Dealer mistakes...

How do you guys feel when the dealer makes a mistake? I know they are human and people make mistakes, but when there is lots of money on the line, the casino should have their best on the higher limits.

I was playing a NL game today and the pot size before the flop was $315. I was holding JJ and the flop comes 223. Everyone checks and it is on the button to decide to check or not when the dealer flips over the turn card. It was a Jack giving me the nut fullhouse. But because the button did not get a chance to act on the flop, the turn card must be put back into the deck and re-shuffled for a new turn. What comes out, an Ace. Me, UTG now checks and some guy bets out. I must now fold because I know people are holding aces.

It's hard to not get upset especially because I had $45 invested into a pot of $315 which could potentially be bigger.

What do you guys do when the dealer makes a mistake?
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