Be Careful Multi-Tabling

Ok, this is my first mis-click, it could have been much worse but it still stings.....I can only imagine what the guy thought when I re-raised him then Austin Powers would say....ouch baby, very ouch!

Texas Hold'em $0.50-$1 (Real Money), #1,370,386,215
Table Newport News, 14 Dec 2006 9:53 PM ET

Seat 1: 67BigE67 ($40.50 in chips) Dealt JQo
Seat 2: Alexismoon ($20.70 in chips)
Seat 3: Paskantaja ($38.30 in chips)
Seat 4: suraburda ($62.20 in chips)
Seat 5: Terenc ($57.55 in chips)
Seat 6: pinoppio ($7 in chips)
Seat 7: Lithium13 ($2.50 in chips)
Seat 8: FannyLi ($110.65 in chips)
Seat 9: svbtvn ($19.80 in chips)
Seat 10: KingsTramp ($38.05 in chips)

Paskantaja posts blind ($0.25), suraburda posts blind ($0.50).

Terenc folds, pinoppio folds, Lithium13 calls $0.50, FannyLi folds, svbtvn calls $0.50, KingsTramp calls $0.50, 67BigE67 calls $0.50, Alexismoon folds, Paskantaja calls $0.25, suraburda folds. easy call one off the button

FLOP [board cards JD,JC,KH ]
Paskantaja checks, Lithium13 bets $0.50, svbtvn calls $0.50, KingsTramp calls $0.50, 67BigE67 calls $0.50, Paskantaja calls $0.50. should have raised here but wanted to keep everyone in for a check-raise next street, I made a mistake here as at these limits the donks will happily throw in another bet to see the next card.

TURN [board cards JD,JC,KH,3S ]
Paskantaja checks, Lithium13 bets $1, svbtvn bets $2, KingsTramp calls $2, 67BigE67 bets $3 bam, drop the hammer, let's cap this!!!!, Paskantaja folds, Lithium13 calls $0.50 and is all-in, svbtvn bets $2, KingsTramp calls $2, 67BigE67 folds. Zoinks Scooby...I hit the wrong button...tooooooo many tables open grrr, WTF?!!!!!! :-[

RIVER [board cards JD,JC,KH,3S,3H ]
svbtvn bets $1, KingsTramp folds. Rage~I woulda chopped but still....RAGE!!!!!!! :mad:

svbtvn shows [ JH,10H ]
Lithium13 mucks cards [ QS,AS ]
svbtvn wins $7.50, svbtvn wins $11.

Dealer: Alexismoon
Pot: $19, (including rake: $0.50)
67BigE67, loses $4

I'm still dumbfounded how I could click fold when I was staring at the call button and drooling!


  • You don't say what site this is on, but many now let you reduce and tile tables so that you DON'T misclick.

    Happened to me once on Party, before I knew I could tile tables...hasnt' happened since.
  • It was on Empire....I don;t believe you can tile there? If you can I need to know how hehe...but it was my own fault just being careless doing to many things....thank god it was such a low limit. :)
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