For all the "On line is Rigged" people

For those who are looking for like minded people. Check out It "confirms" everything from shills to bots to points disappearing etc. It "proves" that the sites have a doom switch to cause you to lose.

Just throwing it out there. :bs:


  • Being a programmer, i love this one about Random Number Generators.

    I read a few of the other articles, sounds like a bunch of Gus Hansen wannabe donks who just can't believe that someone of their skill could lose at online poker.
  • Random number generators are not truly random. They all have a seed or value that intiates the program. They are all computer programs.
    Some give results that are so close to random that it takes millions and millions of trials to show any difference. There proof is over 3 or 4 days of playing? OMG I've gone through weeks of downswings followed by weeks of upswings.

    All I can say is no wonder intel is losing market share to AMD if that guy is a programmer for intel.
  • Nice...break out the tinfoil hats. :)

    Seriously, nice find. I think I'm going to bookmark this site and whenever I run bad, I can read dumbass emails to Crooked Site X that asks them to kindly turn off the doomswitch.
  • What is even funnier is they have links to all the sites in which they "WARN" against playing at in which they are affiliates. So they are getting rake back if you happen to join through their site. Talk about cheating.

    PS I just cashed out 1K at victor chandler and I think they threw the Doom switch on me because I lost 3 SNG's in a row.......
  • ya i did research it as well and random number generators are not random but coded that it would hit certin numbers a lot of the times. and like the previous post states that if you study it for a couple of days you can catch on to the pattern
  • BoyBlue wrote: »
    ya i did research it as well and random number generators are not random but coded that it would hit certin numbers a lot of the times. and like the previous post states that if you study it for a couple of days you can catch on to the pattern
    Yeah ok. Way to show your research ;)

  • Yeah ok. Way to show your research :wink:

    I think The Google on the internets told him...
  • ScoobyD wrote: »
    I think The Google on the internets told him...
    The internets... is that the one with E mail?

  • g2 wrote: »
    The internets... is that the one with E mail?


    Geeze is there more than one internets? I thought there was only one
  • No, in the other internet NO ONE EVER LOSES at online poker when they go in with the best hand - Just like real life :)

    Remember poker is a game of skill and chance - many seem to easily forget the chance part. Never bet more than you can afford to lose and stop bitching.
  • I wasn't in the hand, but it sure gives credence to Poker Stars being rigged. The hand before, 19slats went all in on my BB with Ks Jh, I called with KK and he hit a 4 spade board for the flush. The very next hand.....

    PokerStars Game #7035056634: Tournament #35931108, $6.00+$0.50 Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (1000/2000) - 2006/11/15 - 13:13:21 (ET)
    Table '35931108 2' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
    Seat 1: JLizard (16030 in chips)
    Seat 2: deerhunterbb (4182 in chips)
    Seat 3: 19slats62 (7840 in chips)
    Seat 4: SCOOTMEUP (3040 in chips)
    Seat 5: ArIaNnaRra (12805 in chips)
    Seat 6: ItsHolliday (3380 in chips)
    Seat 7: MDSGuy24 (7068 in chips)
    Seat 9: luckydill (13155 in chips)
    JLizard: posts the ante 100
    deerhunterbb: posts the ante 100
    19slats62: posts the ante 100
    SCOOTMEUP: posts the ante 100
    ArIaNnaRra: posts the ante 100
    ItsHolliday: posts the ante 100
    MDSGuy24: posts the ante 100
    luckydill: posts the ante 100
    deerhunterbb: posts small blind 1000
    19slats62: posts big blind 2000
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    Dealt to MDSGuy24 [6s Jh]
    SCOOTMEUP: folds
    ArIaNnaRra: folds
    ItsHolliday: raises 1280 to 3280 and is all-in
    MDSGuy24: folds
    luckydill: folds
    JLizard: folds
    deerhunterbb: folds
    19slats62: calls 1280
    *** FLOP *** [Ts Qc Qh]
    *** TURN *** [Ts Qc Qh] [Th]
    *** RIVER *** [Ts Qc Qh Th]
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    19slats62: shows [Ac Tc] (four of a kind, Tens)
    ItsHolliday: shows [Ad Qd] (a full house, Queens full of Tens)
    19slats62 collected 8360 from pot
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 8360 | Rake 0
    Board [Ts Qc Qh Th Td]
    Seat 1: JLizard (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 2: deerhunterbb (small blind) folded before Flop
    Seat 3: 19slats62 (big blind) showed [Ac Tc] and won (8360) with four of a kind, Tens
    Seat 4: SCOOTMEUP folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 5: ArIaNnaRra folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 6: ItsHolliday showed [Ad Qd] and lost with a full house, Queens full of Tens
    Seat 7: MDSGuy24 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 9: luckydill folded before Flop (didn't bet)
  • MDSguy said (sorry the quote feature seems screwy)

    "I wasn't in the hand, but it sure gives credence to Poker Stars being rigged. The hand before, 19slats went all in on my BB with Ks Jh, I called with KK and he hit a 4 spade board for the flush. The very next hand....."

    Now stop and think about that for a minute, the belief that two unlikely events gives credence to a site being rigged. Many people would think that in that case and they would be wrong for so many reasons including:

    - Obvious lack of a proper sample size. Crazy hands like that happen very rarely, but they do happen (in fact if they never happened that would be a sign of trouble). I can recall several hands just like that, but it is not like they happen every day. The combination of an unlikely event and selective memory (ie: tuning out the mundane hands) leads to the belief that the unusual happening at an expected rate feel like they happen more often.

    - Common sense. Let's pretend Pokerstars "rigged" this hand. I guess my next question would be what purpose would rigging serve here?

