OK gamers....Sony Playstation 3 or Nintendo Wii?

I don't have any clue about either, but one is going on my birthday wish list.

Yes, my brithday isn't for 4 months, but I figure it'll take that long to save up and find one!



  • I'm gonna swing by futureshop before work and if i cant pick up a PS3 I will...if not, oh well...I'll get it in 2-3 months when the zoo subsides.
  • Wii baby..

    Wii is money

  • PS3 is going to be around $660.00 and the wii will be $270.00. But it depends what kind of games you like. Sony is great for cutting edge graphics while nintendo is focusing on being inovative with the controller. Some other considerations both the PS3 and the wii wont play dvds ps3 is going to play there new blu ray fromat and nintendo as usual is not interested in having a built in dvd player.
    Me persoanlly im going to be playing X Box 360 id say its the best system out there.
  • If you have to ask then get a Wii.

    PS3 is way over priced.
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    PS3 is way over priced.

    Plus, Sony generally has quality problems with the first shipment. Wait a year and get rev2 when there's more, better, games to play.

    I'm getting a wii first, but I'm a Mario (the plumber, not the electrician) junkie.
  • Who gives a crap if it can play DVDs? You can get a DVD player for $30.

    Wii, baby, Wii.
  • Who gives a crap if it can play DVDs? You can get a DVD player for $30.

    Wii, baby, Wii.

    Well the PS3 is going to play Blu Ray DVD's which next gen DVD's.

    But Blu-Ray and HD-DVD is the same old Beta Max/VHS format agrument. One will be the new generation of DVD players, the other will be not.

    Basically the majority of the cost for the PS3 is the Blu Ray dvd player.
  • IMO

    Anytime you buy a multi-purpose device, it never does each function as well as a specialized device. Look at the current generation of game systems. Xbox and PS2 both have DVD player capabilities on top of the gaming. However, let's face it, the interface and general DVD usage sucks on both, especially when compared to a decent DVD player.

    I think I'll wait to see what wins the format war, HDDVD or BRDVD, and then buy a dedicated machine. Further, Sony is ridiculously expensive, there are documented difficulties, including the backwards compatability, and their whole "sixaxis" thing (sony's new controllers are motion sensitive too) looks like a paltry last-minute rip off of the Wii.

    The Wii is a dedicated machine. Nintendo has a proven track history of solid games and hardware. The revolutionary gaming style could very much redefine how we play video games. The one drawback is that it doesn't support HD T.V. but I don't have HD TV so I don't care.

  • Xbox 360...PS3 is way over priced and Wii won't have the game support, it's the Beta of the console world.

    ...and Guitar Hero's is coming for the Xbox 360.
  • Hrm..

    Sorry all.. Johnnie only posted about PS3 or Wii.. so I gave my reccommendation for Wii.. the 360's a nice machine too...

  • Big E wrote: »
    Xbox 360...PS3 is way over priced and Wii won't have the game support, it's the Mac of the console world.

    ...and Guitars Hero's is coming for the Xbox 360.

    Wii will have a lot of the original Nintendo, Super Nintendo, and Sega Genesis games on launch, which for a casual gamer is huge.

    Virtual Console Channels
    You'll also find channels for launching Virtual Console games on NES, Super NES, Nintendo 64, as well as TurboGrafx-16 and SEGA Genesis. The interface also seems to allow players to assign shortcuts to Virtual Console titles, although it's unclear how Nintendo will be organizing all the games players will potentially have stored on Wii's 512MBs of internal flash. You'll be able to view available software in various ways, selecting to view all NES games, for instance, or all games in the Mario series.

    Right now in Japan there are issues with the PS3 not being full backward compatible (http://ps3.ign.com/articles/745/745439p1.html),

    and of course there is the Dash board Bricking update with the Xbox360's

  • Big E wrote: »
    Wii won't have the game support, it's the Mac of the console world.

