now THATS a profitable misclick

Full Tilt Poker Game #1317960514: Table Canfield (6 max) - $200/$400 - No Limit Hold'em - 5:05:23 ET - 2006/11/28
Seat 3: sbrugby ($81,976)
Seat 6: Phil Ivey ($135,295.20)
sbrugby posts the small blind of $200
Phil Ivey posts the big blind of $400
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
sbrugby raises to $30,800
Phil Ivey has 15 seconds left to act
Phil Ivey raises to $135,295.20, and is all in
sbrugby: &#%# me
sbrugby: such bs
sbrugby: !$%%ing a
sbrugby has 15 seconds left to act
sbrugby calls $51,176, and is all in
Phil Ivey shows [Kd 9c]
sbrugby shows [8c Ah]
Uncalled bet of $53,319.20 returned to Phil Ivey
*** FLOP *** [8d 7s 8s]
*** TURN *** [8d 7s 8s] [Qh]
*** RIVER *** [8d 7s 8s Qh] [5s]
Phil Ivey shows a pair of Eights
sbrugby shows three of a kind, Eights
sbrugby wins the pot ($163,951.50) with three of a kind, Eights
Phil Ivey stands up
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $163,952 | Rake $0.50
Board: [8d 7s 8s Qh 5s]
Seat 3: sbrugby (small blind) showed [8c Ah] and won ($163,951.50) with three of a kind, Eights
Seat 6: Phil Ivey (big blind) showed [Kd 9c] and lost with a pair of Eights


  • Definitely a profitable hand, but I'm wondering why you think it's a misclick?
  • 77x bb open raise?

    Looks like ivey recognized the misclick and tried to take advantage, angle shot?
  • An initial raise for almost half the stack..... it was a typo or something. I'd take it anyways.
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