stupid people make stupid drivers.

I have a low threshold for stupidity. I try to be patient, I really do. It took so much to overcome the urge to correct everyone who uses "your" in place of "you're" and "its" vs "it's" but sometimes, I just need to steam.

This happens all day every day at the corner of King and Weber street in Waterloo. Stand there sometime and point and laugh and pee on their cars if you can.

Effectively what's happening, is people are just completely ignorant of their surroundings. For this corner, it's disgusting to the point of being comical at how many drivers exit "driveway 2" to jeopardize their lives in crossing 5 lanes of traffic at an already heinous intersection so they can enter the far turning lane (at the bottom of the picture) to turn right onto King street.

If they simply turned their head (and used it) before exiting using "driveway 2" they'd see that there is "driveway" which has direct access to king street where they can make a simple right turn in the flow of traffic. I can't tell you how many close calls i've seen from morons doing this, I really want to pull some of these guys over, yank them out of their cars and shake them until I hear something snap. Waterloonians....use your freakin' eyes and be aware of your surroundings! If you want a laugh, stand at this corner for 20 minutes and see how many do it. (end rant)


  • I've come to the understanding that people just don't care.....well that's not entirely accurate I guess...they only care about themselves. They disregard common courtesy, signs, even laws because nothing is as important to them as they are to themselves and whatever they are doing is far more important then what you or I are doing.

    Countless times I have been cutoff by drivers that have ample room to move in behind me but are in far to much of a hurry to do so so they take their life and mine in their hands trying to get in front of that one last car and then cutting over 2+ lanes. Sigh, I wish them all a painful death!!!!

    People are stupid I agree but more so people are ignorant, I can accept stupid but ignorance should be punched in the face!
  • Big E wrote: »
    I can accept stupid but ignorance should be punched in the face!

    Ignorance can be overcome with proper training and enforcement.

    But there is no cure for stupidity!
  • My new fav - the stupid people on the south end of the Homer Watson/401 bridge that insist on turning left onto the old ramp to 401E - blocking all the traffic behind them because they are too stupid to read the signs and realize there is a new dedicated RIGHT turn lane and a new ramp to 401E.

    Even to the point where I was coming south, stopped directly beside a dumbass lady signalling left and blocking about 8 cars behind her and yelled through her open window - ie about 2 feet away from me - "TURN RIGHT!" and also pointed, practically right into her car the brand spanking new onramp, right beside her. I noticed in my rear view mirror, she still turned left. :rage:
  • ItS obvious that youR correct that you'RE patience is it'S own reward! :wink:

    I wished that people that never learnt how to spell in school would at least use the spell-checking tool.
    sloth wrote: »
    I try to be patient, I really do. It took so much to overcome the urge to correct everyone who uses "your" in place of "you're" and "its" vs "it's"
  • You're all overlooking what is easily the most dangerous place to drive in K-W...

    The Beechwood Zehrs Plaza parking lot..bunch of arrogant schmucks on cellphones! It is the only place where I've openly road raged.

    A woman cut me off by the tiniest of margins (while I had a child in the car[sleeping]) Then after my narrowly avoiding collision, the same woman slammed on the brakes blocking both lanes to answer a cellphone before taking up the only two spaces available ex had to physically restrain me.
  • LOL take the most dangerous spot in guelph (IMO). The Tim's, China Park Restaurant on Speedvale just before hwy 6. You pull in on the left side of the median and exit on the right. Completely opposite to what any normal driver in north america would expect. I"m sure it's done to allow the drive thru with tim's.
  • I live in Toronto.

    Top that.
  • Pinhead wrote: »
    I live in Toronto.

    Top that.

    Montreal. You'll see more insanity in 60 minutes than a whole week in TO.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Montreal. You'll see more insanity in 60 minutes than a whole week in TO.

    Johnnie is 100% correct there. I've seen drivers in Montreal go the wrong way down one way streets for 2 blocks due to traffic. As bad as TO is Montreal is far worse. I think it's a cultural thing, if you dont' have 2 dings in your car you don't know how to drive there.
  • Readers digest did an article about this a few years back,

    If memory serves the top three cities for bad drivers in Canada are as follows:

    3)Quebec City
  • What makes Montreal nuts is the fact that some drivers are doing 140kph while others are cruising at 70kph. At least in TO, EVERYONE drives like a maniac.

    Also the truckers drive their rigs like Forumla One race cars and almost everybody drives with a turn signal blinking.
  • almost everybody drives with a turn signal blinking.

    Except when they're actually turning.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    LOL take the most dangerous spot in guelph (IMO). The Tim's, China Park Restaurant on Speedvale just before hwy 6. You pull in on the left side of the median and exit on the right. Completely opposite to what any normal driver in north america would expect. I"m sure it's done to allow the drive thru with tim's.

    Been there done that. Freaked me out to see the big arrow pointing right at me as I go in and then I make a quick correction, only to piss off a few folks.

    My biggest pet peeve is the ROUNDABOUTS in Waterloo. I remember my first encounter on Erbsville Rd and Erb. I see two lanes going into the roundabout and wonder which one I should use. I look around and lo and behold there's a sign which cleary shows that you use the inside lane if you are going around more than one street and the outside lane if you're going around to the next street.

    How the "bleep" can you not wonder which lane you should use? Back to the thing where people only care about themselves and think "hmmm, this is cool, I get to choose which lane I use in this roundabout" eeenie, meenie mynie moe, I choose you -- BAM.

  • The roundabout at Erb/Iraneedles is about to get a whole lot better too....

    Did anyone else notice the newly constructed traffic light about 50-100 feet acrossed from the garbage dump side of Erb, where the new Canadian Tire is going in?

    Someone tell me how THAT makes sense, traffic will be backed up entirely through the roundabout every red light gtd. (I think in theory one should continue circling..but that will NEVER happen)
  • I saw a drunk driver hit the middle of the roundabout at Iraneedles and his car blew in the movies and caught fire. We had just gotten chinese food at Sun Sun's in Guelph and were driving home. He was a university kid...he used to work at Molly's as a bouncer. He was crying and saying his dad would kill him. I saw him a few days later and he was still alive.
  • Ok first comments:

    1) Toronto is nothing compared to Waterloo, Toronto as least the people walking are smart enough not to venture onto the road because some maniac is driving twice the speed limit. Waterloo, the land of the Higher Education, has student walking across four lane busy roads with the "come on hit me" attitude....just once give me someone elses license and a Range Rover with Bush Bars....

    2) Montreal maybe crazy driving but you have to love thier Darwin Attitude....on the highways when a lane damn well ends.. Nice big solid cement wall there to remind you..about 30 feet after the last chance to merge. I love it.

    3) Absolute nastiest city to drive in to date for me...London England, removing the idea that everything is on the other side and I was in a standard, the roundabouts there being 8 lanes wide make Waterloo Regions look like a joke. Second to that is driving anywhere in Wales, when your passanger has to lean out the window to look around corners because of those freakin' nicely trimmed hedges that are just above the windows of cars...that's just asking for trouble.

    Hats off to the worse driving in Ontario though, Waterloo gets that title hands down...

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