Whoo need play money on POKER STARS

hey guys,

How u guys doing, hope u doing all good. Actually i recently work really hard to earn some play money on POKER STARS, as its not like PARTY POKER to fake chips so easily... so i got 200K play money if i was wondering that if any body want to buy it for $3.50... just tell me. I dont even know if this is right way to earn some money but I hope no one get offended by it. Thnx a lot

looking forward for deals from you guys thnx bye:blob"


  • would you just go away? you are a serious waste of cpf $$$
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    would you just go away? you are a serious waste of cpf $$$

    dude wats the problem man if u got like 2000 above post it doesn't mean that u are the god of this site common man i was just trying to ask if anybody was interested i didn't do anything wrong man thats what forums are for.... like why u keep annoying me.... i don't understand if u don't wanna read my post or u just hate me so plz ignore me...by the way i didn't wrote anything wrong over here this time ???

    I need suggestion on this one plz...did i wrote something wrong , like why pkrce is keep posting stupid stuff in my starting thread... is that how u increase ur post everytime .... u need a break dude

    go home and relax

  • This forum is not a place for someone who is constantly wanting stuff. People come here to share thoughts...comment on other's thoughts...discuss poker...have fun...but


    people hate it and are starting to hate you because of it

    Take the hint..either stop with the begging/soliciting or please just go away...we all get enough of the jehova's witnesses at our door and telemarketers bugging us at home while we're trying to eat dinner...WE DON'T NEED IT HERE!!

    thank you
  • have you got any golf clubs for sale?
  • nobody is going to give you REAL MONEY for PLAY money... and even if which they wouldn't, IF someone wanted to buy them $3.50 for 200K is a horrible price consider stars a while back bought 1 MILLION for $1... someone ban this guy...
  • specialK wrote: »
    IF someone wanted to buy them $3.50 for 200K is a horrible price consider stars a while back bought 1 MILLION for $1

    are you haggling? ;)

    Shame, poor kid..you guys are so hard on him. Had it occured to all, to simply not read these posts?
  • cool teen,

    I tried to be nice and defend you in other posts. I'm all for giving someone a second chance, and forgiving past mistakes.

    Way to blow it.

    You are now a real nuisance to this forum. PFC.com is a place to discuss poker related issues and events, not a town square where you can panhandle for change! NOBODY in their right mind is going to give you ANY money, nor trade play money for real.

    Seriously, does your parents even know that you're spending gross amounts of time playing online poker while you should be doing your homework?

    If you want to goof off online, at least do at youtube like other teenagers.

  • Another thought..don't posts eventually lead to $$$ on some site? (I vaguely remember hearing something to that effect?)

    Cool_Teen you could try to become a full member of the site making positive posts and sharing your poker experiences, questions and comments in the meanwhile..if what I'm thinking is correct it may lead you to real money anyway, and you'll be a much better player when you get there.

    Best of luck, look forward to learning poker with you. There seem to be some very keen poker minds on this site.
  • Again, I seem to be confused or at least in the miority.

    Coolteen has posted in the "General Poker Chat" section. He is asking if anyone wants to trade real money for play money.

    Do I think this is likely to happen? No.
    Do I think that this is a good way to make a first impression? No
    Do I think that there is anything wrong with posting it? No.

    Coolteen, use some common sense - nobody on here is going to give you money, so please stop trying. Kristy is correct, it is possible to earn enough CPF points by making RELEVANT posts. It will take a while, but less time than begging / cyber panhandling.

    As for everyone else - hey, he's a kid, and we do get "holier than thou" at times - I do too... it makes us feel good, it's fun and easy!! However, it also makes the internet a horrible place at times.

    Kristy brings up the point, don't read it. If you do read it, mutter to yourself that he's a tool, but no need to reply - ignoring these are more effective. I believe someone observed in the first "who wants to give me money" thread that he was amazed that it had gotten to three pages. This is why.

    If this guy earns a banning / moderatory action, then the moderators will deal with it.

  • Hey Teen go to this site http://www.bigbadbullets.com/index.php and please for the love of god quit begging here.
  • If I had money in my Stars account I'd give you fiddy cent. I got some CPF bucks for sale who wants to buy them ..... LOL. I feel this whole thread is just more of some dude who can't really coherently make a few words meaningful. It's just :bs:
  • wow i didn't knew that small question not a request????? a question.... gonna make a such a big post and a big deal i don't know why every one here take so seriously my god.... i said if this is right i even mention it that Is this right to ask here .... if somebody would have said in a sentence " no its not right to post and no body even gonna give u any money for play money " than i would have thnx that guy and said my apologize... and should have asked to close this thread ...but i don't know why u people made it such a big issue... ok fine lets over this money topic because i got it now there is no point of being requesting u guys wat ever...

    lets discuss some poker man...

