Anger Management - What tricks do you have to suppress rage?

Lately I have been getting over the top angry at people. I have seen how some of you blow up or spin at the tables and was wondering what you do to suppress your anger. I never saw myself as an angry person before but just recently I have been losing it on people who tick me off.

How do you channel your anger?


  • In poker or in life? If it's at the tables you just gotta roll with it, there's been many posts on dealing with anger/tilt or whatever and some good ideas about how to vent if you search the forum. If it's in life in general then really you have to just examine your life style...getting enough sleep, eating right, drinking too much, etc so many things can affect your mood...then again maybe you just have some growing up to do?
  • i just like to smash things - plates, glasses, whatever. i find my dinner invitations declining as of late...
  • I meant in life not poker. Things that happen at the table don't bother me really...the odd online suck out makes me angry but in a ranting like a stand up comedian sort of way.

    In I used to drink alot, quit 10 weeks ago...not a drop since. And I find that when people wrong me or just do/say general stupid shit it just makes me so mad. I always used to be laid back and it took a lot to get me going. But now it seems one comment can make me lose it on someone.

    I guess I am just looking for ways people deal with it, tactics, tricks, methods...whatever. I sleep a decent amount, do like a lazy 30 mins of cardio a day and don't drink.

    I have a theory that it could be because all the of bored (pun) dickheads on this forum who think they know me and judge me so openly in public after meeting me 3 times. All of their stupid and ignorant comments piled on top of me not having my favourite vice; alcohol..may have led to me having a short fuse these past months.

    But that's just blaming others for my issues I guess.
  • haddon wrote: »
    I have a theory that it could be because all the of bored (pun) dickheads on this forum who think they know me and judge me so openly in public after meeting me 3 times.
    i'm pretty sure i've only met you twice, josh?

    i dunno cause i NEVER get angry. hard to get angry if you don't care. i embrace apathy. maybe you should eat more meat.

    seriously i don't know. suggestions i've seen are things like counting to 10, taking a few deep breaths, going for a walk, primal screaming, getting therapy.

    best of luck with this but i wouldn't take any advice i get from here seriously
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    i dunno cause i NEVER get angry. hard to get angry if you don't care. i embrace apathy. maybe you should eat more meat.
    I care about almost everything, but I almost never get angry either. I think this is simply an outlook on life.
    pkrfce9 wrote: »
    best of luck with this but i wouldn't take any advice i get from here seriously
    I agree. This doesn't sound like something "tips'n'tricks" from the forum can help. You should probably chat with somebody close to you who you respect and see what they think (just don't get angry at them if they tell you something you don't like ;) ).
  • I just figured that there are many people on here that probably have problems with anger...hell, I've seen it.

    I do want to hear some of the tips and tricks though if anyone has one of any use. I've heard the counting to ten, squeezing an ice cube etc...
    But I guess I was/am hoping someone would have this magic solution that they learned help so I could try it.

    Thanks for the pm trevor, I'll respond in a second.
  • Anger is never alone

    Something is causing your anger. It could be anything from sadness, loneliness, fatigue, hunger, frustration, etc.

    Identify the primary / eliminate the secondary. You've mentioned in a not so subtle way that you've quit drinking, perhaps you're experiencing some withdrawl from it. It is a lifestyle change, and people are creatures of habit, so you may feel uneasy.

    Remember, everyone does and should get angry - the trick is to use it as a tool, rather than a weapon / excuse / etc. Allow it to push you to motivation. Angry about injustice? Work to correct it. Anger stemming from disappointment in yourself? Improve yourself.

    Some other angry folks:

    Martin Luther King Jr.
    Nelson Mandela
    Rosa Parks

    etc. etc...
  • Think Hitler was angry?
  • Yes...

    But he also used the anger for tremendous social change in Germany, economically he was a boon.....

    Morally, not so much. Imagine if he had had a moral code not dissimilar to say Gandhi, or MLKJr... he would have been a great force for good.

    Unfortunately, it is often easier to use anger destructively rather than constructively - but such is maturity.

  • haddon wrote: »
    I have a theory that it could be because all the of bored (pun) dickheads on this forum who think they know me and judge me so openly in public after meeting me 3 times. All of their stupid and ignorant comments piled on top of me not having my favourite vice; alcohol..may have led to me having a short fuse these past months.

    If the primary CAUSE of anger in your life is people on the forum - then I think the REMEDY is easily identifiable.

    I would just leave.

    Of course, I would miss your comments and am really curious about the one you had banned :)
  • This is a topic close to my heart. I'm sorry to hijack this thread, Josh, but I'd like to add my thoughts on this matter.

    First off, getting angry or upset is NOT a bad thing. It's how you deal with it.
    Coping is the key.

    Anyone who knows me, is aware of how I sometimes (yes, sometimes) give in to feelings and have an outburst. I act like an idiot, make a scene, and storm out. Usually it's beacause of a bad beat, and I take it personally. Like the deck has a mind of it's own and says "Lets f--- Johnnie over! It'll be fun." My rage is a reaction to the fact that I felt cheated or wronged.

