When villian is almost all in.

I probably would have check folded if he wasn't so close to being all in. I did believe he hit the flush when the turn brought the heart. That being said what is your play do you bet check/call, check/fold?

PS if someone can help getting a better format for Tribeca please tell me.

: Seat 1 : SPCMKIR1 has $20.67
: Seat 2 : RockNRoller has $34.81
: Seat 3 : Acidjoe63 has $42.99
: Seat 4 : tintti112 has $35.42
: Seat 5 : nicking has $10.60
: Seat 6 : che'guvara has $11.15
: Seat 7 : LeRoy80xxx has $14.20
: Seat 8 : amac2006 has $19.80
Seat 9 : SALTROCK has $55.96
: RockNRoller is the dealer.
: Acidjoe63 posted small blind.
: tintti112 posted big blind.
: Game [44501] started with 9 players.
: Dealing Hole Cards.
: Seat 3 : Acidjoe63 has Qc 3c
: nicking called $0.20
: che'guvara called $0.20
: LeRoy80xxx called $0.20
: amac2006 folded.
SALTROCK called $0.20
: SPCMKIR1 folded.
: RockNRoller folded.
Acidjoe63 called $0.10
: tintti112 checked.
: Dealing flop.
: Board cards [3h Qd Ah]
: Acidjoe63 bet $1
: tintti112 folded.
: nicking folded.
: che'guvara called $1
: LeRoy80xxx folded.
: SALTROCK called $1 and raised $1
Acidjoe63 called $1 and raised $2
: che'guvara called $3
: SALTROCK folded.
: Dealing turn.
Board cards [3h Qd Ah 4h]
: Acidjoe63 bet $7
: che'guvara called $6.95 and is All-in
: Seat 3 : Acidjoe63 has Qc 3c
: Seat 6 : che'guvara has Jh 9h
: Board cards [3h Qd Ah 4h 9d]
: Seat 6 : che'guvara has Jh 9h
: che'guvara has Flush AJ943
: Seat 3 : Acidjoe63 has Qc 3c
: Acidjoe63 has Two Pair: Queens and 3s
: che'guvara wins $23.85 with Flush AJ943


  • I think the pot was $11 on the flop, and he's got $7 back. 4 outs to the boat, so if you really think he hit the flush, check and hope he checks behind trapping and you get lucky. If he bets, fold. Again, this is based on your read that he hit the flush. Normally, I'm pushing here, but the flop would have been different.

    Original flop bet of $1 might be a bit low but ok. However, when you get a call and a raise, I think you need to pop it big. They either have the flush draw or an A (meaning you could be counterfeited). When action got back to you on flop, it was $1 to call into a $5 pot. I would have bet at least the pot, but often I'd overbet here, maybe make it $10 total (an $8 raise).

    Also, even only betting the pot on the flop ($8 total) means that there is no decision on the turn - all the money is already in. While you're probably ahead, you aren't a big favorite. I'd play bottom 2 super-fast - get in a lot of money with the better hand and fold equity. On the turn, if you're ahead you may not get any more money in the pot, and if you're behind you'll have to fold. Taking it down isn't that bad, but don't let them draw cheap...
  • First thing I thought was what beanie pointed out...

    The flop bet was good enough to take away odds, but when you get raised and go for the re-raise, you shoulda popped it more - take away odds, and put allthe pressure on him.

  • The one I was most afraid of was Saltrock since I had never played him and had no notes. The short stack loves his suited cards and I was looking at taking away his odds yet getting away if I got repopped by Salt for the set (min raises set off alarm bells in my head). Next time I guess pop away and be done if I get re raised. It would have been cheaper in the long run.
  • Can I post an add on question here..I think the way I'd play this hand may not be ideal and I'd like some feedback?

    My gut reaction to che'g's min-raise on the flop was to immediately put him all in. I'm confident I have the best hand at the moment..but there's a lot out there that is drawing to beat me, and many losing hands will pay through the nose to do just that.

