Misplayed or Bad Beat

Hey all,

Here is a hand I played last night. I wanted to get your opinions on how I played it. My thought process goes like this. I raise 300 hoping to get a call and at least make a bit more than 75 chips (maybe I am greedy) I am prepared to lay down the hand if an A or K hits the flop and the villian shows he has a hand. Flop comes down with straight possibility but I dont put this guy on 76 preflop and the odds are he doesnt have a Q with 2 of them sitting in my hand..So I dont think he has QJ. I move all in cause I dont want him calling to try and catch the flush or straight on a draw.. Am I way out of it?
Not concerned about the result would of posted this hand whether I won or lost..

PokerStars Game #7013722020: Tournament #35814834, $10+$1 Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2006/11/13 - 19:38:54 (ET)
Table '35814834 3' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
Seat 3: TurkeyBlue (1325 in chips)
Seat 4: Taxitony (4785 in chips)
Seat 5: dlecroy (2230 in chips)
Seat 6: YULivin4 (5540 in chips)
Seat 7: korn999 (3715 in chips)
Seat 9: hottstreak (5310 in chips)
YULivin4: posts small blind 75
korn999: posts big blind 150
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to korn999 [Qc Qs]
hottstreak: folds
TurkeyBlue: folds
Taxitony: folds
dlecroy: folds
YULivin4: calls 75
korn999: raises 300 to 450
YULivin4: calls 300
*** FLOP *** [8c Ts 9c]
YULivin4: checks
korn999: bets 3265 and is all-in
YULivin4: calls 3265
*** TURN *** [8c Ts 9c] [5d]
*** RIVER *** [8c Ts 9c 5d] [7h]
*** SHOW DOWN ***
YULivin4: shows [Jd Kc] (a straight, Seven to Jack)
korn999: shows [Qc Qs] (a pair of Queens)
YULivin4 collected 7430 from pot
YULivin4 is sitting out
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 7430 | Rake 0
Board [8c Ts 9c 5d 7h]
Seat 3: TurkeyBlue folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 4: Taxitony folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 5: dlecroy (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
Seat 6: YULivin4 (small blind) showed [Jd Kc] and won (7430) with a straight, Seven to Jack
Seat 7: korn999 (big blind) showed [Qc Qs] and lost with a pair of Queens
Seat 9: hottstreak folded before Flop (didn't bet)


  • Bad Beat. He sucked out on the River on Riverstars. Probably figured he could knock out a player if he hit, but for the life of me, I don't understand why he would for 3/5ths of his stack.

    Only thing I can see is maybe raising more preflop to like 5 or 6 times BB, but I don't think it would have discouraged him either way.

    Take it from someone who gets alot of QQ's busted...:(
  • i'm not a big fan of the huge overbet on the flop. pot size or so on the flop and again on the turn. your opponent is definitely an idiot.
  • It's a $10 sit and go. You played it fine for that level, and the opponent did not play it that badly as he likely has 10+ outs against most hands there, and still has an ok stack if he loses and a dominating stack if he wins.

    Keep in mind that Pokerstars gets the name Riverstars because this hand would never be posted if the river was a 2 so it seems these "bad beats" (despite this one not being really that bad) happen more often then they really do.

    This post is pretty much a bad beat post, so hopefully you feel better now that you posted it.
  • Preflop you were 70% ahead, ok that's good (but not great) for you.

    Post- He flopped an OESD, he has outs (35%), so I guess he wanted to gamble.

    Chalk it up to a "Poop Happens Bad Beat"

    Good ol' Stars!!
  • you were correct...
  • JohnnieH wrote: »

    Post- He flopped an OESD, he has outs (35%), so I guess he wanted to gamble.

    He also had an over card.

    +3 outs (but -2 for the Q's I guess too) so 10 outs


  • DrTyore wrote: »
    He also had an over card.

    +3 outs (but -2 for the Q's I guess too) so 10 outs



    Cardplayer told me 35.15%, with that flop,but whatever.

    If it makes you feel better to correct me for 3%, so be it.
  • I agree with Greg..your opponent is definately an idiot. I'm wondering though where he thought he was... I think he may have put you on a re-steal hand pre flop..at any rate he was prepared to gamble. From his perspective that flop would look pretty good- oesd with TWO overcards..and your shove is suspect to him (which is why its so clever)..you wouldn't do that with a set, two pair, straight. I bet he actually put you on something like a-10 at best and thought he had 14 outs with two cards to come (yes, he's still an idiot who doesn't need to play these big pots)

    The point is that you made a risky shove..and got your chips in with the best of it- I think that (and/or a draw fold from your opponent) is what you wanted when you chose that action -over say betting 2/3 pot on the flop and turn which might have chased him out. Be happy the play went down as you set it up to and he took the bait and made a stupid call.
  • Im gonna say it was a bad beat. But To all those who have ever played on pokerstars they all know this happens regularly....The only thing that I could suggest on how to play that hand differently would be to make a pot sized bet of $900 on the flop which of course he would call. Then on the turn when the 5d comes off you push all in, provided he checks which he most likely will after missing his draw. With only one card to go he has to put you on an overpair, or you've got the straight already and he may lay it down....But there's not much else i can say about that...Good Luck on Riverstars!!
  • You were playing on stars enough said.

    I personally love OESD and 2 overs. The trouble for the OP is if his Q does hit it leaves him in a very bad way with a J filling in the straight.
  • I was playing a home game a little while back with my brother and a couple of his friends. Very first hand I get dealt aces. 2 people call the big blind in front of me everyone else folds. I push when it come to me 1 persone folds but and 1 calls after a little bit. I turn my aces and he flips his pocket 10's. The flop came 9 10 9 makes his full house off the flop. The turn is Ace giving me the better full house. And then the 10 came on the river making his 4 of A kind. That was my first and hopefully LAST bad beat!
  • I was playing a home game a little while back with my brother and a couple of his friends. Very first hand I get dealt aces. 2 people call the big blind in front of me everyone else folds. I push when it come to me 1 persone folds but and 1 calls after a little bit. I turn my aces and he flips his pocket 10's. The flop came 9 10 9 makes his full house off the flop. The turn is Ace giving me the better full house. And then the 10 came on the river making his 4 of A kind. That was my first and hopefully LAST bad beat!
    If you want that to be your last bad beat, you better quit poker right now! ;)

  • You guys keep talkin about bad beats, well here's one for ya.....This never happened to me but it happened to a buddy of mine....He was playing heads up at the final table of a $30 buy-in double shootout tournament...He had just under a 2-1 chip lead and the following hand occurs...My buddy is in the big blind with 8-9 off suit,the small blind calls and my buddy checks.....The flop comes down 6-8-8, so my buddy just flopped a set and has to act first and he decides to slow play it so he checks...His opponent goes all in after he checks the flop and a set heads up is huge so obviously my buddy calls...The guy immediately says 'oh you got me' kinda thing and flips over
    10-5 offsuit for an absolute bluff...But wait! It's not over yet is it? Nope....The turn and the river both came off tens to give the guy a higher full house! Can you believe it? now thats dirty....My buddy however still kept his composure and went on to eventually win...But could you imagine losing the tournament because of that? disgusting.....And I've got way more bad beat stories where that came from.....
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