    I've had many issues in dealing with my emotional outbusts in my life. I used to tell myself that's it's just a "temper" and that I'm just an emotional guy. However, I've lost friends because of my anger. A whole bunch, some whom I was very close too. I miss them dearly.

    I lost a job because of it. Ok, it's was a shitty P/T job, but I was still canned. A job!!!

    Now, I like to think that I have some intelligence, and being a 30 year old with a rage issue is not cool. Especailly when it's time to start a family. So since August of this year, I've been in counsoulling. I still have "bad" days, but I don't think I've really gone over the edge in awhile.

    Making the first call was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I've always avoided the conselling option, because I thought I'd be a lesser person or something. Or that people thought I was "crazy".

    That stigma is wrong. Josh, there are options open to you. Talk to someone, anyone. Find an anger mangement group, or get private counselling.

    I'm proud of you for opening up this topic, letting me speak my mind, and for reaching out for help. I wish I was smart enough to do that when I was 21. It would have saved me a lot of grief and regret over the years.


  • I have to say Johnnie that over the past year I have noticed a distinct change in your emotional control. It has improved you as a person and at the tables. This year I have seen you make some of the most amazing laydowns where in the past you might have tilted, you seem to now be able to draw on some amazing inner strength. Congrats.
  • Great post Johnnie, ditto on Moose's comments. I think a few have noticed the positive changes..... Like you, most of us feel that "inner" frustration, anger, just plain pissed off feeling, that we get when we lose to that proverbial "one outer" on the river. Now it may not even be at the poker table, maybe it's getting cut off in traffic, maybe having to wait for something longer than expected, maybe the delivery guy who brings the screwed up order, whatever it is, we all feel it in some form. The difference is in how we deal with it. Personally I try my very best NOT to let my negative feelings show. LOL, I don't want to give the other person the satisfaction..... It definitely is something that maturity changes our outlook on, but some never grow up...... We all know someone like that. And no that's definitely not you Johnnie.... From what I have seen, you have (had) a very minor issue with temper... lol.... I would be much more concerned about 1 or two others I have seen lately, you know, that seething angry intense look when something doesn't go their way? You just know a blowup is coming...

    And p.s. Josh.. Never let your anger show.. That's just showing the other person that they got to you.. Be strong and be successfull... Follow your dreams and show everyone, but don't tell people about your success, show them! Much more effective.

    Jeesh... I sound like a shrink... Anyone know a good one I can visit... OK, lets get back to poker.....
  • Thanks for the kind words guys. They mean a great deal coming from you two. Especailly after the bad beat I laid on Jeff on Tuesday night. :D
    My eyes are still sore.

  • I have had some rage issues in the past as well. Sure, I have got upset at the tables but usually I just need to get up and have a minute and I can easily get over it.

    When it comes to life I have controlled my anger for a long time. The first thing was to address what really caused my rage. It had to do with other things and I would use a simple incident to express myself in a very poor way. I have since thought about my actions before I do anything. I feel this is really important when it comes to my children, I never want them to see my anger and I haven't done it yet. There are still times when I get way to upset and do stupid things. I don't have a six iron anymore.

    It is not something that has an easy solution or one that will be a quick fix. It will take years.

    Josh, for you I would not respond to things that upset me on the forum. Second counselling may be a good idea, I didn't do it myself but it is a great way. Lastly take a moment to think about why you're angry and try to look at it from another perspective. It will be hard, very hard but if you want to change you MUST try.
  • Wow, as a newbie around here, this would be one of the 'Last' topics I would imagine I would find. Truly a good subject, I've come across many people with anger or temper issues and sometimes people just don't know how to react, thus creating a more hostile situation.

    I used to be a bit of a hot head, but I got dealt some shitty life cards that helped put my life into perspective.....I guess you could say I learned things the hard way all the time, but not so anymore. I tend to keep one expression in the back of mind at all times when I feel I'm about to blow a gasket

    " No matter how bad I've got it right now, someone somewhere else has it far worse than I do, so focus on my good things "

    Just my little bit of tranquility in an otherwise storm of reality I live in from day to day.

    May help, may not, just thought I'd chime in on it..

  • Johnnie I saw you laugh when Brad23 beat your JJ with 23. You laughed, didnt even mention kicking him in the balls :)
  • TNORTH wrote: »
    Johnnie I saw you laugh when Brad23 beat your JJ with 23. You laughed, didnt even mention kicking him in the balls :)

    I knew I was Toast.

    The flop was A5x, and I started to chant for the four. The turn was another brick, so I begin to scream "FOUR FOUR COMIN FOUR!!"

    Yep, he rivered it.

    You had the chance to kick him in the pills when he busted your JJ, you know.
  • Yeah the hand right before that one.

    Damn Gus Hansens...
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