Another Josh story that no one will believe but totally funny...sort of.

I am staying at my grandpa's taking care of him for a while and we were just leaving to go to the store. There is always a fire going in the fireplace. Anyway, I pulled the screen off and threw another log on so it wouldn't go out while we were getting groceries and it sparked like normal when you throw a log on. My grandpa has this mental cat that decided this spark would be fun to pounce on. It leaped into the fire, hit the backwall of the chimney and landed on the fresh (not burning) log, burnt its tail fur a little and jumped out.

It was crazy and weird and would be worth $10,000 from Bob Saget so I thought I'd share.


  • Dammit Josh,

    When are you gonna stop with the BS? I bet you don't even HAVE a grandfather.


  • bahahahahaha
  • This is a story I can beleive. But Mark's right, a grandfather? C'mon Josh according to the forum you are the spawn of Satan and therefore your Grandfather is God. I highly doubt that God would have a mental cat.

    One thing, why would you ever LEAVE a house when a fire is burning in the fireplace?

    Smokey the Bear and you wouldn't be friends.

    P.S. It's Tom Beregeron on Funniest Videos now, Saget got sacked years ago.
  • Intresting story, cats are mental. I used to have one that chased cars. Surprisingly enough he got taken out by a big dog. I always figured it woulda been a car.
  • You guys r a bunch of weenies I have been to his grandfathers place and his cat is a mental.

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