    ANY BODY HERE ever been to WSOP main event ... or meet with some famous player like joe hachem or fossil man?

  • DrTyore,

    Great message and well said. Your sentiment can actually be applied to a number of instances, not the least of which is when people berate bad players, even when the bad player loses the pot! As a result i have seen many of these "bad" players then leave the table, only to be replaced by a tight rock. Great way to maintain an edge!

    It makes no sense to dervive 100% of your own self worth through denigrating others, despite the fact that may really be tools.

    You could not have said it any better.

  • How much would people be willing to pay for 1 million?

    DrTyore makes some valid points, don't rag on the kid, and if you don't like the post then don't keep it alive by posting to it.

    ON a related topic:

    I have seen many people say they will buy play money chips on Poker Stars does any one know if they actually do?
  • cool_teen wrote: »
    go home and relax
    i was at home and relaxed when i wrote that...

    i apologize if i hurt your feelings when i crapped on your post. that was very un-canadian of me. you are correct, i am not the god of this forum (just ask bbc about that). i was just expressing my distaste. again seriously un-canadian.

    if not for your earlier thread, i *would* have ignored this one. if you once had thousands and are now begging for pennies, i have to believe you have a serious problem with gambling.

    when i saw your post it brought up the image of the homeless drunks begging for change by the train station. i'd far rather see a drunk get some help than a few dollars to continue his downward spiral. but that is just me being judgemental again.

    best of luck to you. i won't bother to comment on any of your posts in the future. others are correct that it makes no sense to add fuel to the fire.
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    How much would people be willing to pay for 1 million?

    ON a related topic:

    I have seen many people say they will buy play money chips on Poker Stars does any one know if they actually do?

    From my research (yes I looked into it :( ) $10 for 1 000 000 play chips. If you use your favourite internet search engine (I still refuse to use 'google' as a verb) you should find some results.

    edit: Hobbes' post above should help as well.

  • Just curious, but WHY would anyone pay real money for play money chips? If they have $10 to spend, wouldn't it be worth it to play in micro limits and see if they are able to "move up" to real money?

    I just don't get it.

  • I've heard of people asking for it before. I think there is some scam involved somewhere but I haven't figured it out yet.

    I have no clue why someone would pay for play money. Especially $10 for only a million. It doesn't make any logical sense.
  • I wonder if there are any poker books dealing with specifically cool teens problem. He is a struggling teenager, a struggling poker player, a struggling student, and likely has too much time on his hands due to lack of parental support.

    Now there is a person who clearly has some unique issues dealing with poker. And women thought they had it bad. Sheesh.
  • hey cool-teen wanna cyber? asl?
  • just ban the kid, what a goof. i dont post on here that often because of my schedule, when i do get the chance to come here and catch up, i dont want to have to sift through this crap
  • Cool Teen, I will take your play money chips and will pay you the sum of $10 for them.

    Straight up.

    You ship me your chips first, I assume they are on Poker Stars?

    Ship to MDSGuy24 (Ajax)

    Once I have the play money in my account, I will ship you $10 to your account.

    Do it, do it now before I change my mind.
  • wow i cant belive how long this thread has gotten over this. And i agree whywould anyone in their right mind trade real $$$ for fake $$$. but i guess that there are realy just some not so bright people out there
  • If anyone wants play money I've got a couple million on Ultimate bet.

    I'll give it to anyone for free.

    I can't see why anyone would pay even $.01 for play money..

    It doesn't take you long to get a million if you just play tight preflop.
  • Why is this guy met with so much bashing? I've seen many players sell play money for no a few bucks. I guess this might not be the correct forum section thought would it?

    Btw can play money even get you anything on stars?
  • Btw can play money even get you anything on stars?

    Nope, It's worthless.

    I've got about 230,000 on stars... if anyone wants it, I'll give it away for free.

    It's probably good to start playing with play money to learn the interface ...

    But if you can't beat the play money players. ...

    You got no business depositing money.

    Play the freerolls and build a bankroll on nothing or else do bonus to build your bankroll.
  • QueenNine wrote: »
    Cool Teen, I will take your play money chips and will pay you the sum of $10 for them.

    Straight up.

    You ship me your chips first, I assume they are on Poker Stars?

    Ship to MDSGuy24 (Ajax)

    Once I have the play money in my account, I will ship you $10 to your account.

    Do it, do it now before I change my mind.

    i will do it , just let me know if u are still intersted. thnx
  • cool_teen wrote: »
    i will do it , just let me know if u are still intersted. thnx
  • waiting 4 years to level.........I bow to ur greatness
  • POTW, if not for Kirk and that whole bracelet thingy . . .
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