You Butterball!

last night I was playing in a SnG and one of the other players at the table didn't like my bluff so he/she decided to call me a "butterball"; after a couple sarcastic replies, I am apparently an "aids victim". Just thought it might be interesting to see what other odd names people have been called at the poker table.


  • donkey rapping shit eater...when I called an all in with 5d-7d after the flop was 9d 8d 6h
  • My fav tirade was on Pokerroom.. where, as you know, there are characters assigned based on your seat... well, I was the "Tuxedo guy", who sits to the right of the cowboy

    I win some decent sized pot
    (Villain): You lucky fag
    (says nothing)

    I win another pot later
    (V): Motherfucker!!
    (H): Wait, I'm confused... am I gay or am I sleeping with women now?
    (V): Fuck you asshole!
    (H): Wait, you want to fuck me? Now I'm really confused.... are you gay? Well, hey, I'm down with that brother, slide on over to the seat next to me, you can be my little cowboy and we can play brokeback poker!

    <Chat is filled with various "LOL" "haha" etc>

  • Either that or at Beanie's last friday with random songs being strung together by the members of the band "Rhymes with Shlamydia"

  • Haha Tyore that's priceless.
    I don't have any funny stories, just the usual name calling. Mostly attacking my play.
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