Did I play these Queen's properly? (Please comment)

Here is the hand history. The player Ranaman is a loose cannon bluffing lots but also lays down when reraised large amounts. Thank u Sir, is a great player who was multi-tabling 6 tables of 5-10nl and appeared to be up on all tables.

Now here is the hand, I am sixtix69.

***** Hand History for Game 5487682463 *****
$1000 NL Texas Hold'em - Thursday, December 07, 06:34:21 ET 2006
Table Table 126440 (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 5
Seat 2: Ranaman ( $380 )
Seat 5: Thank_u_SIR ( $2405.77 )
Seat 6: sixtix69 ( $460.50 )
Seat 1: RubelRollski ( $962 )
Seat 3: rojjlo ( $960 )
sixtix69 posts small blind [$5].
RubelRollski posts big blind [$10].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to sixtix69 [ Qc Qd ]
Ranaman calls [$10]
rojjlo folds
Thank_u_SIR raises [$44]
Kaspar19 has joined the table.
sixtix69 calls [$39]
RubelRollski folds
Ranaman raises [$140]
Thank_u_SIR is all-In [$2361.77]
sixtix69 folds
Ranaman is all-In [$230]
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8h, 5s, Td ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 2h ]
** Dealing River ** [ 2c ]
Ranaman shows [ 8c, 8d ]a full house, Eights full of Twos.
Thank_u_SIR shows [ Ah, Qs ]a pair of Twos.
Thank_u_SIR wins $2025.77 from side pot #1 with a pair of Twos.
Ranaman wins $812 from the main pot with a full house, Eights full of Twos.

Why I ask if I played it correct is if I would of raised Thank u's raise and I will thinking to make it a $100 on top. Or call thank_u's all in, I knew Rana would fold. Why I made the fold was I seriously put thank on KK, and I knew rana had crap. So I know from the outcome I made the correct play, but could of I played this different to of made a profit from this hand.



  • Well i'm thinking if you reraised Thank_u_sir's initial raise, Ranaman woulda laid down his hand and youd be in a great position to win, and in fact woulda won. Why didn't you reraise initially?
  • I think you did the right thing folding ,having 3 8's the other guy would have probably called any bet you made,especislly after turn card ,being a 2.then the river being another 2 he definetly would have called any bet, having a full boat.And seeing all the low cards on table ,(you having high pair) would maybe have called him. So you saved yourself some money. GOOD FOLD:)
  • i'd say i don't like the way you played it. but i need about another 30k in my online bankroll before i feel qualified to comment.

    you know ranaman is playing weak cards and it is likely sir knows it too. so his raise figures to be a lot weaker than QQ. i don't like just calling the raise because what are you going to do when an ace or king comes on the flop?

    i'd say you played it kinda timid and gave sir way too much credit for a big hand. theory question - if someone is multi-tabling, do you expect them to play mostly abc poker so the push here would only indicate a huge hand? or could he really be paying attention and realizes ranaman is raising light?
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    theory question - if someone is multi-tabling, do you expect them to play mostly abc poker so the push here would only indicate a huge hand? or could he really be paying attention and realizes ranaman is raising light?

    2 tables, very easy. 6 tables I really doubt it.
  • I re raise to find out where I"m at preflop. See what happens, I don't really think these two will start calling with air but it's the net so who knows. I think Ranaman was trying to represent your hand or better so he'll probably lay it down. After his raise he was kind of committed to the pot so off he went heads up after you laid your hand down (which is probably what they both wanted).
  • Just reraise preflop the first time around. You should call the 2nd time around also. Neither of you is very deep, he's not going to give either of you credit for a big hand, given that the first guy is crazy and you just called his raise, so QQ should be ahead of their ranges here.
  • Whitehorse wrote: »
    2 tables, very easy. 6 tables I really doubt it.

    Us multitablers see enough hands to pick up general things and he also probably has pokertracker stats overlayed on the table. When someone is making crazy out of line plays a lot, well, we figure out who the fish are quickly. If Ranaman is a regular the multitabler will definitely know all about him also. He definitely knows the limp reraise doesn't have to be a strong hand here.
  • Re-raising pre-flop, as you suggested, would have been my play. However, you said you would have made it a $100 on top that is not nearly enough IMO. You want to isolate Rana in this situation and raising a $100 into that pot is not enough to get Sir out.

    I would have come over top of Sir and bet out the pot. You know you are getting Rana to call because he has essentially committed himself to the pot with his call and re-raise (nearly half his chips are already in).

    If you come over top of Sir with a pot bet he probably will not call if he is a decent player holding AQ. This way you get rid of the Ace over card and begin the hand preflop in a dominating situation.

    The outcome would have been unfortunate if you played the hand - but that is poker - you definately had the best starting hand.

    I don't like Sir's play at all with AQ - he is re-raising all in against a player who people arent crediting as a good player.

    In this situation Sir is only being called by hands were he is dominated. AA, KK, AK and I would add QQ in there too.

    If Sir had AA or KK I dont see him pushing all in - because he would likely want another caller. If holding a strong hand like AA or KK I would re-raise to put Rana all-in but the leave the door open for another player to come in with a hand like AK, QQ, JJ, AQ. With his all-in bet he wont get those calls - (as you laid down QQ).

    It is a tough hand - I dont mind the way Rana played it - except if he was going to push his chips in anyway I would have re-raised Sir's [44] to all-in. I think Sir could have laid down AQ for a [300] raise and Rana could have won the pot right there against Sir (although with Sir's fold you likely call with your QQ).

    I fold QQ there early in a tournament - but may call in a cash game with the right information - as you have presented it.

    I think of all the players Sir played it the worse, he has you (assuming he respects your play), to act behind him and you have already called a raise. Alhtough you just called, and could therefore have a wide range of hands - he must have put you on a small pair or suited connectors - the problem with that is if you did have a big hand like KK, AA or QQ ( :) ) - you are going to call and he has already put all of his chips in.

    Every situation is different but given the information that is my opinion.
  • BCBUD15 wrote: »
    I think you did the right thing folding ,having 3 8's the other guy would have probably called any bet you made,especislly after turn card ,being a 2.then the river being another 2 he definetly would have called any bet, having a full boat.And seeing all the low cards on table ,(you having high pair) would maybe have called him. So you saved yourself some money. GOOD FOLD:)

    I think you misread the post. He folded preflop.

    To beat a dead horse, i'd have reraise a sizeable amount. 100-140$
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