    If I continue to play here from EP I'll have no idea where I stand in the remainder of the hand and I don't think I'm getting away from Che'g's SS with two pair unless another ace comes on the turn. Shoving Che'g seems to put all the pressure back on him and makes the hand seem win-win- taking the pot early with bottom two is fine..making him risk his whole stack to draw is fine as well. (this is LLNL I don't consider my opponent to EVER be skilled enough to recognize that he is NOT getting odds to draw and you are risking the $8 in the pot that is, I would have to believe, yours at that point)

    Is that a horrible play?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I think the way I'd play this hand may not be ideal and I'd like some feedback?
    Is that a horrible play?
    I love it, and that's close to how I'd play it. I'd raise enough to put shorty all-in, and see what bigger stack does. Actually, that's how I did play a similar hand recently, and I spent a lot of time thinking about it afterward (I was actually going to post it, but it probably belongs here since it's so similar). For comparison, here it is:

    .50/1.00 NL
    Hero in CO ($135) Jc 8c
    Button ($80) calls
    SB ($36) raises to $3
    Hero calls
    Button calls
    Pot = $10
    Ugly cards I know, but table was really weak-tight post-flop, so I'd opened up a lot, and was taking most pots I played down uncontested. Once raised, I knew I was against a "real hand", so stealing was out, but if I hit hard I'd get at least one players stack.

    Flop: Kh Jh 8d
    SB bets $7
    I put SB on AQ or better or QQ or better and player wouldn't play draw like this. AQ might fold, but everything else goes the whole way, so I'm only worried about KK.
    Hero raises to $35
    Button calls.
    The button call was unexpected, but I put him on a flush draw (A-rag, since he'd usually re-pop with a pair + flush draw). Turn blanks and I push.
    SB calls all-in.
    Main Pot = $88, Side Pot = $18

    Turn: 3s
    Blank, so I'm sure I'm still ahead
    Hero bets $43
    Button calls all-in.
    Main Pot = $88, Side Pot = $104

    River: 3d

    Ugly river - flush misses but the paired board counterfeits my hand. I expect to lose main pot to bigger 2 pair now, but at least I win the larger side-pot.

    SB shows Ad Kc
    Button shows Ah 3h

    Scratch that - no side pot for me. However, while I don't like losing the $80, I think it was the right play, and my reads were bang-on (including my pre-flop evaluation that I could win there whole stack). When ahead "weakly", put as much pressure on your opponents as you can (and then lick your wounds when they suckout ;) ).
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    My gut reaction to che'g's min-raise on the flop was to immediately put him all in. I'm confident I have the best hand at the moment..but there's a lot out there that is drawing to beat me, and many losing hands will pay through the nose to do just that.
    i'll be damned if i can read that hh easily but i think it was salt who min-raised. since there are only a few dollars in the pot, i would not push against salt, seeing as i'm risking 50 bucks or so in the unlikely event salt actually has a big hand (bigger 2pr or possibly a set)

    i do agree with a bigger re-raise here, which i think is your point to force che out of the hand or at least pay more dearly to chase.

    beanie i'm scratching my head here over your hand. you are out of position against a healthy stack with slightly better than garbage and the raiser's stack isn't big enough to give you implied odds. if the planets align (as they sort of did but then they unaligned most heinously) you could profit around 110 bucks for your initial $3 toss. it does not seem worth it in comparison to the risk. please convince me otherwise. i know i play this crap all the time but i'm trying to improve. really, i am :)
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    beanie i'm scratching my head here over your hand. you are out of position against a healthy stack with slightly better than garbage and the raiser's stack isn't big enough to give you implied odds. if the planets align (as they sort of did but then they unaligned most heinously) you could profit around 110 bucks for your initial $3 toss. it does not seem worth it in comparison to the risk. please convince me otherwise.
    I played this partly due to the table, and partly because I was focusing on practicing post-flop play. For the table, they were weak enough that I was taking a lot of pots post-flop. I'd bet at most scare cards (A, 3rd suited, etc.), and while I wasn't 100% successful, I was showing a good profit (even when I would lose medium/large pots trying). I was also forcing myself to call most "reasonable" raises once I entered the pot. In this case, I was fairly sure the player behind would flat-call, so I saw no reason to fold. I knew I couldn't bluff this pot so it would be easy to get away from, and I knew I stood to make at least 15x that if I hit the board - I honestly didn't see this hand as very risky. I did get lucky to hit the flop like I wanted, but after that I got all my money in favored, my reads were dead-on, and I made my opponents do exactly what I wanted. I don't even consider this a bad beat (on the turn I only win 2/3 of the time - they had lots of outs), and I'd do it again in a heartbeat given the same conditions.

