Favourite line from Rounders?

Mine is not exactly the most famous line in the movie, but I love the way Worm asks "With those Versace shirts and sh**?" when Mike tells him that Maurice and his friend are "Russian outfit guys."

What is yours?


  • "you should've played those kings mike"
  • I only have about 100 favorite lines from that movie. After the Simpsons, Rounders may very well be my next most common source for quotes. :)

    Knish: "I was actually gonna try and make some real money tonight, but in honor of Mike's Ali-like return to the ring, I'll sit with you all for a while."

    I originally saw Rounders when it was *in theatres*, which was right around the beginning of my poker-playing life. It took me a long time before I got the double meaning of that particular line.

  • ScottyZ wrote:
    It took me a long time before I got the double meaning of that particular line.ScottyZ

    Man, now I feel like an idiot;)..."double meaning" as in him implying that he will still win money from them, just not as much as against other players? Or is there something else?
  • Man, now I feel like an idiot;)..."double meaning" as in him implying that he will still win money from them, just not as much as against other players? Or is there something else?

    Ali fought in a boxing ring. Poker games (specifically cash games) are usually called ring games.

  • Okay, that actually *did* cross my mind. Really:). Thanks Scotty.
  • i actually wouldn't mind having a dvd rip of the movie ... anyone know where i can locate one.

    maybe that's something we should have .torrented
  • ScottyZ wrote:
    Knish: "I was actually gonna try and make some real money tonight, but in honor of Mike's Ali-like return to the ring, I'll sit with you all for a while."

    It actually works better with that whole segment...

    Knish: "This is what I like to see, huh. Mike McDermott where he belongs, sittin' with the scumbags. Tellin' jokes, draggin' the occassional pot."

    Scumbag1: "Occassional? Yeah, like my ex-wife occassionally went out with other men."

    Knish: Ali line... (which is spelled Alley on the subtitles...)

    Petra: "Hey, don't do us any favours, Knish. They're about to go to the board to fill these seats."

    Personal Favorite lines...

    Worm: "It's just like the saying says, you know? In the poker game of life, women are the rake. They are the f***in' rake."

    Worm: "You know what cheers me up when I'm feeling shitty?"
    Mike: "What?"
    Worm: "Rolled up aces over kings."
    Mike: "That right?"
    Worm: "Yeah. Check raising stupid tourists and taking huge pots off 'em."

    KGB: "He beat me. Straight up. Pay zat man his money."

    KGB: "You're right. I don't haff spades. Aces full Mike."

    Knish: "Maybe this is a game can be beat, but you know you can beat the 10-20 at the Chesterfield and the Hi-Low at that goulash joint on 79th Street..."

    And many more, but enough for now.

    The whole movie is a sound bite as far as I am concerned.

  • I like Worms crack to Mike after finding his girlfriend gone,
    "..in the poker game of life, women are the rake." lol
  • Knish: "You don't want to butt onions with these guys" is one of my faves, only because it was formerly known as "You don't want to bump uglies with these guys".

    Also, in the diner, "Does this look like a man can be beaten by jacks?"

  • "You were lookin' for that third three, but you forgot that Professor Green folded on Fourth Street and now you're representing that you have it. The DA made his two pair, but he knows they're no good. Judge Kaplan was trying to squeeze out a diamond flush but he came up short and Mr. Eisen is futilely hoping that his queens are going to stand up. So like I said, the Dean's bet is $20."

    Best part of that quote: Mikey wasn't even in the room on 4th street. :cool:

  • I also love the Knish speech when Mikey is looking for money...

    Mike: "You see all the angles. You never have the stones to play one."

    Knish: ""Stones"? You little punk.

    I'm not playing for the thrill of f***ing victory here. I owe rent, alimony, child support. I play for money. My kids eat.

    I got stones enough not to chase cards, action, or f***ing pipe dreams of winning the World Series on ESPN.

    You want me to, uh, call some people, try and buy you some time, I will. Place to stay or the truck. No problem.

    But about the money I gotta do this. I gotta say no."

    Great summary about the life of a true grinder. It's not about anything but money and safe bets.

