Old Games

So I was at my mother's house and I found a box of old PC games. Still in great condition I had the Space Quests and the Quest for Glorys.

Anyone have as fond memories as me of these games? I never got to pay QFG5 or the last Space Quest. I am getting an urge to play these games again.

Anyway, I thought I'd share.


  • Quest for glory 5 is a pretty good game I still play it on my pc.
  • I'm a huge RETRO video game player. That's why I love the arcade in this forum. So many memories and lost afternoons....

    My favorite PC game:

    Warcraft II, baby!

    I still thinks it's a hellva lot of fun, and the Map Editer is fun to creature a world, then you go destroy it!

    I also found joy in a NES emulator for my PC. I was FINALLY able to beat Super Mario Bros 3 after 15 years!

    I know I'll be downloading a few NES and Super-NES games for my Wii.

  • my brother and I discussed some retro games just last night and low and behold, there is a topic on it! :)

    BC: Quest for Tires.


    Bruce Lee...I used to love this one!


    my all time fav was Archon


    Montezuma's revenge

  • Oooh Pitfall is another retro game I loved.

    Where did you get QFG5???

    I want to play it!
  • Instead of getting us an Atari, my parents decided to go with a Texas Instrument "computer".

    There were two amazing (amazing in context for an 8 year old girl) games: Avalanche and Hunt The Wumpus.

    Unfortunately about a year after we got our "computer", TI stopped making them to focus on calculators. :(
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    Unfortunately about a year after we got our "computer", TI stopped making them to focus on calculators. :(

    They probably realized there was no money in computers.

    My fav retro used to be Joust, I used to be able to play that for at least an hour on one quarter.
    Found QFG5 @a loocal used book store so stoked when I found it I forgot all about the doctors appt. Iwent up-town for.
  • Yes. BC quest for tires and Archon - loved'em
    Also Mission Impossible.
  • I pumped several hundred dollars into this old Star Wars game. Anybody else remember it?


  • I Remeber going to the arcade after school and spending a fortune on pole position (greatest racing game of its time)
  • you own the actual arcade machine Johnnie? That's awesome.
  • Actually I think it pwned him - one quarter at a time.
  • sloth wrote: »
    you own the actual arcade machine Johnnie? That's awesome.


    Moose is correct. I could have bought at least a couple with all the quarters I pumped into that game. The Arcade at Bingamens used to have it. I pretty much lived there as a kid.

    However, I would LOVE to find one in working conditon and bring it home. Well, who wouldn't want to own their own real arcade game or pinball machine?*

    I don't remember where I saw/heard about discount Arcade dealers, but I have a vague memory that you could buy games from stores/resturants and such that went out of business.

    That would be cool.


    * Besides TNorth
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