    I'm still not certain whether getting into this pot is a great idea overall (I'm probably watching too much HSP ;) ). However, the way I was playing that night, and the complexion of that specific table made it worthwhile. Different night, different table, I may fold.
    pkrfce9 wrote: »
    i know i play this crap all the time but i'm trying to improve. really, i am
    I'm trying to improve too, but I'm not certain tighter is better in this case. I'm starting to figure out that even online, against certain opponents, cards don't matter. That said, practicing these things and finding out what works and doesn't does make the variance ride a bit bumpier...
  • hey trev, i agree with most of what you said. i just wanted to hear the thought process.

    one thing, you say you stood to make 15x your call. the problem i see with that is you can only do that maybe 1 time in 50 at best. do the other times you steal the pot post-flop make up for this? i'm curious about that aspect.
  • LOL so I made a large pop back in this hand and........

    ov 21 20:45:34] : Hand Start.
    [Nov 21 20:45:34] : Seat 1 : rob001 has $19.83
    [Nov 21 20:45:34] : Seat 2 : robenson has $10
    [Nov 21 20:45:34] : Seat 3 : walt14 has $18.07
    [Nov 21 20:45:34] : Seat 4 : CullenCNC has $12.98
    [Nov 21 20:45:34] : Seat 5 : brianbucks has $60.78
    [Nov 21 20:45:34] : Seat 6 : llamatrix has $103.19
    [Nov 21 20:45:34] : Seat 7 : phivecard has $100
    [Nov 21 20:45:34] : Seat 8 : Acidjoe63 has $24.65
    [Nov 21 20:45:34] : Seat 9 : Rumsy08 has $147.59
    [Nov 21 20:45:35] : llamatrix is the dealer.
    [Nov 21 20:45:35] : phivecard will be allowed to play after the button.
    [Nov 21 20:45:35] : Acidjoe63 posted small blind.
    [Nov 21 20:45:35] : Rumsy08 posted big blind.
    [Nov 21 20:45:35] : Game [117534] started with 8 players.
    [Nov 21 20:45:35] : Dealing Hole Cards.
    [Nov 21 20:45:35] : Seat 8 : Acidjoe63 has Ah 2s
    [Nov 21 20:45:38] : rob001 folded.
    [Nov 21 20:45:43] : robenson folded.
    [Nov 21 20:45:46] : walt14 folded.
    [Nov 21 20:45:51] : CullenCNC folded.
    [Nov 21 20:45:51] : brianbucks called $0.50
    [Nov 21 20:45:59] : llamatrix called $0.50
    [Nov 21 20:46:15] : It's your turn.
    [Nov 21 20:46:15] : Acidjoe63 has 10 seconds to respond.
    [Nov 21 20:46:18] : Acidjoe63 called $0.25
    [Nov 21 20:46:22] : Rumsy08 checked.
    [Nov 21 20:46:22] : Dealing flop.
    [Nov 21 20:46:22] : Board cards [2c 9c Ad]
    [Nov 21 20:46:29] : Acidjoe63 bet $2
    [Nov 21 20:46:32] : Rumsy08 folded.
    [Nov 21 20:46:35] : brianbucks folded.
    [Nov 21 20:46:38] : llamatrix called $2 and raised $4
    [Nov 21 20:46:41] : Acidjoe63 called $4 and raised $16
    [Nov 21 20:46:53] : llamatrix called $16 and raised $20
    [Nov 21 20:46:54] : Acidjoe63 called $2.15 and is All-in
    [Nov 21 20:46:55] : Showdown!
    [Nov 21 20:46:55] : Seat 8 : Acidjoe63 has Ah 2s
    [Nov 21 20:46:57] : Seat 6 : llamatrix has Ac 4c
    [Nov 21 20:46:57] : Seat 8 : Acidjoe63 has Ah 2s
    [Nov 21 20:47:02] : Board cards [2c 9c Ad 3c 8h]
    [Nov 21 20:47:02] : Seat 6 : llamatrix has Ac 4c
    [Nov 21 20:47:02] : llamatrix has Flush A9432
    [Nov 21 20:47:02] : Seat 8 : Acidjoe63 has Ah 2s
    [Nov 21 20:47:02] : Acidjoe63 has Two Pair: Aces and 2s
    [Nov 21 20:47:02] : llamatrix wins $47.79 with Flush A9432
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