Tony G. Takes on the Russians


  • holy crap.

    how did the russian refrain from hitting him there.

  • Is Tony G. the biggest ass of all time? He makes Mike Matusow and
    Phil Hellmuth look like great guys.
  • my computers not working right but that has to be the A-2 vs. k-j clip...

    I've seen it three times and each time I cover my eyes expecting the russian guy to snap and there to be bloodshed, even though I've seen the whole How the hell does Tony G. get away with that?
  • I bow to Tony G.'s greatness...... F'n A$$hole.
  • Not very good sportsmenship there. I hope somebody puts him in his place soon. I am very surprised that the russian didnt hit him.. But then again maybe the russian has little more couth, then that clown..
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    He's not all bad..check this out

    A few times I have seen him win a tournament and then he apologizes to all his opponents that its just part of his game and he means nothing by his comments. Although he seem to go a little over board with the Russian guy. I think he gives a big portion of his winnings to charity.
  • ya normally he turns it off when he beats his opponent and tells them it is all an act while shaking their hand. this time, WOW. there must be some history there. what a dick!
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