Online pokers dark side. A true story. Part 2

Online pokers dark side (A true story)part 2

I apologized to the table upon my return and was thanked for doing such. Then the abusive typing began, but to make thing worst my wife took it upon herself to read every word that emerge in the chat box to me. Then to both of are surprise I was being defended by a player that I have no problem naming as this person in my book did what I would have done. Imnotlion placed her/him self at risk in my defense and put her game at risk by verbally sparring with this rail bird. Now let me take the time to thank Imnotlion here in writing. Thank you for taking a stand on my behalf you’re a good thoughtful person and I would gladly stand by your side in war anytime. Thank you once again and Imnotlion.

This is where my nightmare gets kicked up a notch. You see I didn’t want Imnotlion to give this old crow anymore of his/her time defending my honor. So I spoke up and said to Lion, don’t worry as the ranting was having no effect on my game so let it go. I then said “were playing poker” followed by the only mistake I made all game. I wanted to say Ya hoo like a cowboy would yell when having a good time. Well I wrote “Ya ho” and this rail bird thought I called her/him a ho. Next thing I know I was informed by what I guess was an official that I would have my chat banned for twenty four hours in the forum chat room. Then the ranting went from my playing to how I was going to be banned from the poker site and the forum. I knew what I said, I wasn’t worried about anything happening.

I was thinking that this was only a ploy by the radio station to get me off my game as I was steadily moving up closer to first over all. Then I was informed that a $15000 bounty had been placed on my head by the radio personality if any radio team member could take me out. Well needless to say I welcomed it and told them to “bring it on” in my best Stone Cold imitation.

My pesky rail bird was soon joined by a growing flock of angry old crows venting at every move I made. It got so bad that the radio commentators couldn’t log onto my table as the spectator section was full. I was then moved to one of the three final tables and found myself encircled by radio team members or so I was told. This fact was very intimidating and the commentators making this the featured table was more than I was ready for at that time. I asked my wife to fold my hands no matter what I got and not to tell me if she mucked any big pairs. I went to the bathroom sat on the toilet to regain my composure before heading back into the battle. I told myself that they couldn’t beat me on this day. I was in a zone and that no amount of annoying gibberish, bounty or an army of poker players weren’t going to keep me from my goal. As I returned to my seat my three kids had gave me the support I needed with their smiles. My wife kissed me and told my to kick some more ass, they needed to be taught a lesson on poker etiquette. This statement was from a non-poker player and I was thinking the same thing.

I went to war with the remaining players and they were falling with lightning speed or so it seemed to me. Before I know it we were at the third break with only two players remaining. This player was playing the final table the same way I started the game. He was playing so tight he squeaked when he bet. With about five players left I told my family that this was who I wanted heads up after I bluffed him and showed the bluff twice. During the break the good game and well played flowed back and forth. My nemesis was no longer badgering me, life was good and all I had between me and the title was a single player. I had 500 000 in chips to his/her 100 000 and the blind were 40 000 and 20 000. So all I had to do was play safe and the title would be mine. Well there would be no playing as my opponent decided it would be better to sit out than play me. The rail birds took acceptation to my quick betting and not waiting for him/her to return to the fight. Well as far as I’m concerned he was there during the break and was watching his chips slip away over the next three hands. In my defense I would have loved to have won the game heads up but that was not to be. I also see my quick play as the only play as I wasn’t about to wait for a player to return and have the tide turn in his/her favor. Plus I don’t let players limp in so I’m not about to wait.

I won the title of Bloody Battle #3 Champion took out 9 to 10 players and pocketed a good chunk of change. I also received a ticket worth $450 into a game where the winner moves onto a game where that winner wins 1% of the poker site. All in all a real good day of poker in my books and one I soon won’t forget. As a poker player that’s all any of us could hope for right.

Well if that was the end of the story I would say “Hell Yeah” to once again quote Stone Cold, but it wasn’t over as far as the radio station was concerned.

The next day I made my second mistake by tuning into that radio station. I heard one of commentator say that they would be investigating my fan club president’s allegations of calling him/her a ho. Then he proclaimed that I would no longer be referred to by my taken poker name but wanted me to be known as “dick head” than he referred to me as “dick head” a number of times live on the air. He said this right after saying lets not judge until after the investigation was complete into the allegations. My wife pointed out to me that this same commentator at the final table refused to call me by my taken poker name Untwisted or even acknowledge my presents at the table.

The winner of the battle was to be interviewed live and from what I heard they interviewed second place. They also banned me from their forum and the chat room so I couldn’t read what was being said about the game or what was being said about me. This also made it impossible for me to defend myself against false allegations. To this date I am still banned, as I like to check in hopes of reading what was said.

I guess the fact that I played in four of their games and won two and put a good size dent in their bank account might have been the determining factor into their lack of respect towards me.

I sent the poker site an E-mail with my side of the story and was told that no actions would be taken against me and that I should feel free to play on their site. This was a good thing to hear as it gave me some vindication. More importantly with my presents at the site other players will know I did nothing wrong or so I hope they do.

The next week I tried to enter a radio game and was refused entry into it much to my surprise. Once again I sent out an E-mail and was assured it would not happen again as it should not have happened this time. I have been able to register for the radio games since my E-mail.

Well that’s my true story of the events as they unfolded before my eyes. I can’t say that I hope it doesn’t happen to you as it was a great day of poker. It’s too bad that the dark side of human nature had to rear its ugly head into what was a great event, for all but one player.

Thank you for reading if you got this far.


  • that's not very dark for a guy who never goes on tilt.

    next time, try turning off the chat

    i wonder what would harthgosh have to say about this?
  • 1) Turn off chat

    2) Don't play at rinky dink tiny sites, or if you do do not expect them to be as professional as the bigger ones.

    This story probably felt a lot bigger first-hand then it reads third-hand. Not quite sure it merits creating accounts at various poker chat boards to tell, but if you feel better venting that way I guess that's fine.
  • Tell me this is a joke.
  • To quote BBC:


    I feel bad about bumping this thread
  • I want my 3 minutes back.

  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    that's not very dark for a guy who never goes on tilt.

    next time, try turning off the chat

    i wonder what would harthgosh have to say about this?

    I think its stupid. What site? Need details. What a waste of time.

    What do you think i'd think pkrface?
  • harthgosh wrote: »
    What do you think i'd think pkrface?
    it was a bad joke HG. i was referring to an old post you reacted to very strongly that resulted in a banning...
  • I want my 3 minutes back.



    Downright painful.
  • I read slower than you youngins, I want my 12 minutes back.

    Ya ho!
  • Ya ho!

    Nice. I think this may become my standard line whenever I pull a luckbox suckout...
  • How was that dark?

    I was expecting death or dismemberment.

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