  • Worm: "It's just like the saying says, you know? In the poker game of life, women are the rake. They are the f***in' rake."

    then when Mike questions him on the meaning Worm has no idea!

    Laughed my assoff!

    By the way I was barely playing poker when I watched Rounders the first time and was talking to a buddy about it and poker in general. I remember saying to him that the game from "Rounders" where you only get two cards face down would be a 'neat' game to learn.

    Fast forward...still learning and spending a large chunk of my free time playing ... lol. :D

  • I think one of the biggest flaws in the film is when Famke Janssen offers to stay with our hero and he says NO.

    Uhhh..wait, we're talking favourite lines..okay. I'll get back to you on that one.
  • Well Rounders was one of my favorite movie till i saw it with my Girlfriend. She started to point out flaws in it and did not stop till the end. One of the worst flaw she found was the fact that that Matt Daemon character can spot every tell at the poker table but he can't see that is girlfriend and is best friend are always using him and making im do what they want. At first i was telling her that they where buddies and thats what buddies do, but at the end i just could not defend him anymor, she was right about that. Still i like this movie a lot and heres one of my favorite line in it.

    Goes almost like that:

    Mike: I dont understand, how did you know i would come back.

    Wurm: Its easy, who's youre favorite actor.

    (mikes look at him with a smile)

    Mike: Eh

    Wurm: Thats right its Clint Eastwood, the man with no name, he always double back for a friend.

    (thats when Wurm get out of prison and Mike find himself again playing poker.)

    Im not sure about the exact words, been a while, a friend as my copy.
    The Frog King
  • King Frog wrote:
    Well Rounders was one of my favorite movie till i saw it with my Girlfriend. She started to point out flaws in it and did not stop till the end. One of the worst flaw she found was the fact that that Matt Daemon character can spot every tell at the poker table but he can't see that is girlfriend and is best friend are always using him and making im do what they want. At first i was telling her that they where buddies and thats what buddies do, but at the end i just could not defend him anymor, she was right about that. Still i like this movie a lot and heres one of my favorite line in it.

    The Frog King

    But that is his flaw, which is his tell......that's what makes the movie. With out that aspect of his character there would be no point to watching the movie.
  • "women are the fucking rake of life" WoRm
  • But that is is flaw, which is is tell... (Sorry mate but this does not make sense)

    You can't make me believe (or any descent poker player) that a guy who can spot every (tell) almost every chance he get could be that gullible.

    Let it go man, its still a good movie... just as a few flaws in it.

    There would be no point of watching a Rambo movie if he was not killin everything on sight. But if is main reason for killin would be that someone steped on is pet cat, then it would be a flaw, and whed still like to see him kill everything.
  • King Frog wrote:
    But that is is flaw, which is is tell... (Sorry mate but this does not make sense)

    You can't make me believe (or any descent poker player) that a guy who can spot every (tell) almost every chance he get could be that gullible.

    Let it go man, its still a good movie... just as a few flaws in it.

    There would be no point of watching a Rambo movie if he was not killin everything on sight. But if is main reason for killin would be that someone steped on is pet cat, then it would be a flaw, and whed still like to see him kill everything.

    So you rather sit back watch a movie about Knish? It wouldn't be an interesting movie
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    So you rather sit back watch a movie about Knish? It wouldn't be an interesting movie
    No but it would be a freakin great informative movie. :)

    Thats not what im sayin at all. Just sayin that for this to be a great movie, you dont have to contradict the main character. Theres other way to make a movie interesting not that this one is not interesting. (I did say it way a great movie anyway didnt i)?
    (What would have change in the movie if Mike add knowned from the start that Wurm was in trouble, comon just watch the movie and think about that. (The movie is still the same just more believable)
  • Meanwhile... back on-topic... I like when Worm delivers the classic line to Gramma...

    "Where'd you get the scratch for that?... You been rollin' f**s in the village again."
  • Take it deeown.
  • "I feel ah-kee-ay..."
  • Back off the topic again, I think he KNOWS hes being used, but (at least in the case of worm)he feels that he owes him. As far as his lady, well, we've all been blinded by love.
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