SNG's is probably true) but I'd have to look it up. Stars is one site I can't seem to win on. Lately I"ve been cashing on the 180's but the big 3 seems to be eluding me (7, 7 10). Personally after looking up monetroy you must be searching out the fish because your graph is almost straight up LOL.
  • I am not disputing your points (well, not sure a friend who has long term horrid results in sit and gos will crush people in sit and gos - seems there is a logic break there).

    I also use it mainly as a fun tool once in a while and I take the results to an extent tongue in cheek, but in this case the guy has played several thousand sit and gos, all low level and his results (and frankly the play I saw) scared me in terms of how a person cannot learn.

    The opening up a small sit and go for fun point would likely be more valid if it was not the only level he always played and frankly if the person did not have to do it 10-20 times a day =).

    This was not meant as a post for sharkscope, I have searched hundreds of people and frankly this was the craziest results I have ever seen at this level, that's all.
  • Your point is a good one and you will see it quite often if you scope enough people.

    This guy is maybe out to gambol and push a bit of money around. Maybe he has tried to learn but can not stick with any ideas long enough to see fruition in his progress as a poker player. He could be like most people and he is quite simply a creature of habit, he gets juice from gambling but is incapable of change.

    The long and the short is this dude is a FISH, there are lots of them and they are always in season.

    Thanks for the reminder Monteroy. Learn something everyday, add to your playbook, always improve!!

  • I don't think I'd trust Shark...I just checked myself and it shows me with an ROI of -3% yet Poker Office shows me with a much higher ROI and also shows me as ITM over 40% of the time.
    Looking at the notes I keep in spreadsheets and my bankroll history Poker Office is correct, Shark Scope is way off?

    I will agree on one thing, the play on the $5.50 and $10 SNG's is horrid but I wouldn't want it to's been a good source of $$$ for me :)
  • i totally trust sharkscope's numbers (no :) for monetry)
  • People are always claiming SS is not accurate, however I have not once seen incorrect information. It does always seem to be negative players who claim it's off, which I guess is to be expected.

    I use it (free version only) and for sure it has helped me make some specific decisions from time to time.

    For my stats, it's dead on in the time period it tracks.
  • Tie Twist wrote: »
    People are always claiming SS is not accurate, however I have not once seen incorrect information. It does always seem to be negative players who claim it's off, which I guess is to be expected.

    and what do you base this ludicrous statement on? The fact that yours seems correct? I don't believe I am a negative player, my own notes, Poker Tracker, and Poker Office confirm that fact after capturing all my hand histories...yet some free on-line service reports a different bottom line...hmmmm who should I trust, the systems I painstakingly maintain to ensure accuracy so that I can monitor and improve my game or some free add riddled web service? I'm sure for some people SS works and reports fine but to lay out a blanket statement such as yours is an insult.
  • Are you comparing the same time periods?
  • Tie Twist wrote: »
    People are always claiming SS is not accurate, however I have not once seen incorrect information. It does always seem to be negative players who claim it's off, which I guess is to be expected.

    I agree. I subscribe and it's always been bang on for me. When did it start tracking for Full Tilt,April or so?. I think the start up date is the discrepency for those that are really keeping honest records on their own.

    Sloth makes a good point as well. You'll sometimes make a call you wouldn't normally make because a guy has complete fish numbers and run into a real hand. On the other hand, it has constantly reinforced to me never ever try to push a fish off a pot on a bluff no matter how tight of a table image you've been projecting. They just arn't paying attention.
  • Tie Twist wrote: »
    Are you comparing the same time periods?

    Ummm (pull foot from mouth) possibly not, good question/point. That's the problem with assuming I guess :)

    How long has SS been capturing data?
  • There is a good chance that some of the discrepencies lie in the fact that on day one of playing SNG's we weren't informed enough to be tracking things. Given that that may also be your weakest time, it may put the #'s off a bit.

    I think Tie went off a little with the "losing players slam it" so far, the only donk in this thread is the moron pointed out in the original post (not the OP himself) who has so far suckedthebigone since he started.

    4000 sng's and still sucks...thanks for the tip, I'll search for him everynight.
  • I believe they started tracking Stars sit and gos at the start of 2005, the info should be on their site somewhere. They say what % of sit and gos and which type they have captured and for how long. Some sites they do multi table tournaments.

    For my results they are completely accurate and my results spreadsheet includes the number of every sit and go I have done :P.

    Keep in mind the results you find may be a bit misleading. I saw this horrible player in a MTT, the kind that has to chat/comment on every single hand using all caps and always pats himself on the back when he makes what he considers to be a "tough fold" (translation - generally good to put pressure on him =), since he likes to fold/congratulate self). I assumed he would have horrid results but was surprised to see he was up $600 ish in 100 events. Then I noticed that included a single $20 180 person win for over $1,000, which somewhat altered his ROI.
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