Happy Birthday, Pinhead!

Even though Pinhead has all but disappeaed from the K-W poker scene, I'd still like to wish him a


Have a good one, Brad!


  • Happy Birthday Brad!
  • Brad!

    Even though you've seemingly shunned us K/W people (and guelph people).. have a great one!

  • Hey Happy Birthday man, hope to play against you again soon!

    p.s. we should get road hockey going again?
  • Who is this Pinhead person you speak if? In any case, have a great one and come back to the tables, we need your chips!
  • Happy Birthday Brad!

  • Happy Birthday Pinhead!

  • I remember that birthday!

    No I don't!

    I think I have shirts that old

    Have a Happy

    Milton Slim!!
  • werrrrd!!!
  • happy birthday brad
  • Thanks guys, this is the first time I've been on the forum in the last couple days :)

    Just wanted to let you all know that as much as I miss the KW games it's a little hard to get down there regularly now that I'm settled in TO again.
    Also tought since the only night during the week that anybody really has games are Wed nights and that's when I host here. (wouldn't want my table to go to waste)

    I came up for one Bristol a couple weeks back but it's a little tough to justify driving an hour to get to a tough game regularly when you can play in your own home in a much softer game...I will definitely be looking for more chances to get up to KW and in the new year I'll be running a BigE/Wolffy inspired "Get hammered rebuy" tourney. You are all more than welcome to attend and I will do my best to accomodate anybody wishing to make the drive

    Thanks again guys, really means a lot to think about how many friends I've made through this game :)

    One more year until I get cheaper car insurance...after that I don't need to get any older

  • Happy Belated B-day buddy! Sorry, I just saw this thread today. I can sympathize with your plight since, now that I live in 'sauga, I can rarely make it to any K-dub home games either. Now that I'm going back to school full-time and working at RBC evenings (pretty well full-time) I'm gonna be missing my bi-weekly Tuesday games for a while as well. Sigh...
    On the plus side there are a decent amount of poker/rooms here that operate on weekends. PM if you're ever interested in hitting some together.


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