Lest We Forget...

To honour all those who sacrificed...


Proudly Canadian! Thanks to you all.


  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    To honour all those who sacrificed...


    Proudly Canadian! Thanks to you all.

    I second that.

    If there are any CPF members are Veterns of war, I'd like to give my profound thanks and gratitude to you.

    Canada is a great nation because of you.

    On a personal note, I don't have any Vets in my family to thank, but I will be visiting Germany and France in the spring. My #1 goal is to pay my respects in personal in Normandy on June 6th.

    For every one else, hug a Vetern today!!
  • My dad’s father and many of his brothers and in-laws whom fought overseas in WWII. He was on the lines, a gunner, firing cannons and who knows what else at the Germanys. He was a feisty guy, you would never mouth off to him or look at him the wrong way. You might just pay for it.

    Anyhow he was a Salvationist, meaning he went to the Salvation Army, for years. My dad told me the story of how they had disassembled the guns and were moving across the ground bodies all around and in pursuit of the Germans when he looked down to avoid a body he noticed a German boy of about 22, dead, and his uniform torn open. Underneath, the man was wearing a Salvation Army T-Shirt. My father said he was never the same man after that, thinking something he shot may have killed a fellow Salvationist.

    I do thank God for our freedoms even though they come at the expense of death.
  • Immensely proud of our veterans and our currently active soldiers who have made our country "glorious and free". Today is tinged with sadness but overall is makes me feel privileged to be living where and how I am.

    Downtown I witnessed a cadet who really knows how important it is to remember. He must have been a bit ill because he had a bit of trouble during the initial march, but he was still there. A 1/2 hour into the ceremony he became faint and was ordered to leave since he could barely stand. He could have stayed home and called in sick, but he showed up instead. That paints a pretty good picture of how some of our youth are carrying the torch...

    And on a related rant - hugely disappointed (and somewhat shocked) with the number of people who chose to show honour by attending today's ceremonies but did not remove their hats during the anthem and the last post. If you're going to pay your respects, be respectful...
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    If there are any CPF members are Veterns of war, I'd like to give my profound thanks and gratitude to you.

    Canada is a great nation because of you.

    On a personal note, I don't have any Vets in my family to thank, but I will be visiting Germany and France in the spring. My #1 goal is to pay my respects in personal in Normandy on June 6th.

    For every one else, hug a Vetern today!!

    This is an interesting link for those who don't have someone specific to thank:


    You can send your thanks, thoughts, prayers here.
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