bring back xxcindyxx!

suddenly i have a hankering for some spam.

at least she was fun.

i miss you cindy. :(


  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    suddenly i have a hankering for some spam.

    at least she was fun.

    i miss you cindy. :(

    I thought you were too busy with coolteen to miss xxcindyxx.
  • joe, you missed the key point. let me help you:
    pkrfce9 wrote: »
    at least she was fun
  • and too many people are sticking up for cool teen. Why? I have no idea. If they thought he was 40 begging for pennies they'd be less likely to support him. They assume he is a teen because he has "teen" in his name.
  • I love that he (cool_teen) is even filtering into other posts...

    For the love of God..won't somebody just focus on sweet sweet xxcindyxx?

    We could create a WOMEN PLAYERS ONLY section on the forum, and we can focus on you ALL ;)

    I'M KIDDING!!!
  • I'm a rancid b#$%h so I don't really mind fighting with you guys..I wonder if the other women would be more willing to post thoughts and opinions if there WAS a woman's section?

    Yes, I ladies who posted strongly in the other thread are merely players and we're all equal and ...Kumbayah m'lord...lets hold hands. I mean the NEW or QUIET women. (to which none of us who will post can reasonably claim to be<---do you see how I've headed the argument off at the pass with a catch 22?)

    You can try argue that its unnecessary..but I'll smugly point out the numbers of women creating threads and responding strongly suggest that perhaps SOME form of a secure place to post COULD be useful?

    I started it..but I'm not finishing it. I'm exhausted by this fight, I REFUSE TO DEBATE THE PROS AND CONS. My opinion is listed above-do with it what you will.

    I say give the woman's section a shot..and put ElElliot in charge-provided xxCindyxx doesn't come back to take her place as rightful queen. ;)
  • HEY! this thread isn't about that. it's about xxcindyxx.

    p.s. me and cool_teen are buds. he's shovelling my snow this winter for cpf bucks. cool_teen roxors!
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I wonder if the other women would be more willing to post thoughts and opinions if there WAS a woman's section?
    I say give the woman's section a shot..and put ElElliot in charge-provided xxCindyxx doesn't come back to take her place as rightful queen. ;)

    I started this thread as a joke but I do believe this is a great idea.

    A "women only" section would hopefully encourage more WOMEN to discuss issues they feel are relevant to THEM. El or Kristy would make great moderators. I hope you can figure out how to keep the troglodytes out.
  • When I said I was kidding.... I WAS!

    Honestly, do we really need a women's only section in a poker forum? Aren't we all players here, regardless of gender? Sure women have unique challenges, but who doesn't?

    How about a Struggling Begging Teen section?

    Or how about a Old Fart Section?

    Or how about a YUPPIE Smart Car Driving Struggling Writer Section?
  • Ouch...

    You're not that old AJ

  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    When I said I was kidding.... I WAS!

    Honestly, do we really need a women's only section in a poker forum? Aren't we all players here, regardless of gender? Sure women have unique challenges, but who doesn't?
    well i WASN'T.

    i think any homogeneous group (careful, look it up if you have to...) that has relevant issues to discuss should have a forum for that. is there harm in that? there *is* a ching hill forum after all, isn't there?

    christ, i've hijacked my own thread, now :mad:
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    there *is* a ching hill forum after all, isn't there?

    Point taken, but Ching Hill does not segregate in any way other than an age limit. And mostly, it's designed to update on league games and activities, not so much to voice opinions and discuss game challenges. There are already sections for that type of discussion and most of us post in those sections.

    Hey, I don't want to come off here in a bad, woman bashing manner AT ALL...but I truly don't see the need for a separate section based on GENDER or AGE or SEXUAL PERFERENCES (should that topic ever come up).
  • put ElElliot in charge-provided xxCindyxx doesn't come back to take her place as rightful queen.

    I do agree that women face some unique challenges in poker (both positive and negative). Our experiences at the poker table are different than those of men - because our experiences in life are different because of our gender, but also because we're currently a minority in the game.

    That said, I'm not all the comfortable discussing my views on the challenges/differences I experience, because I happen to play regularly with many of you.....and frankly, the less you know about what I'm thinking, the better ;)

    I do think it's a great idea to help encourage women in the game (and to post on the forum)...but I think the best way to do that is to have an active, female presence in the current boards. So while I appreciate the suggestion of having me mod a "women's section" - I'll pass. Besides, how could I ever compete with sexy xxCindyxx?

    I think it would be great to have a ladies night game....Easy and I were talking on Thursday about setting something up for December....hopefully it'll come together and we can have a great estrogen-filled night of poker.
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    I think it would be great to have a ladies night game....Easy and I were talking on Thursday about setting something up for December....hopefully it'll come together and we can have a great estrogen-filled night of poker.

    My offer to deal still stands.
  • valid post El but... i believe the point is not merely discussion of what happens to women at the table (although there are challenges there too) but also getting to the table then getting home from the table. i don't think you'd be giving away any secrets by participating in discussions of that nature, assuming they are relevant to your situation.

    AJ, my point about ching hill forum is, it is for a group of players with a similar interests. can you not draw a parallel to female players wanting to discuss their challenges? in theory, cpf could all be one big forum with posts on any topic at all. while we are at it, why not roll other sites' forums into this one too? it gets a bit absurd without some kind of organization. there's a reason for separate forums - so users of similar interests can have a comfortable place to discuss their issues. and yes, there could be forums for groups based on age, sexual preference, type of golf clubs they want to sell, etc - provided there were things relevant to that group to discuss and there was sufficient number of participants to keep it useful - just like ching hill. do you remember the whole point in taking the club games out of the home games section? not exactly the same but it illustrates the utility of keeping related threads in the same forum.

    it's not clear to me if there is sufficient support (i.e. women who would participate) to justify a separate forum. it's just an idea someone else (i.e. YOU) put forward that i happen to think is viable. your or my support for the idea, though, is irrelevant. it has to come from those who would participate.

    ok, i've sucked the life out of what was intended to be a fun thread.
    btw, i am xxcindyxx. or maybe imjoshhaddon.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    we're all equal and ...Kumbayah m'lord...lets hold hands.

    You can try argue that its unnecessary..but I'll smugly point out the numbers of women creating threads and responding strongly suggest that perhaps SOME form of a secure place to post COULD be useful?

    This is what is so awesome about my pre-emptive arguing...I've already shown you why your points don't really apply.

    I heart copy and paste
  • __________________
    The age-old question: If a girl wins at the poker table, and there are no men she still just 'lucky'

    I just saw this now...very funny.
    It almost warrants an 'e' "lol".
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