    Ignoring for the fact that it is a very small buy in tournament, the fact is Stars makes no extra money regardless of who wins this hand, so why rig it, and if they do rig it why would they rig it against soime random small stakes players and in favor of others? Keep in mind doing this would risk their entire business should it be properly caught, ie: with statistical proof that can be easily obtained using databases and hand histories. Watching a couple wild hands and leaping to the xxx is rigged belief based on that is not quite "proof."

    Pokerstars risking everything by rigging their games randomly to benefit some players and hurt others while providing them with no added benefit to their bottom line. How much more can that fail the well, duh common sense test.

    The link in the original post made me laugh as that affiliate site is a stroke of genius. Look at what it does - it encourages beliefs in rigging and requires people to help test out the theories to prove it. This is done by these rigged believers downloading the software to prove the rigging and providing that affiliate site with $50+ per sign up.

    After they post about their doom switches, non random hands etc. to their hearts content (which is what brings happiness to these people). The guy behind that website cheers them on while banking the money he makes off these suckers.

    It is a great business model (albeit a bit evil) that caters to and exploits those that are easily mentally manipulated.

    I only wish I thought of doing it first :P
  • The link in the original post made me laugh as that affiliate site is a stroke of genius. Look at what it does - it encourages beliefs in rigging and requires people to help test out the theories to prove it. This is done by these rigged believers downloading the software to prove the rigging and providing that affiliate site with $50+ per sign up

    I did highlight the fact he is an affiliate for all those sites as well as the ONE sight that isn't rigged. He probably gets a better deal for sending the fishes there anyways. I don't believe what he's doing is evil or even wrong, he's strictly giving everyone a forum to vent.

    I believe live poker is more rigged especially (ask MDSguy or GTA poker they were at the table with me) after I call an all in with KK, the cute girl with JJ gets out of the way I flop top set to QQ who also flops a set, he then turns the case Q to beat me. I must be rigged cuz on stars it woulda been something on the turn to also give me a flush draw then give me the Q that fills in the boat, makes the flush but still gives him quads.....

    I had my tinfoil had but I seem to have lost it.
  • This one is from a comment titled "Doom Switch Button on Full Tilt"
    Not only that, but after this I can't win a hand and as the other letter stated I was beginning to think I'm the worst poker player or have the worst luck in the world, lose a hand 9/10 suited to a 10/8 off suit all-in, then the topper a/a all-in during a tournament, 1/2 way through all-in again against 9-9 and I'm holding A-A which I raised 4 times the blind pre-flop. Ended up losing that one to a set of 9s. that misconception "I have aces..doesn't that mean I win?!" The funny part is that, from what I understand, this wasn't even an all in preflop...he just raised it up and the 9's followed...then the 9's hit.

    I've read a couple other articles/comments and though some stories, if true, seem highly improbable (therefore, appearing quads 3 times in a row)....but considering the massive amount of hands being dealt, these things can eventually happen even though they seem impossible.

    Nonetheless, I'm going to put on my tin foil hat just incase...and start digging for my bomb shelter.
  • Let me preface this by stating that I do not believe in anyway online poker is rigged – I have witnessed just as many anomalies in real life as on-line.

    Having said that, for those who do, do you consider the alleged “rigging” to be a benefit or detriment to your game?

    If you view it as a detriment to your game – why would you continue to play online?

    However, if you see this as a benefit (as I think this argument could be made), why do you complain when it works against you? It should be more profitable for you than not.


    If you assume that the “rigging” is random – meaning that you are just as likely to get screwed as any other player at the table – you should be able to turn this into a profitable situation.

    For example – “Online poker is rigged – my AA is always cracked by low pairs”

    If this is so, that means that your low pairs will also crack AA. How does this become profitable? Adjust your play so that you do not drop your stack on just a high pair – when it is clear someone has out-flopped you.

    On the flip side – when you hit your set against someone you put on a high pair, who you know is a weak player who cant let go of top pair – be sure to get them to put in their whole stack.

    If online poker is rigged, randomly, this should create profitable situations for astute players who understand how to maximize profits on the best hand – and MORE IMPORTANTLY minimize losses on the second best hand.

    If you can get away from a big pair when you are beat you will be ahead of most people at the table who will call the all-in (Generally knowing they are behind – but get flustered that the aces they haven’t seen in 2 weeks just got cracked).

    I will reiterate that I do not believe that on-line poker is rigged.

    But I sure wish it was :)
  • Online poker isn't rigged...

    God hates you cuz you touch yourself....

    That's why I take so many, MANY bad beats.

  • i always get a chuckle from you guys who feel it is your duty to refute any and all claims that online poker is rigged. you spend way too much energy on it. do you really think a conspiracy theorist can be convinced by something as flimsy as logic and hard evidence?

    next i suppose you're going to try to convince them elvis ISN'T working at a grocery store in michigan, lee harvey oswald DID act alone and man DID walk on the moon. save your breath.

    p.s. :) (for monteroy and tnorth now)
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    i always get a chuckle from you guys who feel it is your duty to refute any and all claims that online poker is rigged. you spend way too much energy on it. do you really think a conspiracy theorist can be convinced by something as flimsy as logic and hard evidence?

    next i suppose you're going to try to convince them elvis ISN'T working at a grocery store in michigan, lee harvey oswald DID act alone and man DID walk on the moon. save your breath.

    p.s. :) (for monteroy and tnorth now)

    I actually have this saved on word - so I just throw it in every time this post comes back around :)

    Well said. Its like trying to convince them that the Free Market is the ONLY to achieve EQUALITY and that the NDP is a sham.
  • BTW, my post was made entirely in jest. I'm sorry it didn't come across that way.
  • Here is the solution, no more issues if you use this....
  • this thread needs one of these.

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