NHL Hockey Suicide Pool

We have had a quite a few people interested in Round 2 of our suicide pool. We will start it on December 2nd and 3rd Weekend. If you are intrested, sign up here. As you can see it is a lot of fun for only 20.00.

Here is how it works.

Just like the NFL suicide pools, we are running a Hockey NHL suicide pool.
Here is how it works.

Pick one team each week.Â* All those who are right move on the next week.Â* You cannot pick the same team twice.Â* Pick until there is only on person left.Â* They get all the money.Â*

You will have a choice to pick games from saturday or sunday.Â* All picks our due Friday at midnight.Â* Everyones pick will be posted Saturday by noon on a web site. Remember you only have to pick one game from either the Saturday slate of games or the Sunday slate of games

If you forget to make a pick you are out of the tournament.Â* Your team must win inorder to move on to the next week.Â* If the game ends in a tie you are out.

If you sign up you will be given the information as to the web site.

You can get the money to Jeff Shopp, Cameron Wilson, or Brent Wilson.

Cost 20.00Â* If you want to pay via Poker Stars ask for the information and I will send it to you.Â* The cost is still 20.00.Â* Shposy will be handleing all the monies once each of us has collected from the guys we know.

Start Date:Â* We will start December 02 and 03th weekend

Any questions I can answer, just ask here at westsidepokerclub@rogers.com

Cam & Brent Wilson and Jeff Shopp



  • Players

    1. Prophet 22
    2. Shopsy
    3. Blazin 72
    4. Haddon
    5. AcidJoe
    6. Bill R
    7. Steve C
    8. CanadaKev
    9 Hollywoods17
  • I"m in but can't we get Round 1 over with? LOL. Also add Bill R. I will cover his entry when I pay you for mine.
  • Games don't end in ties..
    They have shootouts now
  • Tigerscott wrote: »
    Games don't end in ties..
    They have shootouts now

    Yes but the losing team basically gets credit for what was previously a tie.
  • Lets get this rolling and make it a big POOL.


    I think we should wait till the 18th though till after West Sides Tournament, and get more people from that.

  • We will start this the second weekend in January for those who are interested.
  • So it's not starting this weekend? Just want to clarify.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    So it's not starting this weekend? Just want to clarify.

    right, trying to get a few more players and with the holidays thought it was a bad idea 2nd weekend in January.

  • Run on sentences are so hard to read brent maybe you should use some punctuation when you post so I don't have to read what you are saying over and over and then sometimes have to call you to make sure that I got the jist of your message it is really hard to understand what you posted when you change a thought or add a detail to a comment you made throw in a comma it will make things a lot easier for me love you bro josh
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