Hand for Discussion

Here is a rather interesting hand that occured when I was playing $.25/.5 NL and was wondering some of your thoughts about how I played and how the hand played out in general.

Full Tilt Poker Game #1255878813: Table Wengert - $0.25/$0.50 - No
Limit Hold'em

Seat 1: yandigs ($37.25)
Seat 2: Moleafsmo ($57.15)
Seat 3: Smooth_Michelle ($42.05)
Seat 4: Gebka ($52.80)
Seat 5: pretender999 ($28.40)
Seat 6: MITPokah ($14.75)
Seat 7: devourer ($51.70)
Seat 8: Alpert21 ($13.15)
Seat 9: BigChrisEl ($42.65)

Alpert21 posts the small blind of $0.25
BigChrisEl posts the big blind of $0.50

The button is in seat #7

*** HOLE CARDS ***

Dealt to BigChrisEl [Qh 7h]

yandigs folds

Moleafsmo folds

Smooth_Michelle folds

Gebka calls $0.50

pretender999 calls $0.50 - Weak player, limps a lot then folds off the flop. Tends to play lots of A-Rag or connected cards

MITPokah folds

devourer calls $0.50 - No good read, hasn’t shown down a hand, not involved in too many pots, but when he is he plays them pretty aggressively. His limp seems odd to me

Alpert21 calls $0.25

BigChrisEl checks

*** FLOP *** [9h 3h 9s]

Alpert21 checks

BigChrisEl checks

Gebka checks

pretender999 bets $0.50 - I don’t believe he has a 9, maybe a 3 with an ace kicker

devourer calls $0.50 - Still not sure what this guy is doing

Alpert21 folds

Gebka is sitting out

BigChrisEl raises to $2.50 - I figure I could take the pot down here or if I get called I will get 2 free cards out of it

Gebka folds

pretender999 raises to $4.50 - Unexpected move, this is a min re-raise, my gut tells me this is a defensive move and he still has a 3.

devourer calls $4 - Now I’m really confused here

BigChrisEl calls $2 - I figure I have odds to call,$2 into a $14 pot, 7 to 1 on my money here

Pot is $16

*** TURN *** [9h 3h 9s] [7c]

BigChrisEl checks - I seriously think my 7 is good here, but I want to see what the players behind me are going to do.

pretender999 bets $8.50 - I still think he is on a 3 with an ace and is thinking this bet will send the rest of us away.

devourer calls $8.50 - Still not sure what this guy is up to, beginning to think he has a 9

Pot is $33

BigChrisEl calls $8.50 - I’m getting almost 4 to 1 (3.8 to 1) on my money, I’m thinking my 7 is good, plus any heart will give me the flush which I feel will win me the pot.

*** RIVER *** [9h 3h 9s 7c] [8h]

BigChrisEl checks - The 8 is a trouble card for me, the possibility that one of them limped with 9-8 is now crawling into my head making a full house to beat my flush. I want to see what the others are going to do.

pretender999 checks - That was unexpected

devourer bets $15 - This is unexpected as well.

BigChrisEl calls $15 - I have to call $15 into a $56.5 pot, pretender999 has only $15. I getting 3.8 to 1 on my money here, plus I think pretender999 is going to call as well so I call.

pretender999 folds - Not what I expected again

*** SHOW DOWN ***

devourer shows [4h 6h] (a flush, Nine high)

BigChrisEl shows [Qh 7h] (a flush, Queen high)

BigChrisEl wins the pot ($68.50) with a flush, Queen high

*** SUMMARY ***

Total pot $71.50 | Rake $3
Board: [9h 3h 9s 7c 8h]
Seat 1: yandigs didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: Moleafsmo didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Smooth_Michelle didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Gebka folded on the Flop
Seat 5: pretender999 folded on the River
Seat 6: MITPokah didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: devourer (button) showed [4h 6h] and lost with a flush, Nine high
Seat 8: Alpert21 (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 9: BigChrisEl (big blind) showed [Qh 7h] and won ($68.50) with a flush, Queen high

The Best Part, the Next hand:

devourer: fu
devourer stands up


  • Here are a few things that I would have taken into consideration.

    The odds you are getting to make the $8.50 call are provided by the fact that you have a second caller - meaning you have to consider if the flush hits you are beat.

    If you feel he is on a worse flush draw (as he was) you have to take into consideration that you are now missing 2 of your outs - giving the wrong odds to call.

    This one may be the Omaha player in me - but if you feel the other player has a set - the chance of him filling up as you hit your flush also removes a number of outs.

    I dont like playing multiway draws unless I am drawing to the nuts or near nuts.

    In this situation you arent - for all you knew on the flop you were already drawing dead against a made boat or more likely a better flush draw.

    I would wait to get my money in where I know I am good.

    You are drawing to hit your hand and get even bet it when it hits because you dont know if you have the best of it.
  • TNORTH wrote: »
    Here are a few things that I would have taken into consideration.

    The odds you are getting to make the $8.50 call are provided by the fact that you have a second caller - meaning you have to consider if the flush hits you are beat.

    If you feel he is on a worse flush draw (as he was) you have to take into consideration that you are now missing 2 of your outs - giving the wrong odds to call.

    This one may be the Omaha player in me - but if you feel the other player has a set - the chance of him filling up as you hit your flush also removes a number of outs.

    I dont like playing multiway draws unless I am drawing to the nuts or near nuts.

    In this situation you arent - for all you knew on the flop you were already drawing dead against a made boat or more likely a better flush draw.

    I would wait to get my money in where I know I am good.

    You are drawing to hit your hand and get even bet it when it hits because you dont know if you have the best of it.

    I felt this hand really spun out of control. I felt pretty confident in my reads but the betting got really heavy (more then I really wanted). I didn't want to fall into the 'monsters under the bed' syndrome.

    I do feel that I did play this hand wrong.

    I wonder what pretender999 had. I would think with the amount of money he put in the pot that he would call his last $15 if he actually had trip 9's.

    I was totally surprised by devourer weak flush.
  • I am getting accussed of that a lot now :)

    I remain steadfast in my decision.

    Mostly because in these games players will often limp in with any suited ace - and this scenario played out exactly like someone with a suited ace.
  • I felt this hand really spun out of control.

    Probably because you chose to raise the flop. While I'd do this in position almost always in a limit game, in NL it's much more dangerous to re-open the betting since you can be pushed off your draw with a big reraise. I think I'd flat call the flop, closing the betting here (the tight player just calling the flop is often going to be either a flush draw or a slowplayed 9, so I prefer keeping the pot small, especially considering the fact the board is paired which introduces redraws against you if someone has a 9).
  • TNORTH wrote: »
    I am getting accussed of that a lot now :)

    I remain steadfast in my decision.

    And so Tom should, this isn't really a 'monsters under the bed' situation..this is more akin to putting on a blindfold and running into oncoming traffic. I'm really glad it worked out for the best but the advice already given is excellent, and I only want to add one small thing..

    You suggested that the check-raise on the flop might earn you freecards..I don't think thats likely-you've revealed your hand to be strong by check-raising the flop, you negate that when you back down to callers and check the turn. If I were the 4/6h (straight and flush draw) I'd smell an opportunity to take this pot and would more than bet you out of it on the turn.
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