    It will have every GameCube game (of which I own dozens) + literally thousands of games from NES, SNES, Genesis, and TurboGrafx.

    ...and the new Zelda is coming for the Wii, not the 360.

    Seriously though, I can't buy every console and the Wii is currently the most attractive to me. Most 360 games are things I could be playing on the PC and am already bored of (i.e. FPS after FPS after FPS) and the PS3 is just too expensive this year.

    Wii has Zelda, Mario, Metroid, and a ton of classics from my youth.

    Also, I'm sure that guitar hero will be on the Wii soon enough. The publisher is Activision now, right?
  • morty wrote: »
    Wii has Zelda, Mario, Metroid, and a ton of classics from my youth.

    This is a key point for me. I've always been in love the Zelda and Mario. (both the plumber and the electrician)

    Plus, my wife might play the Wii, which is a key factor in her letting me get one.


    EDIT: Mark, find me on MSN or PM me your plans for purchasing this weekend.
  • Just sent you a message over MSN Johnnie.
  • Best Buy's website claims they open at 8Am on Sunday!
  • the kind of games you like should direct you to what purchase to make. Xbox 360 and ps3 are competing over FPS and sports titles. While nintendo went a different route by reinventing there controller. But if your a halo fan (like me) its gotta be 360. Plus gears of war rocks. And with a pricetag around $650 ps3 is a little expensive for my tastes. Plus on the 17th they are lowering the price of 360 by $50.
  • Plus on the 17th they are lowering the price of 360 by $50.

    Yup, plus they're throwing in Ridge Racer 6 and Gears of War as well on top of the price drop. Seemed like a no-brainer to me...
  • Zithal, Wesside8, and Drtyore all picked up a Wii yesterday. I'm too much of a wimp to line up at midnight, so I'll just wait until next weeks shipment.

    However, I was lucky enough to spend an afternoon at Bristol St with the boys.....

    This machine is awsome! I couldn't believe how much FUN I had, and how engaging the games where. And that was just for the bowling game! You actually work up a sweat swinging the Wii-mote around.

    The Wii is going to be the next generation of video gaming, no doubt.

    Guys, please add your comments.
  • Firstly..

    It was 10:30 Saturday night we lined up... and if was COLD people.

    I've finally got mine setup, and damn are these things amazing. I've got

    Zelda - Haven't actually played it yet as I'm afraid I would fall off the face of the earth

    Marvel Ultimate Alliance: FUN FUN FUN - I sometimes think I'm actually spider-man

    RedSteel - Innovative, but again haven't played much

    Wii Sports - played the most, this is just so amazingly fun and cool, wish it was "full versions" of games though.

    Trauma Centre - Yea, found this one on the way home from Bristol - a GREAT game, and I've even managed not to kill anyone yet (you play a doctor).

    All in all, the Wii is living up to ALL of my expectations, and it is just phenomenal.

  • morty wrote: »
    It will have every GameCube game (of which I own dozens) + literally thousands of games from NES, SNES, Genesis, and TurboGrafx.

    ...and the new Zelda is coming for the Wii, not the 360.

    Good point, I didn't consider that, I'm mainly into the sports stuff, or killing/shooting stuff :)

    The price point is certainly very attractive and the idea of the controller is very cool....I've never been a PS fan and I would never pay that much for a gaming system so if I did not have an XBox it would be Wii for me!
  • I'm a tough one to buy for. I'm not a big sports fan and I hate playing FPS's with an analog stick. My preference are RPG's and games that push innovation.

    The price of the PS3 made it out of what I wanted to pay and the 360 doesn't have a deep enough library (for me) at the moment.

    When Wii annouced their controller concept, I immediately fell in love with it. It was one of the huge innovation leaps that just makes sense. In truth, though, if Zelda wasn't a launch title I wouldn't have been in the line.

    The sports game are fun (but really really shallow), so they'll be a fun distraction and some may actually be definatly worth getting once the game gets "franchized" (ie. Mario Strikers baseball kind o thing). The bowling game was the best of the bunch for me.

    I kicked Mark out around dinner, so that I could play Zelda into the evening, and the session went from 7pm to 2:30am. The game is fabulous. If you're like me and Ocarina of Time was one of your favorite's of all time, you must get this game. It's a great, dark and mature Adventure RPG, and right now feels like a Zelda game. There are plenty of 4 page reviews out there, so I'm not going to go into depth, but so far I'm in agreement. This is the single best launch title ever released and I wait til the end to see where it places in my Top 10. If this story is half as engaging as most spoiler-free reviews claim it to be, this is going to be high up there.

    I also got a chance to try Red Steel and it confirmed what I thought about FPS's and the Wii. Once they get this sort of control scheme on a game that rocks, this is going to be the "mouse and keyboard" of the console system. Really intuitive, tons more control, and just a blast to play with. Watching myself play the first 5 minutes of Red Steel, reminded me of the first time I tried a mouse/keyboard combo on Jedi Knight; (lots of running around either looking stright-up, or nausa inducing over-compensating for turns and looking around.

    To the person that said that Wii won't have the game line-up needs to take a look at the release calendar for next year. There's a lot of no brainers that'll be coming out.

    I think that this is the exact problem that the PS3 will have; they're losing all their first party developers and a lot of their big titles are heading to the other systems.

    (PS. Blue-ray vs. HD-DVD format wars. This battle may be over before it even begins. A company has developed a way to burn both formats on one disc with a low rate of rejects to make it cost-effective, so that one disc could run in either machine)

    To me the innovation of the controller was a key selling point of the Wii for me. It's way to early to judge if the gamble pays off, but so far, I'm not dissapointed.
  • I went to school today and I guy had the Wii set up in the computer lab. I got to try tennis, won 3 games. Then I got to play baseball, strike out 7 times then hit a big bomb for a home run, the guys in the room when nuts. I played both games as if I was on the tennis court or in the batters box. I worked up a sweat. And at the end of 3 innings of baseball I was eady to let someone else play. Concept was great, you can kiss the concept of couch potatoe goodbye.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • I went to school today and I guy had the Wii set up in the computer lab. I got to try tennis, won 3 games. Then I got to play baseball, strike out 7 times then hit a big bomb for a home run, the guys in the room when nuts. I played both games as if I was on the tennis court or in the batters box. I worked up a sweat. And at the end of 3 innings of baseball I was eady to let someone else play. Concept was great, you can kiss the concept of couch potatoe goodbye.

    Prophet :2h :2s

    Amen to that!

    My arm and shoulder (which has always been messed up) are STILL sore!

    I guess I need to buy one and build up some muscles!
  • ps3 all the way
  • Sounds like Nintendo is back in the game, which is nice to hear, I did love the old Nintendo systems and my kids love the Mario games on their Gameboys.....I think Nintendo has been 3rd string for a while now so it's nice to see them bring something so innovative into the mix at such an attractive price....almost makes me want to grab one for the kids for Christmas :)
  • I have a Wii!!!!

  • It's official. The Wii is the coolist system to come out in a long time.

    Even my wife loves it!!

  • I have never like video games at all - generally I felt that I would rather be actually doing something rather than doing it on TV. Plus my parents wouldnt let me have games with violence - and the one game I did have " A boy and his Blob" really didnt do anything for me...

    However, this new Wii has really piqued my interest.

    use to love the running pad for Nintendo - and Guitar Hero is awesome. The reviews here for the Wii seem great - my only concern was how "accurate" the actions on the TV are to the actions of the joystick....

    I may need to buy the first gaming system of my life.
  • Haha.. I remember a boy and his blob, you'd feed him jelly beans and he'd do different things!

    So, Tom, now that you've "wii'd", what do you think?

  • I think Tom said something along the lines of "I think my Dominican Republic money is going towards a Wii now"
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